Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1069: retro

Wen Rensheng was not surprised when he saw the strangely-shaped human being under his feet, talking "snoring".

Because he had observed the city long ago, and knew that most of the people in it looked like this, and only a very few people looked like the people of the earth.

This guy was inexplicably respectful to him, but the two sides couldn't understand the language, and he didn't know what the other party was talking about.

But this couldn't help him, and he quickly found the ability he needed from thousands of mysterious skills.

"Spiritual Linking Technique" can avoid the limitation of language and directly transmit the true thinking of both parties.

Of course, this cannot be perfect. For example, the unique concepts and definitions in the other party's culture cannot be conveyed, but they are enough to express most of the meaning of the creature: for example, I want to eat, I want to rest, I like you, I hate you...

And the skill that Wen Rensheng has increased, the effect of 1600 times, can amplify its function to the extreme.

He can achieve one-way transparency, and the other party cannot hide anything from him, but he can selectively tell the other party something.

This is good enough as a lie detector.

He pointed a finger, and a purple mist burst into the forehead of the deformed man under his feet.

The next moment, he knew what the other party was talking about.

"Hello, my name is Hulu. Great superheroic master, your brilliance is more dazzling than the most dazzling fire rock, and your power exceeds the most terrifying earth dragon..."

Wen Rensheng nodded, then put his hand on the other's head to investigate and analyze.

"Horror, mystery: 0/5."

"Mysterious Composition: Degenerate Humans."

It turned out that he was really human, not a monster.

"Get up, snoring, tell me the news of your city." Wen Rensheng's voice sounded in the other party's mind.

Hulu became more respectful. After getting up, he still bent deeply, not daring to look directly at each other.

"Our city is called Heixicheng. There are more than 700,000 people in the city. The city owner is a noble woman. Ms. Qingxi, a seventh-level ** division, is good at precipitation, weaving, and blocking..."

After more than half an hour, Wen Rensheng knew the general situation of the opposite city.

Afterwards, he used the thinking acceleration method, which took an hour in real time and a month in the thinking space to basically learn the language of the other party.

After doing all this, he made a ball of water and a piece of bread at random, and rewarded it to Hulu.

Hulu was excited, but fortunately, the teachings of his father and grandfather played a role.

It didn't get too carried away, just drank a little, then took a sip, took out a deflated water bag, carefully filled the water, and put the bread on the chest and put it away.

It has also seen bread. It was ten years ago, when a banquet was held in the city, and it was seen at the most prestigious seat.

Wen Rensheng nodded, this guy can still use it, and now he is going to that city.

The other party has just said that to enter their city, no documents are required.

However, with the permission of the city lord, when passing through the city gate, the dark net over the city will transmit the information of strangers to the city lord.

This model made Wen Rensheng feel that the other party was not a barbaric civilization, it was clearly an alternative information city.

"Let's go, go to your city." Wen Rensheng said, looking at Heixi City a few kilometers away.

Just a few minutes later, Wen Rensheng stood at the gate of the city, holding Hulu in one hand, and the guards on both sides, like Hulu just now, also knelt down for him.

And the "dark net" in Hulu's mouth, that is, the black net above the city wall, as if it had wisdom, extended down and swept over Wen Rensheng's body.

Wen Rensheng didn't resist, just blocked his consciousness.

After a while, a female face appeared on the dark web.

It looks pretty, but you can't tell the nobleness, because the tone of the other party's speech is similar to that of the most remote mountain people in Dongzhou:

"Hello, ** division from afar. We welcome your arrival, provided that you abide by the rules here, although you are very strong, but you must know that in the flame world, you can no longer withstand more wars. , if you dare to challenge me, you will be hunted down by everyone."

The words are very real.

"I respect your rule over this city. I am a time traveler from a far away place, and I have no extra intentions for your territory."

Wen Rensheng said directly.

He didn't make up any lies because he didn't need to.

The other party can easily see the difference between him and the locals, not to mention the more than 30 earthlings, it is even more impossible to cover up too much.

"Time traveler? Oh, oh, oh! You are actually a strong magician who has touched the space field. This is really good news. I welcome you, please come in and sit."

Half an hour later, Hulu was pleasantly surprised to follow the super ** division, walking into the tall and beautiful city lord's mansion for the first time in his life.

There is a comfortable and humid atmosphere everywhere, and there are even many green plants that it can't see at all, so that it feels that if it takes a few more breaths of the air here, it can live for a few more days.

Not long after, the super clerk followed a tall woman who looked like a housekeeper and walked into a separate reception room.

And it was left in a big house, and was entertained to eat and drink, all the good things it had never eaten, and the taste was second only to the bite of bread it had just eaten.


Wen Rensheng sat at the long table, talking to the robed woman opposite.

On the ceiling overhead, there are bright electric lamps, much better than the hot flames outside the city.

This woman was very tall, about 1.8 meters, only a little lower than him. She was also very beautiful, with delicate features and a slender figure.

The dark net just now did not fully show her face.

"You said that you came from a world called Earth, where water and plants are everywhere. This reminds me of ancient records. Our world was once so beautiful." The female city owner sighed.

"Is it because of the invasion of some monsters that it became like this?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"It's not an invasion, it's an invitation. The seven most powerful emperors, for the sake of longevity and permanent domination, took the initiative to let a group of monsters enter our world."

"However, they were too impatient... This is our later evaluation and criticism. They didn't choose carefully. When they encountered a group of flame monsters, they hurriedly held sacrifices to let them settle in because they promised to live forever like flames."

"Later they learned that there are other more friendly monsters to choose from, such as wood-type and water-type monsters, which are more suitable for our world than flame monsters."

The female city owner was talking like a chatter, and at the same time she was talking, she was quickly adapting to Wen Rensheng's way of speaking and words.

This shows a problem: she does think that Wen Rensheng is very powerful, but she was not humble just now.

In the other party's mouth, a normal developing life world, the complete process of being invaded by disasters, is presented in front of him.

But there is one most crucial thing that the other party has not explained, that is, how did the world that originally developed normally contact the group of flame monsters for the first time?

The female city owner couldn't explain clearly, but said that it was because those people prayed every day.

This statement is obviously unreliable. After all, billions of people on earth in the previous life were praying for the arrival of gods and Buddhas, and they did not see a single star, but there were a lot of lunatics who claimed to have seen them.

Wen Rensheng interjected: "Then are you willing to restore your to the ancient times?"

"I don't want to." The female city lord said without hesitation.


"Because now I can live indefinitely, as long as there are flames and water, I don't have to worry about death. Back in the ancient times, my power will also disappear, I don't know who can rise again, but it certainly won't be me ." The female city lord pulled out a smile, her eyes suddenly a little scary.

A flame emerged from her body: "I think, you are not a retro person, are you?"

"Oh, don't worry, I won't interfere in your world, that means nothing to me." Wen Rensheng smiled slightly.

He heard another new concept.


Well, it must be a civilian genre, wanting to return to the good times of ancient times.

The flame on the female city lord disappeared.

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