Mysterious Resurrection: Part 2, Starting with the Faceless Man

Chapter 36: A layout of one ring after another

The three phantoms gradually stabilized.

They all seemed to be curious about the surrounding environment and kept looking around.

But except for these hexagram arrays and phantoms, everything was in darkness and nothing could be seen.

At this time.

The hermit spoke.

"Welcome three new partners! This is the gathering place of the core members of the Twilight Hermits!"

"I am the leader hermit!"

"There is a phantom name in front of each person, this is the personal code name!"

"You can give yourself a code name for easy calling in the future!"

"Raise your hand before speaking every time, you three have any questions to ask!"

One of them raised his hand.

"Where is this place? What kind of organization is the Twilight Hermits? What benefits will I get from joining the Twilight Hermits? What price will I have to pay?"

The hermit did not speak, but the first person on the right spoke.

"This is a secret space that cannot be entered normally. You can only come here through video."

"We, the Twilight Hermits, belong to a behind-the-scenes organization that controls all parts of the world. Our ultimate goal is to unify the world, but we still have a long way to go to achieve this goal!"

"As for the benefits! You can use the wristband you just got to contact all nearby members of the Twilight Hermits."

"They will help you complete various tasks and even build your personal power."

"Of course, although you can use them for free, it is recommended that you give some rewards, otherwise it will be difficult for someone to really work for you in the future!"

"About the price! You need to solve tasks that are centered on you and cannot be completed by ordinary members around you. If you still can't solve it, you can bring it here for discussion or help!"

Every time a new member.

A hexagram array will be formed at the soles of the feet, and a beautiful wristband will appear on the hexagram array.

The newcomer came here through the wristband.

The figure nodded slightly.

"Thank you! Then my nickname will be Gentleman from now on!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Under this person's feet, a phrase flew out of the hexagram array and hung in front.


Then another newcomer asked.

"Sir Witch! If I don't want to form a force and just want to travel around the world, joining the Twilight Hermits, wouldn't it be... only paying but no gain?"

The Witch is the first code on the right.

Quickly explained.

"The world is big! Even if you are a Sequence 1, you can't guarantee your own safety. Strong people, monsters, natural hazards, all of these will pose a threat to you!"

"However, in many places, our Twilight Hermits can provide some local precautions and maps to avoid accidentally entering forbidden areas!"

"Of course, you can also give up! When the next gathering reminder rings, as long as you choose to refuse, the wristband will disappear! Don't tell anyone about the Twilight Hermits, otherwise you can't afford the price!"

"If you accept, it means you are willing to join our organization, and from now on, you must not show any rebellion, otherwise you will be subject to joint sniping!"

The person asking nodded.

"Thank you! My code name from now on is Dawn!"

The last newcomer asked.

"If I need a potion formula or some materials, how can I exchange them? Where can I get them?"

This time the witch did not speak.

Instead, the first phantom on the left, codenamed Dragon, spoke.

"It is impossible to get the potion formula directly. Every once in a while, the Hermit will personally issue tasks. If you complete two tasks, you can get the required potion, regardless of the level or path. If you complete one task, you can get the required materials. Even if you don't have them, you will be provided with relevant information!"

Hearing the answer, he replied.

"Thank you! My code name in the future is... Spy Shadow!"

After the introduction of all the newcomers, the Hermit continued to speak.

"Okay! Next, let's talk about the last task arranged and how it progressed!"

A short phantom, codenamed Dark Realm, raised his hand and said.

"What Apocalypse said has appeared. Currently, several targets are being tracked. We don't know who they are. What should we do next?"

The second figure on the right, codenamed Apocalypse, spoke.

"You should pay attention to your own safety. You can't be careless about this matter. If it doesn't work, force him out!"

Dark Realm nodded.

"Thank you! If you can survive this time, I will definitely give you a great gift!"

What they talked about was closely related to Kurt. The location of the dark world was exactly the world inside the giant beast.

Apocalypse used his prophetic ability to help the dark world issue a warning. Someone will come to the world inside the giant beast in the near future, bringing chaos to the entire world inside the giant beast.

And the dark world is likely to fall in this incident!

The two are separated by an unknown distance, and they can predict each other's situation, which also reflects how terrible Apocalypse's ability is.

Although the information is vague.

But the general situation can still be predicted.

The specific details need to be grasped by the dark world, and Apocalypse can only wish him good luck.

Apocalypse said to the hermit.

"The Joker has fallen, and the matter of the Ark of Destiny should not be completely resolved, but... the captain's trace cannot be found."

"Either use a special method to hide your whereabouts, or the captain of the Ark of Destiny has been replaced!"

"The clues about this matter have been cut off!"

The Joker is Riggs' code name!

