Mysterious Resurrection: Part 2, Starting with the Faceless Man

Chapter 160 Boss, let's go our separate ways

Kurt smiled and shook his head.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not abandoning you, but someone will pick you up and take you to where you should go!"

"Remember! This world needs you, don't die easily!"

Nicola was confused.

But the look in Kurt's eyes didn't look like he was lying.

But he reacted quickly.

There was no need for Kurt to lie to her.

If he really abandoned her, he wouldn't even need an explanation.

He hesitated.

"Sir, can we still meet?"

"We will meet as expected, but we can't tell whether they will be friends or foes. I hope we can fight side by side!"

Nicola was stunned for a moment.

said firmly.

"We will definitely fight side by side!"

Whoosh! !

At this time, a figure appeared on the wall of Witch City.

"She's here to pick you up!"

When Nicola saw the figure on the city wall.

Pupils shrink suddenly.

He couldn't help but take a step back.

Kurt could roughly guess.

It is estimated that in order to conceal the information, Meikali made Nicola suffer a lot in the past.

Patted Nicola on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, it was a special reason before, but she won't hurt you in the future."

"Go! Remember to find your own path! I'm very optimistic about you!"

After hearing the comfort, I finally felt calmer.

"Thank you for taking care of me these days, sir!"

He disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already beside Meikali.

Meikali isn't as mean as before.

Actively extend your right hand.

"Just call me Mekari from now on."


The two held each other's right hands.

"Set off!!!"

With Ruer shouting loudly.

The mobile city slowly sets off to the north.

Until the two of Meikali disappeared on the city wall.


A white figure jumped out.

Not Alice, the white cat, or who?

"Sorry!" Kurt said first, "The situation is a bit special and there is no way to kill the leader of the Witch Cult."

The white cat shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, Master. What I hate is not the leader of the Witch Cult, but the people under her."

"The Perfect One has helped me level the place where I lived before, and those who bullied me have also been killed!"

Kurt petted the white cat.

"That's good!"

His eyes looked east again.

The sound of explosions has never stopped since it started.

It’s hard to imagine what the scene would be like.

Jason's promotion this time was a complete failure!

Not only did they flee, close to 20,000 people fled.

Due to Tracy's intervention, there was a loophole in Jason's control.

The remaining professionals fled one after another.

There are many smart people among them.

Many people did not follow the large troops to escape, but quietly left in the opposite direction.

If viewed from above.

You can see the flow of people spreading in all directions.

Even if Jason breaks his leg.

It's also difficult to kill them all.

However, this failure to advance has no side effects.

Just wasted countless years of preparation time.

Advance next time.

Need to re-plan.

After Kurt moves the city away from the central area.

Drive north as fast as you can.

Next, we have to go to the Saint Luo Continent, which is the hometown of Luerlu Ning.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Standing at the top of the mobile city, you can already smell the fishy smell of the sea.

"Boss! Do you really plan to launch the mobile city directly? But we don't have a navigator, what should we do?"

Navigating the sea is not an easy task.

Crabmon is a typical example.

Rule didn't want to be swallowed by a giant beast again.

Most ships operate in coastal waters, and they must be guided by navigators when they reach distant seas.

This kind of person is a treasure wherever he goes.

Not to mention soliciting, it is difficult to even meet.

"It doesn't matter! Just follow the direction I pointed! Someone will pick us up when we reach the deep sea!"

Lu Ning was squirming on the side, as if he had something to say that he couldn't say.

Kurt saw and smiled.

"If you have anything to say, just say it, don't act like a woman!"

"Uh... boss... um... Ruel and I can just find a passenger boat at the pier and go back. Otherwise... let's say goodbye at the pier..."

"Besides, there are no interesting places in the Saint Luo Continent. There are many good places around the Saint Luo Continent. Boss, you can speed up and take a look..."

He was really frightened!

Although I knew Kurt was awesome before, I didn't care. After all, there are so many awesome people in the world, who cares about Kurt?

On the contrary, Ruhl emphasized Kurt again and again, which even made him feel a little bored.

This trip to the vast continent.

It was simply terrifying.

First, it was swallowed by a giant beast, and after a while, it flew down three thousand feet and almost turned into a pile of fertilizer.

Then came the perverted starfish in pursuit.

He has never encountered such a difficult sea creature. Not to mention its huge size, it can also evolve infinitely...well...although he has his own merits...

Later, there was a zombie passage. When passing by, I even saw many comrades who used to talk and laugh hanging on the wall. The scene was horrifying.

Finally, there was the circular passage. He could swear that he could not kill as many enemies as he had in that one time.

Those people were like mummies, attacking and attacking, not even doing any defense. How many people did he kill in that big corridor? 5,000? 10,000? Or 100,000?

He couldn't remember it himself!

What was even more terrifying was the endless scavengers, and the moment he saw the appearance of the crab beast, he almost collapsed!

I thought it would finally be quiet!

Who knew... When he arrived at the Vast Continent, Kurt seemed to let loose.

First he robbed a mobile city, and then he made a monocle, and now this thing is popular in the entire Vast Continent.

Lu Ning even suspected that this best-selling product has been taken to the outside world for sale.

Because their mobile city is still in short supply so far.

All the mobile cities he met on the road asked about the monocle.

Forget about these!

The key is the central area!

The Witch City has been standing in the central area for hundreds of years.

Now it's good...

After Kurt went there.

The city is gone...

Even the Dusk Hermits, who dominated the vast continent, became a handful of people after this battle.

The entire continent is about to face a reshuffle.

No one would believe it if I told them.

All the things happened just because of Kurt's arrival, but it caused a huge wave in the entire vast continent.

However, such a terrifying achievement.

It is just one of the legends left by Kurt.

Like a disaster star, he will be unlucky wherever he goes!

Lu Ning is very worried that Kurt will go to his hometown and sink the Saint Luo continent...

This is not an exaggeration!

From the current point of view, Kurt's destructive power is getting stronger and stronger.

It is not impossible to sink a continent.

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