Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 913 Ah Wei

Yang Jian didn't welcome Shen Liang very much, so he let him leave after talking about business. Shen Liang didn't bother him much and quickly took a special plane back to the headquarters.

However, the news he brought really made people feel uneasy, and even the arrival of five ghost candles did not dispel this uneasiness.

He was currently sitting on the sofa in the office, looking through the files brought by Shen Liang.

They are all level A supernatural events.

Ghost Road, Silence, Horror Museum, Ghost Lake, Ghosts in Darkness, Supernatural Bus

Among these files, what caught Yang Jian's attention was that the supernatural bus had actually been classified as a highly dangerous supernatural event. He remembered that this incident was previously recorded as X, which was mysterious and unknown, but not very threatening.

"Is that bus also out of control?" Yang Jian recalled what he had experienced on that supernatural bus in his mind.

Think about it, after so long, there is indeed a risk that the supernatural bus with no one to control it will lose control.

"The files are all very difficult supernatural events. Even if the captain goes there, he will probably be killed by the ghost. It will not be easy to complete. I don't know what Cao Yang is dealing with. There is no file on it. I guess it's It was taken away by Cao Yang, but he wanted to borrow the supernatural item Ghost Scissors, so he was obviously in a lot of trouble."

"The Fu Shou Yuan incident was handled by Ye Zhen, so the files were not sent. In addition, the supernatural incident codenamed Knocker Ghost was handled by me, which reduced the number of level A supernatural incidents by one."

Yang Jian was thinking about which supernatural event would be more suitable if he really wanted to take on the mission.

First of all, what is certain is that the most difficult one is definitely the supernatural bus.

It seems simple, but in fact, there are almost all ghosts on the bus, and it will send you to a dangerous and unknown supernatural place. The situation is extremely complicated.

"Haunted Road, Silence, and the Museum of Horrors. I remember that these three supernatural incidents have existed for a long time and have not been solved. They must be very dangerous, otherwise they would not be included in this file. , the supernatural incident codenamed Darkness and Ghost appears to be newly added to the file.”

Looking carefully, it seems that any supernatural incident is not suitable to be taken over. A supernatural incident of this level may evolve into an S-level supernatural incident at any time.

In other words, these supernatural events are essentially S-level supernatural events, but their impact is not large.

After thinking for a while, he couldn't make up his mind, so Yang Jian casually threw the file on his desk.

Let’s not think about it for now.

"It's hard to come back from Dadong City, let's rest for a few days first, and the matter of the ghost post office has not been dealt with yet, so I'd better put this task aside and investigate the ghost post office first."

Yang Jian didn't plan to take action immediately. He planned to wait and see and deal with the matters at hand.


Liu Xiaoyu, who was working downstairs, was wearing a work uniform, swinging two ponytails, and walked over briskly and a little hastily.

She stood at the door of the office and knocked gently on the door.

"What's the matter? It's lunch time soon. If it's not something particularly important, you can come in the afternoon. After all, Mr. Yang also needs to rest." Zhang Liqin walked over and said.

Liu Xiaoyu said: "I'm looking for Yang Jian, it's a work matter, it should be more important."

She said somewhat uncertainly.

"I'm going to inform Mr. Yang, please wait a moment." After Zhang Liqin said that, she turned and left.


Yang Jian's voice came from inside the house: "Come in and talk about anything."

Liu Xiaoyu walked into the office and saw Yang Jian standing in front of the window with his back to him, overlooking the distance, giving people an inexplicable sense of alienation and awe.

"It's not easy to meet you. I'm working downstairs and I have to ask your secretary to report." Liu Xiaoyu curled her lips and felt a little unhappy.

Yang Jian turned around and looked at her: "There are still rules. After all, there are usually a lot of people looking for me. She will help me push away some unimportant things as much as possible. You also have work matters on your first day at work. Looking for me?"

"It's like this. I was sorting out Zhang Hua's work notes and documents and found a document. This was originally what Zhang Hua planned to report to you before his death. I think it should be more important, so I brought it over to show you. .”

Liu Xiaoyu came over and placed a document in her hand in front of Yang Jian.

"Investigation Report on Chengnan of Dachang City."

There is this line written on the document.

"What does an investigation report tell me? Just handle it yourself." Yang Jian said.

"Zhang Hua concluded that it was suspected to be related to supernatural events. Although he sent people to investigate, they only found a few death reports, and the case was very weird and not a normal homicide." Liu Xiaoyu said.

Yang Jian waved his hand and said: "There are no supernatural events in Dachang City. I can be sure of this. In addition, any weird things may happen these days. I only care about supernatural events. Other things have nothing to do with me, and I don't have any." You have the right to manage it, and if you think there is a problem, report it to the police."

"Can't you just read it and talk about it? After all, this is Zhang Hua's last report before his death." Liu Xiaoyu said.

Yang Jian thought for a moment, then he sat down and took out the file and read it.

This investigation report roughly states that several murder cases occurred one after another in Chengnan District of Dachang City. However, murder cases are very common. In a large city with a large population, many murder cases occur almost every year. At the beginning, there were no murder cases. pay attention to.

But as the murders continued this was taken seriously because the deceased was strange.

Every body of the deceased was partially mutilated. The mutilated parts were missing and were not found at the scene.

Yang Jian looked at the photos of the deceased people at the time of death. There were no obvious injuries on the bodies of the deceased and they looked relatively complete. However, some bodies were missing arms, some bodies were missing legs, and some bodies seemed to be missing. His eyes and nose were gouged out alive

The methods are cruel.

Turning to the end of the investigation report, Zhang Hua's notes appeared.

"Judging from the limbs that were lost after the death of the deceased, if the case was committed by one person, then these limbs and organs gathered together may be able to piece together a non-existent person. This is not a normal murder case. It is extremely possible. It may be related to supernatural events.”