The hermit is also very troubled by this. The Ark of Destiny cannot be destroyed, and the layout for many years has failed.

The key is that the Ark of Destiny has disappeared, and it is very difficult to find it again. The Twilight Hermits and the Ark of Destiny are like a pair of destined enemies.

Only when one side is leveled can the other side feel at ease.

The hermit thought for a moment and said to everyone.

"Use all your power to search for all traces of the Ark of Destiny. You must connect the clues. Otherwise, once they are given time to develop, they will cause huge trouble for us!"

The gentleman raised his hand.

"That...what is the Ark of Destiny? An object or a person?"

Tianqi explained.

"The Ark of Destiny is a prop, but every time it is run, it will gradually gather some people and become a new organization!"

"This organization is similar to ours and will also select lucky people to join!"

"It was once the most powerful organization in the world, and was later eliminated by us, but Ark of Destiny cannot be destroyed no matter what method we use!"

"Every time the Ark of Destiny goes through a cycle, it will automatically disappear and find a new owner, usually called a captain. The Ark of Destiny looks like a ship!"

"It has been re-run. We are using the layout for many years to kill the new captain and enter the next cycle transition period."

"Who was cracked by the other party, and I don't know how to hide the figure, or there is a new way to choose the master of Destiny Ark."

"So we must find it, recover the Ark of Destiny, and find out what caused it!"

"As long as any traces of the Ark of Destiny are found, Lord Hermit will give generous rewards!"

Afterwards, everyone talked about some things in other areas.

This gathering of the Twilight Hermits has just ended!


On the main ship of the Phantom Pirate Ship.

In Mana's bedroom, her eyes opened slightly, and she looked at the wristband in her hand with an incredible look in her eyes.

Whispering in the mouth.

"It's incredible. Everything is exactly as the captain expected!"

"Phew...! All the things assigned have been completed, it's time to call the captain!"

at this time.

Dong Dong Dong...!

There was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in…!"

The dashing first mate walked in.

"Sister, where should we go next?"

"There are two routes continuing westward, one is the vast continent, and the other is the Holy Luo continent."

"You can also turn around in the vast continent and go to the Holy Luo Continent. It just takes a little detour!"

Mana pondered for a moment and said.

"Head to Shengluo Continent, but you can slow down a bit and ask more questions along the way. If you find anything big happens while driving, please inform me immediately!"


Wait until the first mate leaves.

Mana started the ritual of placing things in the room.

until the candle is lit.

He began to chant a prayer.

[Using destiny as a boat, stepping on the river of time, those who ride on luck can break through the barriers of boundaries]

【The Ark of Destiny that travels the long river of time;】

[The mysterious captain in charge of the countercurrent;]

[The omniscient and omnipotent master of destiny! 】

It didn’t take long…

A majestic voice came.

"What's the matter?"

Mana said respectfully.

"Captain, everything you told me has been completed! The process went very smoothly!"

Kurt said after a moment of silence.

"In one minute, I will summon you to the Ark of Destiny!"


call…! After the call ended, Mana breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason, talking to the captain always felt oppressive.

I didn't feel this way when I first came into contact, but as the tasks were completed one by one, the shock became stronger and stronger.

I still remember the first time I went to Destiny Ark.

The captain knew about the problems with her body, and then promised to provide information about the two clones as long as he completed the assigned tasks.

And the whole process is one step after another.

For example, killing Riggs first will create a causal relationship with the Twilight Hermit, and then fuse the two clones to create great luck.

Let everything take its course and blend into the Twilight Hermits.

If you hadn't experienced it yourself, you wouldn't believe it. Someone deliberately arranged all this, even though you don't know much about the specific situation of the two organizations.

But in the Twilight Hermits, you can tell by listening to other people communicating.

The Twilight Hermits is a huge organization, and the Ark of Destiny is regarded as an enemy of life and death.

Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth trembled slightly.

I never expected that I, a newcomer, would successfully assume the role of a spy.

From the current point of view.

The Twilight Hermits will be stronger as a whole, but the captain of the Ark of Destiny’s personal ability is simply unfathomable.

Not only does it trick the other party around. You can actually send yourself into the Twilight Hermits through the layout.


An idea came to Mana's mind.

"Since the captain can send me to the Twilight Hermitage, could it be that... there are other spies there?"

In this way, the two-faced role is also ruined.

Completely put this idea out of my mind.

However, some information about the Twilight Hermits can be used to save yourself a lot of trouble.

For example, when searching for Riggs before, the sea was vast and boundless. If the captain had not informed us of the route in advance, there would be no chance of catching that giant ship.

Just then my eyes blurred.

When his vision returned, he had already appeared on the Ark of Destiny.

He said respectfully to the mist above.

"I've met the captain..."

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