Mysterious World, I Can Change My Destiny

Chapter 204 What Is The 5 Powers Of God, And There Are People Who Want To Harm Me?

Five ghosts transport?

Remove goods and food?

Can you suck the air out of others?

It's so weird and unpredictable! ?

Yang Ju opened her eyes wide and immediately regained her spirits.

In terms of Qi and blood martial arts, he has no natural talent.

Even if you rely on the great elixir to break through the first and second realms, your achievements are limited.

Therefore, I have always been interested in the art of the side-by-side.

"This Dao technique took me twenty years to practice, and it is extremely difficult.

Thanks to the help of the grandfather of the country, he helped me to subdue the five ghosts and the five ghosts, and sent the summons to do whatever I wanted. "

Mr. Er was very proud, with a hint of arrogance between his eyebrows and eyes.

He flicked his hand lightly, cast a sound barrier technique, and said:

"To be honest, young master, even if he is a master of the four realms who has opened up the sea of ​​​​qi and condensed the real astral,

Under the unintentional calculation of my mind, I was transported by five ghosts and five channels of Shinto.

If you step into the pit, you will lose your life. "

Is Taoism so powerful?

Can it be compared to the four realms of martial arts?

Yang Ping'er lowered her head slightly, her bright eyes bright.

She usually dealt with the gang of princes and sons, and only knew the tyranny of Qi and blood martial arts.

On the contrary, it is rare to hear people talk about the magic and mystery of qi training and Taoism.

"If you have a chance, you must find someone to ask about it."

Yang Ping'er has a sharp mind and knows that such a strange person like Mr. Er will not take the son of the prince in his eyes at all.

Even if you treat each other with courtesy, patiently test, and seek the law and the Tao.

Most of the time, the old fox meets the little fox and touches a soft nail without pain or itching.

In comparison, Luo Yuzhen and other royal relatives are better able to handle it.

As long as you ask each other softly, you are deeply moved, and you can have whatever you want.

"Mr. Er, why don't you elaborate on the transportation of the five ghosts, and let me have a long experience."

Yang Ju pretended to be calm, but the urgency in his tone could not be concealed.

His eldest brother became a monk and escaped into the empty door.

The eldest son who was supposed to be the hereditary prince became a monk, and the position of the heir, of course, fell to himself.

But my father was reluctant to make a decision, and over the years, he has received more adopted sons, and his intentions are obvious.

Therefore, Yang Ju's heart is always full of a sense of crisis, as if there is a sharp sword on his neck.

For fear that something went wrong, Yang Hong was displeased and completely lost his favor.

"Don't be in a hurry, young master, and listen to me slowly."

Mr. Er sold a little bit, took a few sips of the refreshing taste of Jianfeng old tea, and then smiled:

"The so-called five ghosts are wine, sex, wealth, qi, and profit. These five little ghosts are made up of the five directions, and they are also called the five spirits.

If you want to practice this technique, you need to find a fresh soul that fits the birth date and the five elements.

First, they were tortured in every possible way and held their breath. This step was to let them imprint the fear in their hearts and make them easy to control.

Then, it is extracted alive by the method of refining, incorporated into the five-color ritual, and cultivated for a hundred days.

Speaking of which, just looking for 'material' is very troublesome. "

Yang Ping'er's face changed slightly, and she couldn't help but take a deep breath.

She didn't expect that this Taoist practice would be so frantic.

He is almost the same as the remnants of the evil sect who were severely cracked down by the imperial court.

"Listening to what he said, it's actually not difficult. The Duke's government is powerful, with countless manors and fields under his name, and tens of thousands of servants.

Just say hello to those people, and countless people will do it. "

Yang Ju pondered carefully, rubbed the jade wrench on his hand, and thought to himself:

"Compared to the hard work of martial arts, we strive to have a solid foundation.

The cultivation time of Taoism, and Jinyi seem to be faster. "

Mr. Er took the changes in the expressions of the two into his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and continued:

"To tell the truth from the young master and the young lady, the power of this Daoist art is infinite.

Speaking of those five little devils, drunkards paralyze their minds and indulge in hallucinations,

Perverts tempt people's hearts, bewildered,

Wealth ghosts are greedy, searching for gold and silver,

Qi ghost transfers and steals life... As for the li ghost, it is the most powerful!

Borrowing one and returning ten, taking three cents of my wealth, and returning me ten times the profit, is the head of the five ghosts.

Under the cooperation of each other, there has always been no disadvantage in fighting the law. "

He flicked his sleeves, and a long phosphorous fire loomed between his fingers.

If you look carefully, you can see a few distorted and roaring evil phantoms.

When the angry ghost saw Yang Ju, he was suddenly restless, his mouth was full of blood, and he was about to gnaw at it.

As for the pervert, it was even more insane, with a pair of green triangular eyes staring straight at Yang Ping'er, and the saliva was dripping down.

"Have a frenzy!"

The second gentleman frowned and scolded like thunder.

The two little ghosts shrank into a ball in shock, not daring to be presumptuous.

"Sir is worthy of being a practitioner of qi, a man of immortals, and his methods are really amazing!

The mud legs of Liaodong will surely die this time! "

Yang Ju laughed and was extremely satisfied.

Seeing Mr. Er's unpredictable Taoism, he has no doubts in his heart and is equally confident.

