Kurt looked grim.

Gritting his teeth.

"Okay! Since you don't believe it, let me show you. The list of gods invites three thousand gods to come!!" At the same time as he spoke, a scroll suddenly appeared in his hand.

Open the scroll to the sky.

Apollo was shocked.

The word "gods" is not something we just talk about casually. What is the concept of three thousand gods?

Full of doubts.

Look towards the scroll.

Just after reading the content on the scroll, I got angry and cursed.

"Asshole!! At this time, you are actually playing tricks on me, with a broken scroll, and you are talking about the list of gods!!"

"go to hell!!"

boom……! ! !

The blood cloud exploded in the sky.

The blood rain became more violent.


It was as if the sky had been pierced and heavy rain poured down.

The blood-red rain instantly covered the scroll.

Kurt had a helpless look on his face.

"Alas...! I didn't expect it to turn out like this. Leave everything to fate!"

After sighing, he raised his hand and waved.

The blood in the sky stopped instantly.

He glanced at the army of skeletons following him.

Just a glance.

The skeleton seemed to have been cast a restraining spell, standing in place like a wooden stake.


Shattered in an instant.

Return to the state of bones.

"How... is this possible!! What happened?! Why can you command the nightmare space?"

There was no joy on Kurt's face.

He looked up at the sky sadly.

said in a deep voice.

"The rain of blood contains corrosive power. You have accumulated the blood left by the deceased here. In order to control this blood, you integrated your own essence and blood into it. Is that right?"

Red clouds shook in the sky.

Apparently, Apollo was not at peace.

"Asshole...!! Scroll!! That's a fraud scroll, damn bastard, you actually used such a hateful thing to deceive me!!" The roar echoed in the space.

That's right! It was not the list of gods just now.

Just use words to trick the other party into viewing the fraudulent scroll.

Two things are needed to meet the conditions.

1. Read the above.

Second, drop the blood with your own hands to fulfill the signing conditions.

The furious Apollo only wanted to let the blood rain corrupt the scroll, but unexpectedly, the second condition was achieved instead.

This fraudulent scroll was naturally made by Gustav.

The reel sequence is not high.

But it contains regularity.

It is very useless to normal people, and only people with mental problems will sign it.

But through some means, other than gods, all human beings who sign need to implement it, otherwise it is no different from committing suicide.

During the avoidance process just now, the content on the scroll had been slightly modified.

It was for this reason that the nightmare space was transferred unconditionally, which made Apollo furious.

Kurt got the nightmare dimension, which was a good thing or a bad thing for him.

Now in the process of the promotion ceremony, suddenly having the nightmare space will cause a huge deviation.

A shift into the unknown.


A crisp sound came from the direction of the palm.

Kurt looked down.

When you see the back of your hand.

Pupils shrink suddenly.

I saw a piece of skin peeling off the back of my hand, floating in the air, and then like leaves burned by wildfire, turned into dust in the air and scattered everywhere.


Another piece of skin fell off.

Like a broken mirror, a piece of skin fell off inexplicably, very thin.

Then, various parts of the body began to fall off irregularly.

There was nothing Kurt could do about it.

Not to mention seeing this situation, I have never heard of it, and I don’t know what happened.

Not even pain.

The skin keeps cracking.

as time flows……

The flesh and bones began to break apart like the skin and slowly dissipated in the air.

Kurt hadn't fully mastered the nightmare space yet, so he had to sit cross-legged.

Put your mind into the nightmare space and plan to complete the fusion as soon as possible to find out the reason.

the other side.

Apollo's distracted eyes gradually began to recover.

But his recovered eyes were blazing with anger, and he wanted to eat Stephen alive.

"Damn old guy! Is everything planned by you!!!" roared angrily.

If the body can move.

He would not hesitate to stretch out his palm and pierce into Stephen's mind.

Take out your brain and see what kind of plan you have! !

Sounds seemed to be heard.

Stephen's green eyes also returned to normal.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly.

"Haha...! I told you not to be impulsive, why bother?"

That’s it again! !

The same thing happened to the fake Kurt from before. He said nicely to keep himself from being impulsive.

Aren't you deliberately irritating yourself?

I don’t know what’s going on today, I always do things impulsively.

"What are you planning on? You should know that even if he loses the nightmare space, he can't kill me."

"In more than 20 minutes, someone will come to check, and you will definitely be dead by then!"

"Planning??" Stephen's eyes rolled around.


"No, no, no, this is not something I did deliberately. This is fate. I just optimized the process."

"Having said that, you should also thank me. Without my participation, you would have died!"

"And now, you just lost the nightmare space."

"Cherish your life!"

"Look at the world clearly and don't let certain people or things blind you!"

"We will meet again. At that time, the final choice lies with you. I hope you don't seek death!"

Stephen said something that Apollo couldn't understand.

But there is one thing I understand.

The other person leaves with confidence.

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