Babbitt was startled...

There was a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

He muttered.

"Leave...! Haha...! Yes, leave? When can I leave?"

"In a blink of an eye, so many years have passed, and I have gradually gotten used to this place, but it is not my hometown after all."

He waved his hand and sighed.

"Alas...! I can't leave, no one knows how to leave, and those who want to leave died in the darkness!"

"Only I, an old guy who is afraid of death, have always been afraid of darkness, so I have lived until now!"

"Although many people doubt that we live in the world inside the giant beast, this world is too big!"

"The most likely place for an exit is the place where organisms excrete. Even if they will be contaminated with some dirt, they still hope to leave!"

"Don't mention the place of excretion, even other internal organs are unknown, and it is impossible to tell the direction."

From these words, you can hear.

Babbitt was not born and raised here, but came in from the outside world like them.

Kurt thought for a while and said.

"By the way, the professionals here seem to be different from those in the outside world. When they use their abilities, ordinary people are not affected. What's going on? Is there no pollution?"

During the previous battle.

In order to prevent ordinary people from turning into monsters, Kurt and others deliberately kept a distance.

But from the perspective of the monocle.

Those professionals are no different from them. They still attack among ordinary people and do not turn into monsters.

Babbitt wiped the tears from his eyes.

He adjusted his mentality and said.

"In fact, it's not that there is no pollution, but the environment is special. This is a huge source of pollution."

"After all creatures enter this world, the first breath they inhale can make them immune to pollution."

Speaking of this... Babbitt smiled.

Then said.

"Isn't it amazing? No one knows what's going on. If the outside world contains this substance, there will be fewer unnecessary deaths in the world!"

"Don't be surprised by this magical event. There are many incredible things."

I have to say.

Kurt was really shocked!

The world inside the giant beast seems to be in conflict with the outside world.

It's like two different systems of worlds, if the professional level has not changed.

Kurt even suspected that he had traveled to another world.

He asked again.

"There is one last question. Who is the ruler here? There are only 10 soldiers in the scavenger base, but no more people are seen."

"However, only 10 soldiers of sequence 8 can suppress hundreds of thousands of people. What is the reason that makes the scavengers feel constrained?"

Fortunately, Babbitt is a businessman with a wide range of knowledge, otherwise he really can't answer so many questions.


"The mayor of each city is the supreme ruler, and only manages the area within his own city."


"There is another organization, I don't know how to evaluate it, they will not interfere with city management."

"When a city is in crisis, they will always appear and suppress it with absolute strength!"

"Each city has their stationed personnel, not many, only a few or dozens of people."

"The 10 people in the scavenger base are managed by them. Everyone here understands that those people cannot be provoked, otherwise they will die!!"

"This is not an exaggeration! Even the robbers can be found!"

"Only they can enter the deeper world, but no one knows what is inside, and they never mention it!"

This makes Kurt confused.

Such a powerful organization can even easily destroy a city, why not unify it and create a better environment?

Obviously Babbitt doesn't know this question either.

He thought for a while and asked.

"Then do you know what the name of this organization is?"

Babbitt smiled.

"Hehe...! This is not a secret. Almost everyone here knows their name."

"It's called the Twilight Hermits!"

Kurt felt a breath of cold air and rushed directly to the top of his head.

I never thought that the Twilight Hermits would appear here.

Is this their base camp?

Or is it a base of an external force?

No matter what it is, we must pull out this nail and follow the vines to find clues.

Then walk all the way.

Except for the sound of the caravan, there was silence in the darkness, as if it was a dead place.

Three hours passed...

Five hours passed...

Ten hours passed...

To everyone's surprise, they arrived at the Cavity City after a while, and they didn't encounter any robbers.

It really made many people confused.

It's not that they are cheap, they have to encounter robbers to be happy.

In the past, there was at least one robber every month, and at most several, but this time there was not even a ghost.

As the saying goes, there must be something wrong when things are abnormal!

Not only were they not happy, but they quickened their pace.

In this world.

If a hostile force did not appear, it might be replaced by another powerful force.

The robbers at least left a way out. If another force or monster appeared, it would be a disaster for the caravan.

There were no dangers along the way.

Everyone's worries were unnecessary.

