Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 911 Broken Cupboard

Yang Jian left alone not to rush home to rest, but to deal with the aftermath.

The red wooden bench brought back needs to be imprisoned and preserved, and the ghost that was taken away from Chen Qiaotou also needs to be properly dealt with. Once the supernatural being is leaked, it may be another headache for the supernatural incident.

He doesn't trust others doing this, so he still has to do it himself.

Fortunately, there are currently no other matters in Dachang City, so Yang Jian's job is relatively easy.

By the time I finished dealing with these things, it was already late at night.

Yang Jian left the safe house and walked alone on the path of Guanjiang Community, frowning as if he was thinking about something.

"After struggling to survive on the edge of death, Feng Quan controlled the third ghost. If I am not wrong, Feng Quan's memory has been restored by this time. The blood-stained old newspaper seems to have the supernatural power to modify the memory. It has failed, which can be seen from the change in his name for me."

"But it doesn't matter. In this situation, what will happen even if he recovers his memory?"

After Yang Jian thought for a while, he skipped this matter, and then continued to calculate: "The matter of the ghost post office is not over yet. Next time if the letter delivery task occurs, I will be on the fourth floor of the ghost post office. The ghost post office is on the fourth floor." There must be a ghost controller on the fourth level, otherwise ordinary people would have died long ago given the danger of delivering letters on the fourth level."

During the letter delivery mission on the third floor of the Ghost Post Office, he had already encountered the incident in Room 301 of Dachuan City, and almost fell into trouble there.

At the fourth level, the level of danger will definitely continue to increase.

He had no idea what supernatural events he would be exposed to at that time.

In addition, there is one more important thing to pay attention to than the ghost post office, and that is that the transaction between you and the ghost closet has not been completed yet.

The transaction content of the ghost closet is to let yourself enter an old house and open a locked wooden door.

The key is still in Yang Jian's hand.

But I don’t know where that ancient house is.

The ghost closet only gave Yang Jian ninety days. Although there are still nearly two months left, what makes him feel uneasy is the horror behind the deal and the price of breach of contract.

"Can I now bear the punishment after the failed transaction with Ghost Cabinet?" Yang Jian did not think about completing the transaction at the first time.

The first thing he thought of was cheating.

A deal with a ghost closet is a road to death.

You can only use the Ghost Cabinet to help you survive in emergencies, but you can't keep trading with the Ghost Cabinet, so in the end you have to choose a suitable opportunity to cheat. If you don't do this, you will definitely be fooled to death by the transaction content of the Ghost Cabinet. .

With this thought.

Yang Jian came to the top floor of a decorative bell tower in the community.

An old-fashioned cupboard painted with bright red paint is quietly placed here. Although this cupboard looks normal, it always reveals a strange and strange feeling that makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"The red wooden bench and the red cabinet are all products of an era." Yang Jian looked at the paint on it that seemed to be dripping like blood, and immediately thought of the red wooden bench he brought back before.

This is a supernatural object from the Republic of China period. It has the characteristics of that era in appearance and style.

But Yang Jian is not studying this now.

He stared at the ghost closet with slightly hesitant and thoughtful eyes.

After thinking for less than half a minute, Yang Jian seemed to have made a decision.

His ghost eyes turned strangely, a red light flashed past, and a golden cracked spear suddenly appeared in his hand.

"It's time for closure."

Yang Jian looked at the rusty hatchet, and a black shadow gradually covered it.

Without any hesitation, the supernatural weapon in his hand immediately struck hard at the red ghost cabinet.

If the ghost cabinet has supernatural powers, then the hatchet will definitely be able to cause damage to it.

Therefore, Yang Jian planned to hack this ghost closet tonight.


As the rusty blade in his hand fell, the red-painted wooden cabinet was immediately split open with a huge hole, almost splitting from the middle.

The weapon in his hand seemed to be too sharp, and he didn't even feel much resistance.

Yang Jian looked at the huge gap in the ghost cabinet and his expression moved slightly.

