Ruel felt like his head was full of black lines, and he was about to cry because of his brother.

bass……! !

Ruhl pulled out his long knife and swung it out.

Instantly cut the big fish in half.

"Throw away the fish head. Is it comfortable to put it on your head???"

Lu Ning heard about it.

He hurriedly threw the fish head around his neck into the sea.

He looked at his brother's face ashen.

He said haha.

", don't be angry, it's just a joke!!"


Whoosh… whoosh… whoosh…!

Big fish jumped out of the water.

The whole sea boiled.

Ruhl was too lazy to continue talking nonsense.

Kill all the big fish flying over.

The same goes for everyone else. These fish are all ordinary creatures, just slightly larger in size.

It only takes a moment.

The sea turned blood red.

These fishes jumped out of the sea because the sea tribe gathered in large numbers and forced them into desperate situations.

It’s a familiar process every time.


Goo......! !

Not long after, strange sounds came from the sea.

The big fish jumping on the sea surface are gradually becoming rarer.

But the amount of blood in the seawater continues to increase.

The giant ship has been surrounded by blood and water, and even the wind and waves on the sea cannot dispel it.

"It's coming!!! Everyone on alert!!!" A horn sounded from the top of the ship.


A disgusting-looking fishman jumped directly onto the boat, with fins all over his body exploding like an angry wild cat.

Gu...! Gu...! !

Neighing at nearby humans.

This is just the beginning.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh…!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh...!

One by one, the fishmen jumped up from the water.

"Kill!! Don't let them get on the boat!!"

Long knives, spears, and even pistols began to attack the fishmen who were jumping out of the water.

There are also some professionals who are more confident in their own abilities.

From time to time.

Deliberately put one or two murlocs on the deck.

After killing it, throw it aside.

Continue to kill the fishmen, and when you are free, quickly chop off the fishman's head and throw the body into the sea again.

Keep repeating the same action.

The special materials for fishmen are eyes and two gills.

This is a constant extraordinary material and will not be lost.

Just chop off the head and wait for the battle before processing it carefully.

Five minutes passed.

The deck, sides of the ship, including the combatants, were all covered in blood.

The gap in strength also gradually emerged.

A strong person's body, and most of his feet, will be stained with some blood.

The weak man's whole body was stained with blood, like a bloody man from hell.

Phew...! !

Luer swung his sword and cut a fish-man in half who was about to jump onto the giant ship, and then fell into the sea.

at this time.

The stupid brother's surprised voice came from beside him.

"Brother...! Look at that old man!!!"

Ruel knew who he was talking about even with his eyes closed.

Phew…! !

Kill a murloc again and look towards Kurt.

The pupils contracted slightly.

I saw the old man standing at the gap in the ship's side.

His whole body was clean without a trace of blood. He was holding the black cat in one hand and stroking its hair with the other.

Enjoy the scenery on the sea.

It seems out of place with its surroundings.

It's like fighting, as if the surroundings don't exist.

What surprised Ruel even more was that there was no fish-man beside him.

It's a bit surprising.

He turned his head and asked Lu Ning.

"Then what's going on with the old man? Why aren't there any fishmen around? Are there no fishmen looking for him yet?"

Lu Ning shook his head.

"No!! There were fishmen jumping up on both sides of the old man all the time, but not a single fishman appeared in his gap."

"Brother, do you think that old man is a member of the Sea Clan?"

Rule shook his head.

"Impossible. He hasn't left our sight for such a long time. If he was from the Sea Clan, he would have died long ago!!"

"This old man is a little weird, don't worry about him, we just need to pay attention to our own safety!"


Sea people cannot leave the sea water for a long time, otherwise they will become weak and eventually die of dryness.

It is precisely for this reason that human beings can be preserved. Otherwise, the number of sea people would have killed all living things on land long ago.

The black cat in Kurt's arms opened his eyes.


"Master, why don't you kill some murlocs? Murloc materials are very popular and the price is not cheap. The most important thing is that there are a lot of them!"

Kurt shook his head.

Now at Sequence 6, there is no need for ordinary materials, not even the slime servants.

If you are really short of money, you might as well sell a few bottles of magic potion.

What's more, after plundering Beilock's family, money is just a number to him.

Black Cat looked around.


"Master! There are fishmen attacking on both sides of you. They are almost crawling all over the side of the ship. Why is there not a fishman in this position?"

Kurt shrugged.

"I don't know! Maybe it's a little special!"

He really wasn't lying.

The first rule of fortune telling: When going to any unknown place, you must first make sure you are safe!

Naturally, you will do some divination before boarding the ship.

When divining the black cat, I discovered that this place was quite special, so I took my stand before the fishmen started to attack.

Black Cat Sees It's Safe Here.

He didn't talk much anymore, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Totally lazy cat image.

Sometimes, Kurt even doubted whether Alice was assimilated by the transformation skill.

Her behavior became more and more like a cat.

As for why he went to sea.

1. From Belloc's memory, he knew that the Anxi Continent was just a tiny place in the whole world.

Many subsequent potion materials have become extinct in the Anxi Continent.

Kurt not only had to consider his own potion, but also the slime servants.

So leaving became inevitable.

2. After switching to Belloc's identity, he found that he had almost no causal relationship with the Anxi Continent. The only few causal relationships were pitifully weak.

If it continues, the causal relationship will become smaller and smaller in the end, and the faceless man will digest it more slowly.

Only by leaving the Anxi Continent and looking for another causal relationship with Belloc can the digestion of potions be accelerated.

And this causal relationship involves the black cat Alice.

Speaking of which, she is also quite pitiful.

She was disliked by her family since she was a child, and then signed a slave contract with Belloc, and was always brought around as a servant.

It was only after Kurt regained control of the slave contract that he was able to control the black cat Alice, otherwise he would not be so obedient.

The battle continued.

The sea tribe seemed endless.

Some Muggles who went out to sea for the first time began to suffer casualties.

"Let go!!! I want to go back to the cabin!! " A man who shouted wildly attracted Kurt's attention.

Then a soldier said coldly.

"Go back to your position and continue fighting!! "

The young man shouted unwillingly.

"Why!!! I volunteered to participate in the battle. Who knew there were so many monsters? Can't I go back to the cabin now?"

"Besides, I bought a ticket!! Why must I participate in the battle!! "

The soldier still had a cold face and said indifferently.

"The position has been assigned now, and you can't leave until the battle is over!! "

"I won't say it for the third time. If you don't go back, you will die!!!"

He raised the long sword while speaking.

The young man felt the opponent's strength and had to pick up the long sword on the ground again to join the battle.

Kurt frowned slightly.

This kind of situation never occurred in Belloc's memory.

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