Mysterious Resurrection: Part 2, Starting with the Faceless Man

Chapter 29 The disaster-level alarm bell sounded

At the gate, it was as bright as day.

But after entering the gate, the surrounding scene was like the starry sky.

The blue light bands on the dome made the whole world inside the cave emit a faint blue light.

Although they were not arranged neatly.

But it is undeniable that the spotted appearance was like the starry sky, which was pleasing to the eye.

But when looking forward.

That kind of beauty disappeared in an instant...

There were messy houses everywhere, just like a large garbage dump.

Maybe the scavengers went out to grab supplies, so it seemed much quieter here, with only some children playing.

Phil introduced enthusiastically.

"In this gathering place, the fungi above our heads emit light. Although we all have night vision, our night vision can only see black and white, and cannot let us see colors."

"This kind of fungi cannot be eaten, so we use them as luminous bodies."

Then he pointed to the residential area.

"Only land is sold here. Houses need to be built by themselves. Owners can build as they please, as long as they are within the planning scope."

"Because of the lack of materials, there are all kinds of houses!"

Houses made of scrap iron and rusty iron, as well as various tents and other houses, are varied.

They all have one thing in common, the materials used are worthless, comparable to slums in slums.

Kurt just glanced around and stopped paying attention.


"Mingmu algae, where can I buy it? And where is the next city?"

Phil's eyes showed a trace of disappointment.

I was quite happy when I saw them exchange 20,000 light coins before, but I was about to leave, and I guess I wouldn't get much reward.

It's inevitable that I feel a little depressed.

Said with all my strength.

"You can find any small shop to sell Mingmu algae. To go to the next city, you need to return to the gate and continue walking inside."

"But don't leave for now. It takes more than 10 hours to walk to the next city, and you can't avoid the scavengers!"

"It's better to wait until the scavengers are over before going. By then, there will be many caravans transporting supplies. You can go with the caravans, which is safer!"

Kurt thought for a while and said.

"Okay, take us to the largest store first!"

"Okay, please follow me...!"

Phil led everyone through the dirty streets and walked towards the central area.

Near the middle.

There is a two-story wooden building. Although it also has traces of repairs, it is obviously much more upscale than other houses.

From the wall materials, it can be seen that those are used for shipbuilding materials.

Obviously, there were ships that came here, and after being dismantled, they were converted into houses.

After entering the shop.

There are not many waiters inside, only a cash register at the exit.

There are also a few guards standing outside.

The store is full of various items, and Kurt has never seen many things.

There are all kinds of fungi, algae and plants, as well as some depreciated goods. You can tell at a glance that they are items picked up by scavengers.

The shop has a characteristic.

The price is cheap, and there are almost no valuable items. Maybe the shop owner understands that everyone here is poor.

So there are no overvalued goods, even if some daily necessities are tattered and barely usable.

It seems like a third-hand market.

However, for the locals, it is still very valuable, equivalent to a luxury.

A bread machine only costs 200 yuan in the Anxi Continent, but it costs 2,000 yuan here when it is 50% new.

It’s not that the Guangming coins here are not valuable. After comparing the prices of various commodities, the actual purchasing power is about the same.

For example, fungus food, only 10 Guangming coins can fill the stomach of an adult.

What is puzzling is that meat here is relatively cheap. It stands to reason that there is a lack of plants here, and it is difficult to cultivate animals.

It is not marked on it what kind of meat it is.

Asked Fei'er.

"What kind of meat is this?"

Fei shook his head.

"I don't know! I've never seen the finished product. It doesn't taste very good and is a bit woody!"

Kurt and others just took a quick look. Except for the eye-brightening algae, which has special effects, the others are ordinary products.

One person bought a piece of eye-brightening algae and stuffed it into his mouth to eat it raw.

Just over a minute later.

In the field of vision, everything is normal in the light, but as long as you look into the dark, it becomes a black and white world.

Very magical!

If this thing is taken to land, it will definitely sell at a sky-high price.

Ding...! Ding...! Ding...! ...

Suddenly, a quick bell rang outside.

The guard outside the door immediately rushed in and shouted to everyone.

"Everyone, go out for a while, this store is closed!!!"

Everyone didn't say much.

When they came outside, they saw people rushing on the street.

Many women were in a hurry to find their children and took them home one by one.

Kurt looked at Phil and asked.

"What's going on?"

Phil looked worried in his eyes and said in the direction of the door.

"This is called an alarm! Every time it rings, it means that there is a huge trouble at the scavenging location."

"The person in charge here will only remind you. As for how to avoid danger, you can only use your own means!"

"People who have beast mounts can reach the next city in advance before the scavengers arrive."

"As for the others, they can only hide here. Whether the other party will attack this place depends on luck!"

"The security forces will only come after the scavengers are over."

Kurt nodded and walked out.

He planned to see what kind of dangerous object it was, but everything here made him curious.

Whether in the previous life or in this life, there are many things that I have never seen before.

When walking towards the gate, you can already see many people rushing in from the outside, carrying various items on their bodies.

Apparently, the first batch of scavengers has returned, bringing news about monsters.

"Hoo ho...! It really scared me to death. Fortunately, I went early and came back with something!"

"It is estimated that many people will die this time. The size of the monster is too exaggerated. Even the ferocious beast cannot deal with it!"

"Alas...! Another catastrophic crisis. We have only been stable for a few years. I didn't expect it to happen again!"

"Just get used to it! As long as the monster doesn't enter the hole, it will be eliminated by the scavenger sooner or later!"

"It shouldn't be a big problem. Let's estimate. It's at least over 100 meters high. How can we get in!"

"Brother, don't forget! That guy has more than 10 tentacles. Even if the body doesn't come in, just those 10 tentacles stretching in can turn the world upside down!"

"That's what I said. Take a walk and bring important supplies inside to prevent the monster from actually coming."

Kurt frowned slightly when he heard these conversations.

Why do you feel that the image described by these people is very similar to the evolving starfish?

He turned his head and asked the tabby cat.

"Did you see that giant beast after we abandoned ship?"

The tabby cat rolled its eyes and said.

"Yes! After we left, a large number of humans came out of the cabin and also left the giant ship one after another."

"The giant beast followed closely behind everyone and pounced on the humans flying in the air."

"However, due to its size, it couldn't keep up with our speed. I thought it had no time to enter the right channel, so I didn't report it to you!"

"I'm so sorry, Master!"

Kurt held his chin and looked sideways at the two Ruhl brothers.


"Is there something else on you that attracts the starfish?"

The two brothers immediately raised their hands with innocent expressions on their faces.

"Old man, that starfish beast has nothing to do with us. You saw it before, even our underwear was burned!"

Lu Ning answered hurriedly.

"Yes, yes! We have used up that kind of stuff a long time ago, and there is nothing left on us!"

Kurt thought quickly in his mind.

If the two brothers were not lying, then there must be something fishy about this matter.

Judging from the previous battles on the sea, the sea star beast has simple intelligence and is not a brainless creature.

Starfish would definitely feel fearful of the strength of his group, but now it's the opposite.

Not only did he not stay away, but he followed the footsteps of others.

What is it that attracts it?

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