Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 907 The Wang Family Generation

The strange red light covering the sky is receding, and the darkness covering the ground is disappearing.

With the appearance of the incomprehensible paper man carrying the sedan chair, Chen Qiaoyang slipped away from Yang Jian's fifth-level ghost realm. This departure left him powerless because it was too sudden, and most of his own The ghost is still fighting against other ghosts.

His own condition is not very good.

By the time he reacted, the supernatural phenomenon of the paper man carrying the sedan chair had disappeared.

Chen Qiaoyang also disappeared together.

The powerful ghosts that can invade the fifth-level ghost realm are absolutely extraordinary. It is difficult to even find them if they leave Yang Jian at this moment.

"I just barely erased half of his memory, which means I only stole half of his memory. Although I didn't succeed, I didn't completely fail. This confrontation is considered a draw." Yang Jian's eyes were filled with light. Standing there with a red light, holding a golden cracked spear.

The reason why he didn't think he won was because he knew that the ghost herder Chen Qiaoyang still had great potential that could be tapped.

Once he finds the terrifying ghost, his danger level will rise sharply.

And the most troublesome thing is that Chen Qiaoyang is not afraid of hatchets.

Even if he dismembers him, he probably won't be able to kill him, so he can only find a way to erase his consciousness.

"Hey, Xiao Yang, you were too careless. He slipped away. It's over, it's over, it's over. He saw Father Bear's face just now. He will definitely take revenge on Father Bear in the future. Xiao Yang, hurry up. , hurry up and ask that Liu San to help me make a paper man again, this time it will be more handsome."

When Xiong Wenwen saw Chen Qiaoyang slipping away, he became frightened.

After all, Chen Qiaoyang looked like he was going to tear him apart just now, so he wanted to change his appearance and start a new life.

"Your prediction has gone awry." Yang Jian said, "This time is not your limit."

"How can things involving supernatural beings be so accurate? Besides, we have tried our best. Look at that little king, standing there just talking and not doing anything, just holding a bucket of popcorn." Xiong Wenwen rolled his eyes and said directly Shifting the blame, he pointed at Wang Chaling not far away.

Wang Chaling's eyes moved slightly. Although what Xiong Wenwen said was unpleasant, it was indeed easy to provoke conflicts at this time.

"We didn't include him in our plan, so in the final analysis we made a mistake. These are two different things." After Yang Jian finished speaking, he glanced at Wang Chaling again.

"What are you thinking about? Wang Chaling, are you waiting for me and Chen Qiaoyang to die together?"

Wang Chaling said: "I don't know the situation in the ghost domain, and I thought you had already won. If you intervene rashly at this time, you might think I am taking advantage, so I hesitated, but I didn't think of Chen Qiaoyang. The counterattack will be so fast, even your ghost realm can be invaded, and the four paper figures carrying the paper sedan are very extraordinary."

"Speaking of the paper man, maybe he has something to do with Liu San. He should know something."

Paperman Liu San?

Yang Jian frowned.


The sudden appearance of paper people and paper sedans is indeed very similar to Liu San's supernatural style.

But he felt that the relationship between the two was not big, because this kind of supernatural being ran out of the ancient house, and Liu San should be controlling some kind of puzzle.

"It doesn't matter whether you are related to Liu San or not. What's important is that you didn't even help me stop a ghost. Li Jun probably didn't help me either. Is this what we did to join forces? I'm very worried now. I want to know if you are really a waste, or are you hiding your clumsiness?"

Yang Jian said with a cold face and flicked the cracked spear in his hand.

The dead body nailed by the coffin nails immediately flew out and hit Wang Chaling's side.

This corpse that looked like it had been hacked to death with a sharp weapon was a fierce ghost. It was only suppressed by the coffin nails just now, so it seemed very calm and there was no danger. However, once it is freed from the suppression of the coffin nails, it will immediately revive. As for killing people, No one knows what the rules are and how the killings are carried out.

But it must be unusual for a ghost to be kept by Chen Qiaoyang.

Wang Chaling watched the dead body flying towards him, and his expression suddenly changed slightly. He knew that Yang Jian was dissatisfied with him and wanted to test him.

But the next moment.

Two lifeless, wrinkled old men, like old men who had been dead for many days, appeared strangely in front of Chen Qiaoyang.

These two old men, a man and a woman, looked like a couple.

Before Li Gui's body could fall, he was caught by the two terrifying old men with their stiff palms raised.

One person grabbed the corpse's head, and another grabbed the corpse's feet.

The corpse was reviving, and the ghost was struggling, but there was no way to get rid of the shackles of the two terrifying old men. It seemed that the confrontation between the ghosts had come to an end in an instant.

The resurrecting ghost thrown out by Yang Jian was suppressed.

But the most horrifying thing is.

The pair of terrifying old men held the corpse tightly with their stiff hands and slowly pulled it.

The body of the ghost full of wounds was forcibly stretched and stretched, and its shape changed. And at the end, the body of the ghost suddenly let out a weird scream, like a dead man waking up from his corpse, or some kind of horror. Even Li Gui felt the danger of its power.


The dead body was torn apart abruptly and turned into two pieces. At the same time, Li Gui stopped struggling.

The puzzle pieces have been broken up, the supernatural being has been suppressed, and it is not even enough to revive. In this state, this kind of evil ghost can even be controlled by ordinary people, and the degree of danger has been reduced to an incredible level.

"Huh?" Yang Jian narrowed his eyes and stared at the two lifeless old men.

After the two terrifying ghosts in front of Wang Chaling finished this thing, their figures gradually became blurry, disappeared, and finally hid again.

"With the power of two ghosts, the other ghost was torn apart alive. At the same time, the supernatural being was suppressed and the puzzle was broken up. This suppression has even reached a point where there is no threat for the time being." Yang Jian held tightly. took the spear in his hand,

He felt an unimaginable terror and danger.

