Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1090: worst guess

The red-robed priest Carlton was caught in a tangle.

In fact, if it is replaced by a normal sacrifice, it will not be so entangled.

The first time will be to pray to the Colossus.

However, he belongs to that kind of shrewd person, just like the former Dr. Miley, who likes to become a sacrifice by relying on the giant statue of the camp, and is not very religious in itself.

He completely knew what the nature of the colossus was. The other party was not a god, but a catastrophe, just a hypocritical type.

Priest Carlton finally hesitated for ten minutes before making a decision:

kill them!

Then destroy all the sunglasses.

Within ten minutes, no one knew what he thought of, only he knew, he thought of all the possibilities.

The best solution for him is to kill them.

As for what he thought, I'll leave it to others to guess.


Dufferin took the **** man, and then went to find a third friend, a guy who likes to play with guns. In pursuit of authenticity, he also went to be a mercenary, and even got injured in one eye and became a one-eyed dragon.

The other party is the kind of person who is least afraid of death, just for stimulation.

And now the other party has become a monster hunter, because it is more exciting.

That's why he went to find each other.

The **** man is honest and reliable, and can be used as a meat shield. This is the output.

As for him, of course, the most important commander...

On the way to find the one-eyed dragon, he deliberately let the **** detour and glanced at his ex-girlfriend Andy from a distance.

He was relieved that the other party was not a wolf head, but what made him painful was that the other party was flirting with a man.

When he was about to turn around and leave, the **** man suddenly pointed at Andy and exclaimed, "Your wife's legs, her legs!"

Otherwise, the black big man will be abandoned as many as 9 times, he can't speak, and he even mentions his wife at this time. Isn't this deliberately stimulating him?

But Dufferin didn't care about this, just followed the other's fingers.

Seeing this, he was immediately horrified!

I saw Andy's legs, from the knees down, fluffy, like a pair of wolf legs!

Coupled with the flirtatious appearance of the other party, it is even more thrilling.

He soon understood why, and it was clear that it was a sign that his ex-girlfriend was being werewolfized!

It won't take too long, and the other party will also turn into a wolf head, a demon hiding beside humans!

He took a few deep breaths, and then said to the **** man: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

The **** nodded and sped away.

After more than three hours, they found the Cyclops on the edge of the Colossus State.

The other party was covered in bullets, holding a Gatling in one hand, and was strafing a forest a few hundred meters away, causing dust to splash and trees to collapse.

Looking more closely, I saw that the other party, including the bullets, was also covered with various Dongzhou paper talismans, red and yellow, and strange shapes, which made people look quite strange.

Not only that, but the one-eyed dragon seems to have words in his mouth.

When they got close, the two realized that the other spoke Chinese:

"Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, 36,000 revolutions in one breath, six pure descending magic tubes, great mercy and great compassion to slay demons and beasts."

What is this all about?

Dufferin stood where he could see him, and then shouted, "Hey, Banks, what are you doing?"

"Didn't you hear the spell I chanted? I'm destroying demons." Banks, the one-eyed dragon, shouted loudly without turning his head.

The machine guns were firing loudly, and it was difficult to hear without shouting.

"Okay, but where is the devil?" the **** asked curiously.

Both of them were wearing sunglasses, and they had already seen that the one-eyed dragon was not a werewolf. Otherwise, they would not have dared to approach a werewolf holding a Gatling Bodhisattva.

"Humph, you can't see it with the naked eye. I can see it only after sticking a paper talisman. This is the edge area covered by the colossus. Those monsters are all eyeing the forest outside, and they will rush in at any time to catch some people away." The one-eyed dragon said seriously.

"Oh, is that so?" Dufferin looked carefully at the forest.

Through the sunglasses, he really saw patches of black mist rising from the mountain forest. Looking carefully, he could occasionally see some oddly-shaped limbs being beaten into the air by the one-eyed Gatling.

The one-eyed dragon was right, and this discovery once again proved that the sunglasses he got were indeed real, and they were not deceiving him through hallucinations.

"There are indeed monsters!" He pointed to the mountains and asked the **** to take a closer look.

At a glance, the **** nodded in agreement.

"Hey, can you see it too?" The one-eyed dragon had stopped shooting and turned his head curiously.

"Yes, it's the true vision that these sunglasses give me, I've seen even scarier things with them..."

Under the description of the two, the one-eyed dragon finally understood what happened.

It's just that he was a little puzzled: "Why didn't I find anything before, those sacrifices are normal and good people, is it because my paper talisman mana is not strong enough?"

"By the way, I was about to ask you, where did you learn all this? It seems to be useful." Dufferin asked curiously.

"It was taught to me by an old man of Eastern Asian descent. He was dying of old age. I helped him, and he passed on these things to me."

"It's really a magical Eastern Continent spell, isn't it only aliens who have those mysterious powers?" Dufferin wondered.

"No, a kind of ordinary people have appeared long ago, and they also have some special powers." The one-eyed dragon shook his head.

"Oh, I remembered, I participated in a terrifying maze game before, where I met an ordinary person with special powers who could never die." Dufferin suddenly recalled.

Of course he didn't know that the ordinary person who could never die, Dampier, died in the end.

"Well, let's not say this in advance, let's go and see if there are any good sacrifices." The one-eyed dragon said, walked into Daflin's car, and from the box, he also picked up a pair of sunglasses and put them on.

Then the three of them left together by car and began to travel around the Colossus State.

To their surprise, Dufferin guessed right, every sacrifice they saw was a werewolf!

"We must find a reliable channel to approach the Colossus, and then tell him everything that happened here." Dufferin said excitedly.

"Calm down, have you ever thought about it, in fact, the essence of the colossus is an ultimate werewolf..." The one-eyed dragon calmly said something that terrified the two of them.

"This, this is impossible!" Dufferin exclaimed in surprise.

He hadn't thought about this possibility at all.

However, when you think about it calmly, this is the closest to the truth and the most terrifying guess.

It is precisely because the colossus is the ultimate werewolf that its sacrifices become werewolves, and the people it rules are gradually becoming werewolves.

Unbeknownst to the three, the priest Carlton, who had been watching over them, had a terrifying smile on his face.

That's right, the speculation of the three is exactly what he thought of before.

Because only in this way, can we explain why he became a werewolf as a sacrifice!

It is because of this consideration that he did not report it to the Colossus, but based on the position of a refined decided to cover up everything.

The actions of the three also made him confirm his guess that the other sacrifices were also werewolves!

Now his cover-up plan can be executed.

For **** three people, he has prepared several plans.

He wouldn't do it himself, after all, the Colossus stipulated that sacrifices were not allowed to kill casually.

He found a way to find a killer group from the Internet.

This kind of organization does not exist in Dongzhou, but it does in McKindle.

Ten million new Mackins, hired them.

Then he admonished the other party to kill only and not to touch anything on or around them.

Then he comfortably continued to monitor the three.

If the killer breaks the agreement, he will kill the killer himself.

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