The cracked hole in the ghost cabinet was strangely leaking blood, as if the knife was not struck on wood, but on a living body.

"Now that we've taken action, we can't back down."

Yang Jian ignored this supernatural phenomenon. He raised the cracked spear in his hand again. The ghost shadow penetrated, touched the hatchet and continued to chop.

The second knife was more ruthless, and directly chopped off the door of the ghost cupboard.

It was pitch black inside the cupboard door, and the black was squirming, as if something was shaking inside.

"It's strange that I didn't suffer the backlash from the curse of the hatchet." Yang Jian then discovered that his body was normal.

The terrible curse of the hatchet did not appear.

"What's going on? Could it be that the existence of the ghost closet is not a ghost, and Hatchet's judgment is invalid? But if it is not a ghost, then why does Hatchet's ability to dismember ghosts work?"

Yang Jian felt that there was something doubtful inside.

But this question was temporarily suppressed by him.

It's a good thing that the Curse of the Hatchet isn't here.

The third knife struck without hesitation.

Most of the ghost cupboard was completely cracked, and the cupboard door above was completely shattered.

The darkness deep inside the cupboard door also disappeared with the blow of the knife, as if what he just saw was an illusion.

However, the blood was still seeping out.

The blood didn't come from the ghost closet, but seeped out of the wooden board.

Yang Jian slashed with the knife and blood splattered.

But this supernatural phenomenon still cannot stop his actions, and it is generally difficult to change the things he has decided.

The fourth knife, the fifth knife

Yang Jian moved very quickly, and with one slash of his sword, the ghost cabinet collapsed in front of his eyes at an unimaginable speed, turning into a pile of wooden boards and wood chips. However, these wooden boards and wood chips were soaked in blood, revealing a kind of Inexplicable weird feeling.


The movement in his hands stopped.

Because it's over.

The ghost cupboard was chopped into pieces with a hatchet, and not a single board was intact.

The deal with Ghost Cabinet seems to be a done deal.

But Yang Jian was not careless, his ghost eyes turned restlessly, still peeping at the pile of wooden boards soaked in blood in front of him.

He wanted to see if the ghost closet would produce any other supernatural phenomena.

Time passed little by little.

In order to be on the safe side, Yang Jian observed for a full hour.

However, nothing happened within this hour.

The wooden boards on the ground remained unchanged, and the blood that kept seeping out had stopped long ago.

All the supernatural seemed to have subsided.

"Is this the end of the matter? This is too simple. The ghost closet showed no signs of resistance."

Yang Jian frowned.

He was even ready to fight the ghost closet.

But no one thought that things would go so smoothly.

It was so smooth that it felt unreal, because according to Yang Jian's experience and speculation, he would definitely have to take considerable risks by hacking the ghost closet, and he even considered the possibility of failure.

"Since there has been no response so far, this matter can be considered settled for the time being." Yang Jian did not intend to wait like this forever.

He collected all these things on the ground, packed them in gold boxes, sealed them and buried them deep underground, and buried them quite deep.

If nothing else happens, these blood-stained wooden boards will never appear in this world.

"Let's go back."

After packing these things, Yang Jian returned to his residence.

The five-story single-family villa is located near the entrance of the community, facing north and south, facing the river. Even late at night, the lights inside and outside the villa are bright, with no intention of turning off the lights.

Yang Jian was standing in front of the door on the first floor. He didn't know why, but he felt a little strange.

"Something's wrong."

He frowned slightly and stopped for a moment.

This kind of something wrong is not something wrong with where I live, but something that feels wrong, as if something is sneaking around and following me furtively, quite obscurely.

Yang Jian turned around and looked back. His ghost eyes turned around and glanced around, but found nothing.

It was quiet, unusually quiet.

"Is it my imagination? Or is the curse of the ghost closet still there?" He was sure that this feeling appeared after hacking the ghost closet.

It definitely didn't feel like this before that.