"I suspect that a fierce ghost has entered Dachang City and is taking the limbs of living people."

After reading it, Yang Jian remained expressionless. He put down the file and said, "Have you read the contents?"

"After reading it, I think Zhang Hua's inference is correct." Liu Xiaoyu said.

Yang Jian shook his head and said: "No, this is not a supernatural incident. The person who did it was not a ghost. There is a fundamental difference between ghost killing and human killing. The first is the place where the incident occurred. The places where the deceased died were all relatively far apart. They almost appeared in the south of the city. Every corner, this doesn’t conform to the law of ghosts wandering around.”

"If a ghost kills people, the dead will never be so evenly distributed, but will be relatively concentrated, or the dead will happen to be on the line where ghosts appear. This line may not be straight, but it will never be so full of flowers."

Liu Xiaoyu felt that it seemed reasonable, and she asked: "If it's not a ghost, what do you think it is?"

Yang Jian said: "It's not a ghost, of course it's a human being. There's no need to ask. Every time the murderer commits a crime, he will subconsciously stay away for fear of being spotted for committing crimes in one place continuously. But this murderer always does it. He didn’t leave the area south of the city, which means”

"Does this mean he lives in the south of the city?" Liu Xiaoyu said immediately.


Yang Jian looked at him strangely: "Would you kill someone near your home?"

"It seems, no." Liu Xiaoyu said.

Yang Jian said: "For premeditated murder, you must first divert people's sight and attention, and choose a place where they will not be suspected. It is like someone committing crimes in a suburban grove, an unvisited river, or an abandoned construction site. It’s a truth, this is a person’s subconscious behavior, so the south of the city is the place where the crime was committed, definitely not the location of the murderer.”

"Assuming that the murderer is from Dachang City, then the place where he lives is most likely in Chengbei District, because this place is the farthest from the crime scene. Being far away from the crime scene will give the murderer a sense of security. You want people to go there Let’s investigate.”

Liu Xiaoyu said in surprise: "Aren't you going?"

Yang Jian said: "I have to go to everything, so what else do you need to do? Just let the people below do such a small thing. Why didn't Zhang Hua report this matter? He knows better than you, although this matter may involve supernatural events. , but you won’t bother me until it’s confirmed.”

"That's not how captain-level leaders are used."

"I see."

Liu Xiaoyu took the report, glanced at Yang Jian with a sullen expression, and left reluctantly.

After she left, Zhang Liqin said: "Mr. Yang, it seems inappropriate to criticize such a little girl like this. She also does it for work."

"She is no longer an operator, but a liaison. She has to learn to judge some things by herself. If she doesn't learn to change, I still have to fire her. Once fired, it will be the biggest blow to her." Yang Jian said.

"Everyone has their own way of survival in this world, and this job is her way of survival."

Zhang Liqin said: "Don't you have a good relationship with her?"

"That's true, but that doesn't mean anything. Work is work and life is life, and Liu Xiaoyu has just arrived, so you can't take too much care of her, otherwise it will be very troublesome in the future."

Yang Jian said no more and glanced at an inconspicuous corner of the office.

It seemed that the shadow was like a strange cupboard, and there seemed to be a pair of malicious and strange eyes peering at him.

The haunted closet is gone, but the curse of the haunted closet remains.

It follows you like a shadow and you can't get rid of it.

Now the remaining time is 28 days.

Yang Jian withdrew his gaze, and then turned his attention to the previous supernatural file.

The supernatural bus incident.

If you want to complete the transaction in the ghost closet, you must get on the supernatural bus, because only the supernatural bus can transport you to the weird old house.


Liu Xiaoyu took the file and walked downstairs with some pouting and complaining: "I think he is unwilling to go because he doesn't have overtime pay. If it involves supernatural events, people will die."

"Little girl, it looks like you need help."

However, at this moment, a low and hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

At the corner, a man wearing a leather trench coat and dressed like a special soldier leaned against the wall, holding a barbecue skewer in his mouth and speaking slowly.

Liu Xiaoyu was startled: "Who are you?"

"Yang Jian asked me for many things that he couldn't do. Who do you think I am? Give me the files and I will help you solve this problem." The man said.

"." Liu Xiaoyu looked at him suspiciously.

She rolled her eyes and began to recall the file information about the people around Yang Jian in her mind.

"Are you Zhang Wei?"

After thinking for a while, Liu Xiaoyu finally settled on a candidate who fit the characteristics better.

"No, my name is Awei. I'm nicknamed by people, Dual-wielding Golden Gun Man, ahem." Zhang Wei's voice was hoarse and low.

Liu Xiaoyu said: "Stop making trouble, go to the live broadcast, and don't get involved. This matter is trivial to Yang Jian, but to ordinary people it can be fatal."

"My live broadcast room has been blocked. Now I can only take up arms and defend Dachang City." Zhang Wei raised his head slightly and said with a slight regret.

"Thank you for having me. Otherwise, Dachang City would be in chaos. You see, murders happened one after another after I didn't show up for a while."

"Then what were you doing before?" Liu Xiaoyu asked.

Zhang Wei said: "This matter is a long story, and it has something to do with the closure of my live broadcast room. Forget it, you don't understand it even after I tell you about it. In short, it is very involved and complicated. You can probably understand it."

"."Liu Xiaoyu.

"Give me the file and I'll treat you to a barbecue later."

At this moment, Zhang Wei suddenly grabbed the portfolio and ran away as if he was running away.

"Zhang Wei, stop here and return the files." Liu Xiaoyu stomped her feet angrily.

"Can't catch up, can't catch up, you can't catch up with your short legs." Zhang Wei's voice came, and he quickly disappeared.

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