Mysterious Tribulation

Chapter 70: 6 years

The battle of    Wind Chime Plain ended with a dramatic collapse of the Kingdom Army.

   But in the kingdom of Kagash, the description of this war was obscured by the limelight of another person.

   That is Earl Green Forest!

   Mastering the mysterious power, one person almost destroyed the existence of the entire palace!

   The name of the green devil, in the kingdom, can almost stop children from crying at night!

   Slightly beyond Aaron's expectation, the Grand Duke Bauhinia and Lord Eunice escaped smoothly. Of course, the old Duke was hit too badly and died soon after returning to the fief.

But Lord Eunice was still there. He inherited the position of Duke, and he did not know for what reason, perhaps because of Aaron’s previous joke, he took Vivienne to the position of queen, and he said The regent claimed himself.

   At the same time, they also sent envoys to fully accept Aaron’s previous conditions, cede the northern territory and pay millions of nars, and the two sides ceased the war.

   The Green Forest and the Kingdom of Kagash barely returned to peace, and no one cared about the wailing of many lords in the north.

   Anyway, they were originally the people who suffered the most from the Green Disaster. They had already broken the castle at this time, and they had no power to resist.

  Instead, the entire kingdom has set off a wave of research on mysticism, and it continues to spread...



   "Welcome, my son, you have laid down another territory the size of a green forest."

   At the gate, all the returning warriors received heroic treatment, especially Aaron.

   Even Theodore personally waited for a long time on the side of the road.

   "My father, I have killed the king and avenged Colin..."

   Aaron got off his horse and looked at the old castle with a banyan tree, and suddenly felt that it was not suitable for living.

   At this time, the Sotos family ruled the green forest and the huge territory in the north, it is also a bit untimely to place the center here.

   Strictly speaking, Frostwolf Castle is a good location.

   It was originally a Marquis' castle, and the terrain is dangerous. The northern border is much richer than the green forest, and the population and fields are the same.

   However, Theodore obviously wouldn't accept it.

   He is a stubborn green forest local faction, and there are many people like him.

   This also caused the Green Forest to be unable to integrate or digest the Kingdom of Kagash.

   But Aaron didn't bother to care about it.

   Actually, after he let the kingdom cede a large area of ​​northern territory, he felt a little regretful in his heart.

   There are too many government affairs every day, which seriously affects his sleep time, which is simply unforgivable.

   "Order to go down and prepare a grand banquet. I want to commend the ministers who have contributed to this war."

   Aaron got off his horse and quietly ordered Albert.

   "Please rest assured, count, I will be able to get things done."

  Albert was originally recommended by the bachelor of Sotos Castle, but that bachelor later participated in the rebellion and was caught and hanged.

   Even with that, Albert felt that people around him looked weird.

   Now that Lord Earl still trusts him, he almost cried.

   Of course, Aaron knew that Albert was still innocent, and there were a lot of people who studied under the bachelor's back then, and they couldn't be all rebellious.

   Besides, it doesn't make much sense now.

   The entire green forest has completely surrendered to him, whether it is the upper green forest or the lower green forest.

  Actually, he was going to reward the Iman knight this time, promote him to baron or viscount, and increase his fief in the north, in order to show his eclectic use of people and his performance style.

   Theodore watched Aaron's orders go down one by one. Everyone didn't dare to disobey. He couldn't help being a little relieved, but a little sad. He carried his hands on his back and left slowly.

   This is not his time after all.

   At this point, I couldn’t help feeling even more sad, and even the subsequent grand banquet lost its luster...


   Time flies.

   In an instant, six years passed by.

   In the Frostwolf Castle.

   Aaron finished writing the last letter, put it on fire, and handed it to the bachelor beside him: "Send it to Viscount Iman."

   The bachelor saluted and retired respectfully.

   Aaron stood up and came to the full-length mirror.

Although he is considered to be his age at this time, he is only in his early twenties, but his face is still as young and immature as he was when he was sixteen or seventeen. As a result, there have been rumors of the green devil being not old in the Kingdom of Kagash, although there are many With the blood bathing, the unbearable rumors of absorbing the vitality of children...

  As the new home, Frostwolf Castle has been renovated, making it taller and magnificent than before.

   Unfortunately, both Theodore and Ginny prefer to live in Sotos Castle.

   Aaron stood on the balcony, looking at the river and mountains not far away, and sighed slightly.

   Since these days, he has dealt with official duties during the day and dreamed at night, and nothing major happened on either side.

   The green forest and the northern border are very peaceful. No one dares to resist the rule of the green devil, and the kingdom outside has shrunk into a tortoise.

After the addition of new soil fertilizers and farming techniques, farmers in the north have ushered in several bumper harvests, and their lives have gradually become richer, and there has been no large-scale starvation to Really speaking. Although Aaron used his dream ability to record the structure of the steam engine and some advanced science and technology, he did not hand it over to craftsmen for development, and he did not even pay much attention to the improvement of gunpowder weapons.

   The root cause, I still don’t have enough energy...

   "It feels... the ‘red’ spirituality in the body is about to dissipate... I have made a slight error in my estimation. The ability to use in those battles is equivalent to more than five years of consumption..."

   "This world, even the extraordinary is difficult, let alone immortality..."

   Aaron sighed.

   Even if it is equivalent to the creator in the dream, the mysterious energy and personality exist only in the dream body.

   In reality, I am still just an ordinary person, and every bit of spirituality is very precious.

   And, until now, I can’t summon myself and communicate with the consciousness in my dreams through rituals. It seems that something is almost missing.

   This makes Aaron quite frustrated.

   Spirituality will eventually overflow, which seems to mean that he will also age and die one day...

   "I will never agree to this."

   Aaron said to himself.

   As the lord who rules the Green Forest and the North, he is not married, which has been criticized by his subordinates all the time.

   And, even if he maintains a close relationship with many ladies, he has never had any offspring, not even an illegitimate child.

   This is not a childless curse in the outside world, but he deliberately controls it.

   More children, more distractions.

   He didn't want to do this, but prepared to continue to explore the extraordinary and mystery with an attitude of ruining the boat.

   After pondering for a while, Aaron returned to the bedroom, lay on the luxurious bed, and entered the dream world.


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