The supernatural power of these two ghosts combined has simply reached an incredible level.

This situation made Yang Jian think of ghosts and the tall male corpse holding a hatchet. This kind of fierce ghost, let alone killing people, even other ghosts cannot fight against it.

"This is definitely an S-class supernatural ghost."

Yang Jian's experience told him that once the two old ghosts around Wang Chaling got out of control, they would definitely be classified as an S-level supernatural event.

"Captain Yang, it's not that I don't want to take action, it's just a personal error in judgment. You have also seen that ghost herder. He is suspected of being able to control ghosts. If I send another ghost to him, do you think that the battle just now will Can I still win? I have my concerns, you don’t have to doubt me."

Wang Chaling said seriously.

At this moment, he showed the terrifying side of the Wang family's generation of fierce ghosts.

The mutilated and motionless dead body on the ground is the best proof.

"Are you afraid of losing control? Then don't you think Chen Qiaoyang is afraid of death? If he had the ability to take away the ghosts around you, he would have done it long ago instead of leaving." Yang Jian said.

"I don't want to gamble, because if I don't gamble, I won't lose. And why should I gamble with Chen Qiaoyang? I have accumulated three generations of the Wang family and bet my life with a desperado? If I lose, my Wang family will lose control. , what do you think the consequences will be? And Li Jun has also fallen into trouble. If he was still here, I wouldn't be so passive."

Wang Chaling said rationally and soberly.

"That makes sense. If you don't gamble, you won't lose. If that's the case, what do you get?" Yang Jian said coldly.

"I don't need to gain anything, I just need not to lose anything. I'm different from you. The fate of my Wang family is here. I just need to hold on to this inheritance. Time will take care of the rest." Wang Chaling said.

Yang Jian understood what this guy meant.

This Wang Chaling is like the rich second generation in the supernatural circle. He has inherited some kind of family supernatural power. As long as he doesn't take risks, this supernatural power will always be there.

"But now that your Wang family's ancient residence is out of control, and the pendulum clock is restarted, all the evil spirits from the previous school days will be released, and Dadong City is no longer safe." Yang Jian said.

Wang Chaling said: "I will handle this matter. The ghosts in the ancient house were all imprisoned by my Wang family before. Our Wang family can imprison them once or a second time. Chen Qiaoyang is gone. Those who were previously cursed by the pendulum clock To be honest, this operation is relatively complete for me."

"I should thank you, and Li Jun."

"Aren't you afraid of being beaten when you say this now?" Yang Jian said.

"I don't think so. Although I didn't help, I don't have any conflict with you. Moreover, I will also have to deal with the problem of the ancient mansion losing control in the future. If it's just like this, the two captains of us have to fight here, it would be a little bit... It's too childish." Wang Chaling said.

Yang Jian said: "So, you are the final winner? Li Jun put himself in danger, I had a fight with Chen Qiaoyang, and you didn't do anything, just waiting to take over the ancient house?"

"I can't say that, I just didn't expect things to turn out like this." Wang Chaling said.

He underestimated Li Jun's impulsiveness and Yang Jian's ferocity.

According to his idea, the three of them would act together, so that he could take back the ancient house in a safe way.

"Hey, Xiao Yang, Xiao Wang, please stop talking and look at that thing. Is it staring at us?" At this time, Xiong Wenwen said hurriedly. He suddenly ran away, pointing to the other side and lying on the ground. The emaciated body on top.

The mummy was missing an arm, but it raised its head slightly at this moment, and its dry eyes moved strangely, seeming to be looking at Yang Jian and Wang Chaling.

This fierce ghost was also brought out by Chen Qiaoyang.

He was fighting against his ghost before, but now Yang Jian's ghost has been taken back. This ghost has no restraints and shows signs of activity.

"I will take care of it." Wang Chaling said.

Just as he finished speaking, a terrifying old man with a wrinkled face and a lifeless face slowly emerged. The old man walked towards the skinny mummy, stretched out his cold and stiff hands to grab it, and picked it up like picking up rags. , and then slowly turned around and left.

Except for the fierce ghost that was torn into two pieces just now, this second ghost was also easily suppressed by Wang Chaling.

There is still a corpse with no head standing there motionless, and a ghost covered in countless black ghost hands.

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly. He walked to the corpse covered with countless ghost hands and stabbed it with the spear in his hand.

The ghost hands gradually disappeared.

A terrifying ghost that turned white and swollen as if soaked in water revealed its true appearance.

"I was very interested in this ghost, so I took it away." Yang Jian said.

"If you are interested, feel free to do so. After all, you are the one who will handle it. If you need it, I can package the rest and give it to you," Wang Chaling said.

Yang Jian said: "No need, those ghosts should stay in your Wang family's ancient house. I don't want Dachang City to have such a gathering place for fierce ghosts."

Although Li Gui is valuable, it brings greater risks to Yang Jian now.

Because the more ghosts you have in your hands, if they are sealed for a long time, there is always the danger of losing control.

Yang Jian didn't want this, so most of the ghosts he imprisoned would be taken away by the headquarters. He would only stay unless there was something special.

"In that case, I'm going to deal with the aftermath. I'll trouble you outside." Wang Chaling said, and then the terrifying old man took away the severed and dismembered ghost not far away.

Yang Jian said; "After you have dealt with the situation in the ancient house, I will find a suitable time to take away the pendulum clock. Such a supernatural item will not be of much use in your hands, so why not give it to me."

Wang Chaling's expression suddenly changed slightly.

"It's best if you agree. If you don't agree, I'll grab you. If you dare to stop me, I'll kill you." Yang Jian said coldly.

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