With this strange thought.

Yang Jian entered the house and found that the house was clean and spotless.

Obviously, Jiang Yan is definitely not at home.

Otherwise, with her lazy personality, the sofa and coffee table would have been piled with various snacks and packaging bags.

Yang Jian came to the fifth floor, put the supernatural weapon in his hand in the room, took a shower, and prepared to go to bed.

But soon, there was movement in the house.


It was a familiar scream, as if someone had woken up from a nightmare.

Then, the sound of rapid footsteps came.

A mature and charming woman wearing pajamas and messy hair rushed upstairs.

Yang Jian stood in the stairwell and looked over.

That's Zhang Liqin.

"Yang Jian, there is someone in the house."

Zhang Liqin's lips moved slightly, and she saw tears welling up in Yang Jian's eyes, as if a helpless child had found support.

She had already received the news that Yang Jian had returned to the company. She thought of waiting at home, but she fell asleep while waiting. As a result, she woke up in a daze and was horrified to find a man standing in her room. people.

"There is no one in the house, are you having a nightmare?" Yang Jian peered into the house with ghostly eyes, and the situation in the house became clear immediately.

"No, I didn't have a nightmare. I really saw someone in my room, standing motionless in the corner. How dare I lie to you." Zhang Liqin hurried over, holding Yang Jian's arm. His mature body trembled slightly.

It was fear and trembling.

This shows that she did see something terrible just now and was frightened.

"follow me."

Yang Jian didn't say anything, but just took Zhang Liqin downstairs and then to her own room.

The lights were on in the room, and the curtains were drawn on the windows. There was nothing except a bed, not even a wardrobe.

This is the sequelae of supernatural events, and people are afraid of having too much furniture.

"No, not anymore? I clearly saw someone standing there just now, I'm sure of it." Zhang Liqin opened her eyes wide and stared at a corner.

Yang Jian did not doubt Zhang Liqin's words, because no one would be stupid enough to make up such a clumsy lie to deceive himself.

And when I entered the house before, I clearly felt something was wrong.

Zhang Liqin's behavior seemed to confirm the previous feeling that something was wrong.

"If you're not mistaken, then something really entered the house. Don't sleep here tonight, go to my room."

"Okay." Zhang Liqin nodded repeatedly.

Yang Jian took her back to his bedroom on the fifth floor.

He was not afraid of the dark, so he turned off the lights in the room, but the light from the window shone in, making the room not dark.

"If there's a real problem I'll deal with it."

Yang Jian had no intention of sleeping. He sat next to the bed and held his head slightly, as if he was taking a nap.

Zhang Liqin nodded, curled up to the side, holding his arm and gradually calmed down.

Time passed little by little.

Everything was normal in the room, nothing weird happened.

Although Yang Jian had his eyes closed, a ghost eye was peeping around him strangely.

The sight of the ghost eye was scarlet.

But still no "person" appeared.

"Did you leave?" Yang Jian guessed in his mind.

But Zhang Liqin was no longer sleepy. She was still looking around nervously, as if she wanted to find that thing.

She knew very well that with Yang Jian by her side, only by taking this opportunity to find out the weird phenomenon just now could she completely solve it.

Otherwise, if this phenomenon continues to exist, it will make people collapse and go crazy.

But gradually, Zhang Liqin began to wonder whether she had really seen it wrong.

Because everything is normal until now.

"Are you asleep?" Yang Jian's cold voice sounded.

"No, no." Zhang Liqin was very tired, but she hadn't slept yet.

Yang Jian said: "Recall what you did when you saw that special situation before and repeat it. If it doesn't work, then this matter is over. I can't keep wasting time on this matter."

"Okay." Zhang Liqin thought back. She remembered that after she woke up, she turned on the light, saw someone, and ran out in fright.

"After I woke up, I heard some noise and knew you were back, so I turned on the light and prepared to go upstairs to find you."


Yang Jian's eyes moved and he immediately turned on the light.