How to escape such an invisible and invisible secret scheme that cannot be prevented?

After that Ji Yuan died, it would be of no avail even if the God of Six Doors came over, and there was absolutely no clue.

Ghosts and gods act, silently!

"I have already prepared a perfect plan, and I will never miss it. Pushing Luo Long out is more of a temptation.

If it is up to me to use the means, first use the qi ghost to remove the strong qi number of Ji Jiuro, let him have bad luck,

After lasting three or five days, send money demons and sex demons,

Come to a man with both money and sex, lure him into the bait, hollow out his body, and attract his mind.

In the end, the drunkard was used to paralyze the carelessness, and then the leering ghost was called out.

Violently squeezed the blood of this mud leg, and died violently. "

The second gentleman is born with bamboo in his chest, and he has the demeanor of a master.

It seems that Ji Yuan's life can be taken away in a chat.

"When will you do it, sir? I can't wait to see the miserable end of that Liaodong mud-legged man!"

Yang Ju hurriedly asked.

After cooking Ji Yuan, he could win over the second gentleman.

It is best to serve the left and right at any time, worship him as a teacher, and learn Taoism.

"There are no strict requirements for the opening of the altar, but driving the five ghosts is not without cost.

They all like human blood and food, and they are not willing to move until they are full.

And the requirements are different. The drunkard wants a strong man, the lecher likes young girls, and the rich ghost likes to eat seventy-year-old old men.

As for the good ghost, once the clerk served, he had to donate the hearts and blood of five warriors who were in the first realm of Qi. "

The second gentleman looked at Yang Ju with a half-smiling smile.

If he summoned the five ghosts forcefully and performed Dao techniques, there would be no problem.

But he is a general under the prince of the country, not a servant of the family of the prince.

There is no reason to contribute in vain!

"These are all easy to say. They can be completed in two days at the latest, and there are only a few people around to feed them with blood. It's not a rare thing."

Yang Ju's brows furrowed, and he immediately relaxed, agreeing quickly and neatly.

"Second brother, acting so recklessly will inevitably attract attention, in case the Censor Tai catches the handle and attacks the Duke of Liang's mansion..."

Yang Ping'er hesitated to persuade.

For her, dozens of lives are a small matter, but if someone is called to expose and report it, it will damage the reputation of the government.

The court has always banned prostitution, let alone the use of human blood and food for sacrifice.

This is a great sin, a serious sin, that has brought disaster to the whole family.

"Censor's desk? Let them participate! Go to participate!

Our government is a princeling, and we have the support of our own prince, so don’t be afraid! "

Yang Ju raised his head and smiled contemptuously, completely ignoring it.

No wonder he is so arrogant. Now he is the director of the Crown Prince, and the East Palace is in charge of the overall situation, and the momentum is in full swing.

When the saint does not come to court, who can move his old man?

Previously, an adopted son of Duke Liang, in the name of his adopted father, occupied more than 30,000 mu of fertile land in one fell swoop.

As a result, the Censor Office found evidence and wrote thirty-two letters one after another, but nothing happened.

"Young Master Gu does have the heroic and martial bearing of a grandfather of a country. A tiger's father has no dog's son, and he will become a great weapon in the future!"

Mr. Er seemed to be sincere and praised.

For the fiery furnace hidden in Yang Ju's chest.

A firewood was added without any trace.

"Sir, you are wrong, this country was shot down by the sage and my father with one knife and one shot!

We, the Duke of Liang, shed blood and made great contributions for Jing Dynasty,

What do those pedantic Qingliu know? Staring at trivial things all day long!

When my father led the army to fight, when he drove directly outside the customs and swept the hundred barbarians, he was wearing eight wounds and almost died. "

Yang Ju was in a fierce mood, and seemed to have a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, and said coldly:

"Let's just buy more fields and accidentally kill a few troublemakers,

They slandered them more, secretly saying that the Duke of Liang's government was domineering and arrogant, with no king's law in sight!

These talents are the worms of the country who have no king and no father, and only want to claim credit and fame! "

The second gentleman agreed, nodding his head and agreeing:

"Young Master Kuo said it is true, the Grandpa originally wanted to kill the chickens and set an example and punish the leading censors.

Later, it was His Royal Highness that sent a letter in person to give enough face, and this dispelled the murderous spirit in the heart of the grandfather of the country.

I never thought about it, but told these Qingliu to kick their noses and face, and they became more and more arrogant. "

Yang Ju nodded again and again, as if his confidants had met, and his affection for Mr. Er increased greatly.

This made Yang Ping'er on the side shake his head, and his second brother was pinched but still didn't know it.

With such a performance, how to subdue the four mountain people around Daddy.

Even the hereditary princes in the future will only be reduced to puppets who are connected with each other.

"Then it's a deal, just wait for the young master to prepare the blood of human sacrifices, we will open the altar and curse that Ji Jiulang to death!"

With a smile on the corner of Mr. Er's mouth, he said lightly.

"Okay! Damn it, let's see how he survives!"

Yang Ju nodded heavily, and immediately called the housekeeper to arrange it.



"Huh? My anger is blood red in the dark, it seems to be a sign of imminent disaster? Is there another evil person trying to harm me?!"

Ji Yuan, who was gossiping with people in the Qintian Supervisor, was suddenly startled, and seemed to feel an inexplicable throbbing.

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