Until a strong light appeared in the darkness, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Compared with the scavenger base, the light was like a firefly and a bright moon.

Even from a distance.

In the light, figures were surging.

As the convoy got closer, the true face of the light was revealed.

It was a huge city gate, and the inside of the city gate was divided into multiple passages. Hundreds of soldiers were scattered throughout the passages for search.

Each passage was lined up in a long queue extending to the dark area. Although he had not entered the city yet, Kurt had guessed how prosperous the city would be.

In the capital of the Anxi Continent, there had never been such a lively scene.

Kurt asked Babbitt.

"Is the city of Kangkou so lively every day?"

Babbitt nodded.

"Isn't this the day of grace? Merchants from surrounding cities come here to pick up goods, but it's not much different from now on normal days, except that the queue time is a little longer these two days!"

"Otherwise, how could I stay here for decades? It's called a city, but it's just a convenient name. The city area is much larger than the normal city range."

"For ordinary people, in addition to missing their homeland, it's safer here than living in the outside world."

"You also know that many people often die in the outside world because some strong people need to be promoted."

"But here, as long as there is any similar sign, the Dusk Hermit will annihilate the opponent as soon as possible!"

"Even if professionals fight, as long as they are not affected by the battlefield, they will not be affected too much."

"In the outside world, as long as professionals fight in the city, a lot of ordinary people will die every time, and these are all caused by accidental injuries."

"Here, the pollution emitted by professionals will not turn into monsters. It is for this reason that many people who come here don't think about leaving again!"

In this regard, Kurt disagrees with these.

This place can be regarded as a paradise for ordinary people with ability.

But for ordinary people, it is still difficult to survive. From those scavengers, we can see that life is not easy.

Moreover, there is a shortage of various supplies, and there are many people who are starving to death.

Then asked.

"Can I buy a nearby map in the Oral City? What is the fastest way to get to the next city?"

Babbitt shook his head.

"It is forbidden to sell maps in any city. If you want to go to the next city, just follow the caravan!"

Then pointed to a long queue.

"Here...! If you plan to go deeper, you can get there by walking along that passage."

"But it is best to follow the caravan. There are countless forks along the way. If you take the wrong one, you may never come back in your life!"

After understanding, Kurt did not ask again.

They also came to the end of a road to line up.

It took more than two hours to enter the city gate, and no accidents happened in the middle.

After entering the city gate, Babbitt paid all the escort fees as promised.

The two sides separated.

Inside the city gate.

You can't see the end at a glance. Looking up, it is estimated that the dome is about 500 meters from the ground.

Countless luminous algae hang on the dome, like stars.

It is more beautiful than the scavenger's base.

After they entered, there was a wide road that stretched to the distance. There was only a place similar to a military camp on both sides of the road, and the rest were open fields.

Various fungi were planted on it.

Near both sides of the road. Various glowing mushrooms looked a bit scary.

But they illuminated the road clearly.

It was more than a hundred times stronger than any street lamp. Not only did it not consume, but these mushrooms could also be made into fuel.

Behind the glowing mushrooms.

There were countless pieces of wood scattered around, and on those pieces of wood there were various fungi.

Just admired it a little.

Not in a hurry to leave.

But in an open space on the side.

Kurt asked Rhodes to gather everyone.

He spoke when everyone was together.

"Everyone! According to what I have heard, this city is larger than some of our capitals on land!"

"Professionals can live a stable life here, and the conditions are even better than those outside."

"But I don't plan to stay here for long. I will just rest here for a few days and make some supplies."

"I will keep going deeper until I find the exit."

Seeing that many people were also eager to try, they planned to follow and leave.

Kurt reminded again.

"According to the previous caravan leader, no one who went deeper has come back alive so far."

"It is very likely that there will be a life-and-death struggle, and even the existence of supplies ahead is a problem."

"I will not help you in the process of moving forward, and everything depends on yourself!"

"So you should think about it before making a decision these days, and don't blindly throw away your life!"

After saying that, he clamped his legs together.

The black panther beast continued to walk along the road obediently.

The Ruhl brothers quickly followed.

After pulling away from the people behind, Ruhl asked.

"Old man... why did you tell them so much? Bring more people away, so that they can be used when they encounter a crisis!"

This idea is normal.