The light flashed.

At the moment when darkness and light transitioned, a terrifying supernatural phenomenon appeared.

In the corner of Yang Jian's room, a strange figure appeared, standing there motionless. The figure looked like a corpse, covered in blood and broken into pieces, but if you look closely, it didn't look like a person. But all this was different. And quickly disappeared.

In the corner where the lights are on, nothing can be seen.

The terrifying glance just now was like a startling glance, fleeting.

"Disappeared?" Zhang Liqin shrank her head again.

Yang Jian stood up at this moment. He grabbed the cracked spear in his hand and said, "It didn't disappear. It wasn't there when the lights were turned off. It wasn't there when the lights were on. It only happened at the moment when the lights flickered." It emerges, is hidden deep, and requires certain special conditions to be seen.”

He turned off the lights again.

As soon as the lights are turned off, light and darkness alternate again.

The terrifying shadow in the corner flashed again.

At this moment Yang Jian saw clearly.

It was a shattered red cupboard, stained with blood, as if it were pieced together from countless severed limbs, and it also looked like a strange corpse standing there.

Yang Jian quickly turned on and off the switch.

As the lights flashed continuously, the figure of the thing became clearer and clearer.

It's a blood-stained ghost closet.

"That thing is still there." Yang Jian looked over and felt a pair of vicious and strange eyes watching him in the ghost closet.

It seemed like he was being targeted and couldn't get rid of it.


next moment.

At the moment when the light flickered, the spear in his hand flew out and directly hit the ghost cupboard where some kind of mutation had occurred.

If it's a ghost, coffin nail suppression will do the trick.

But there was a loud bang.

The coffin nails were nailed to the wall, making a hole, but they were not nailed to the ghost cupboard that appeared between the flickering lights.

"There is no real thing, and the coffin nails cannot touch it." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly.

Now the lights come on.

The strange ghost cupboard in the corner disappeared.

But there was a twisted, blood-formed handwriting left on the wall: Twenty-nine days.

The writing soon became blurred and turned into blood dripping down, staining the wall red.

This is a deadline, the time for Yang Jian and Guiqi to make a deal.

However, this time has been shortened.

The transaction between Yang Jian and Guiqi was for ninety days. According to normal calculations, there would be at least fifty more days, but now Guiqi gave a twenty-nine-day reminder.

It seems that if Yang Jian continues to default on his debts, this time will continue to shorten.

"Are you pestering me? It seems that the debt owed to the ghost is not good." Yang Jian thought to himself.

"However, the ghost cabinet appeared in this way, avoiding the attacks of coffin nails and hatchets, and does not exist in reality. This shows that it is also afraid of me, otherwise I can continue to dismantle it."

"No, no, it feels threatened. This means that there is some method and means in me that can completely solve the curse of the ghost closet, but I don't know it."

"The Ghost Cabinet follows certain trading rules. Before the deadline comes, the Ghost Cabinet can't directly harm me. But if the deadline comes, the Ghost Cabinet can ignore the rules and lose control directly."

"The Ghost Cabinet appeared next to Zhang Liqin instead of me for the first time after it was broken by me. This shows that the Ghost Cabinet is reminding me that if I don't complete the transaction, the Ghost Cabinet will likely appear around everyone around me. .”

"It's a threat."

Yang Jian's heart gradually sank.

Transaction conflicts intensified.

However, he does not regret it, because this is something he will have to face sooner or later. He cannot keep trading with the ghost closet forever. Instead of doing this, it is better to turn against him while he is in good condition to avoid being restrained.

It's not that I'm lazy and I haven't updated recently, it's that I've had insomnia and anxiety. I didn't sleep for two days in a row, and then slept all day long. I've mentioned this problem before, but it seems to be getting worse, and I'm already seeing a doctor.

I have a personal problem and I'm really sorry.

Because of this reason, I was forced to stay away from very important people, and I couldn't let my state of affairs affect other people's lives and work.

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