The weak rely on the strong, and the strong use the weak as a shield. Both sides just need what they want.

Kurt smiled with his mouth curled up.

"Hehe...! If it were usual, of course I would do this, but for a dangerous place, those who don't have enough courage will only drag the team down!"

"You two should also think about it carefully. The road ahead is not easy to walk, and it's not a joke to survive a narrow escape!"

The two brothers said without thinking.

"We have to go through hell, how can we stay here forever!"

Several people walked forward.


Rod and others did not rush to catch up.

Instead, they discussed on the spot.

"Captain, do we still have to follow the old man?"

"Captain, I asked on the road just now. They only know a few cities nearby, and they don't know about places farther away. It's just that... the deeper you go, the more dangerous it is. What the old man said just now is right. If you go on, you may really die!"

"What should we do? Will we not go out in the future?"

"We can ask for a while and make a decision after confirming the situation. If we move forward rashly, there will definitely be many dangers!"

Rod glanced at everyone, frowned slightly, and said.

"How about this, let's go in and see the situation first, and after finding a good gathering point, we will all disperse to collect information."

"The old man said that he would rest here for a few days. We will gather in two days to decide whether to stay or go. How about it?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Then he quickened his pace to catch up with Kurt and others and headed towards the city.


Anxi Continent, Dillon Territory…

No…it should be Sofia Territory at this time.

The entire territory is long and narrow, with only a small part close to the sea. There is a small port near the seaside.

Although the port is not big, it is also very lively, but the ocean-going ships cannot dock. So far, it has not formed a port city, it can only be regarded as a town.

In the busy port, all kinds of ships are busy filling supplies, and some hunting ships and fishing boats are unloading and receiving goods.

On a bridge, the foreman sat on a wine barrel on the shore and waved to a bearded man who came down from the ship.

"Yo...! Captain Suker, this trip is a good harvest. I even caught some fishmen. Should we change to a big ship this time?"

Suker stroked his beard and laughed out loud.

"Hahaha! I was just lucky. I happened to see a huge ship passing by on the sea and got some bargains!"

"After these materials are sold, I can upgrade my weapons!"

"Homiet, with your strength, you don't need to hang around at the dock all day. Come with me! As long as you are willing, the second mate position on the ship is yours..."

Homiet waved his hands repeatedly.

"Forget it! Forget it!! Now that I am old, I don't want to go out to sea and take risks. It's good to just guard a piece of land!"

"Look at how good my life is now. I just need to manage hundreds of porters every day. Why bother to take risks!"

Suker showed regret on his face.

"Alas...! Okay! If you want to go out to sea, follow..."

Before he finished speaking.

Suddenly, he saw that Hommit was staring at him blankly.

He raised his hand and waved, and found that the other party still had no reaction, and asked in confusion.

"Hey! Old man! What are you in a daze?"

The shouting made Hommit sober up a little.

But the astonishment in his eyes still did not fade.

He swallowed his saliva, raised his hand, and pointed at the sea behind Suker.

"Look back and see what that is?"

Suker turned his head in confusion.

When he saw the sea, his pupils shrank instantly.

On the sea, the fog was spreading towards the shore.

In the fog, he could even vaguely see huge figures approaching.

He shouted hurriedly.

"Not good!!! The pirates are coming!!! Run!!!"

"Quick!! Boys! Take all the valuables and abandon the boat and go ashore!!!"

With a loud shout.

The whole dock was in chaos.

But they didn't notice.

A small boat was breaking through the fog at a fast speed and heading towards the dock.

Plop...! Suddenly a person fainted on the ground.

Plop...! Plop...! Plop...! ...! ! ...

One after another, even the professionals couldn't hold on. After just more than ten breaths, they fell to the ground unconscious.

When the boat reached the shore.

The entire dock fell into silence.

Two figures got off the boat and came to the shore.

A heroic woman said coldly.

"Big sister, do we need to kill all these people?"

Another beautiful woman waved her hand.

"No need...! You deal with the traces here, I will come back after I finish the work!"


The beautiful woman waved her hand.

A wooden stick flew to the side not far away, and just floated quietly at the waist.

The woman sat diagonally on the wooden stick.


In an instant, it soared into the sky and disappeared...

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