Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1135: look at the sun

Wen Rensheng asked, "Did you feel that it was getting dark in an instant?"

Everyone else shook their heads, only Wei Yiqing glanced at him: "A little bit."

"I didn't notice it when it was dark, but I found out that the internet was suddenly disconnected." Wang Wenwen also said.

"Well, let's continue the banquet, it may be my illusion."

Wen Rensheng's voice just fell, and a reminder came in his mind:

"The disappearing sun: Without the sun, most people will die, and the rest will depend on whether they can get another sun."

"Mystery: ????"

"Mysterious composition: ??????"

Hey, this time there seems to be a lot of question marks.

This may be an ominous sign.

Wen Rensheng wanted to ask what happened to Shi Shi, she was the only one who was absent from the banquet, because she said that she had to maintain the whole city.

In fact, Wen Rensheng knew that this was because she was afraid of life and excitement, and only liked to spend time with the people she knew best, which was the exact opposite of Xiao Huan's temperament.

"Shi Shi, is it dark outside?"

"Yes, the sun suddenly disappeared. I was afraid that everyone would not be able to continue the party, so I simulated the sun and disconnected the Internet. I was afraid that the citizens would know that things outside were too chaotic and disturb your interest." Shi Shi really gave affirmation. s answer.

"You did a good job, but just call me next time to deal with it."

Wen Rensheng affirmed Shi Shi's good intentions, and then made an excuse to leave the banquet.



Wen Rensheng left the blood island world, and when he came out, he saw that it was really dark, with only the stars in space, which gave some illumination.

But it was enough for him, he could still see very clearly.

Some seafarers' shouts could be heard faintly in my ears.

"What's the matter, why is it suddenly dark?"

"Yeah, the sun was dazzling just now, but it was gone all of a sudden. Did a solar eclipse happen?"

"But for a solar eclipse, you should be able to see the process of the sun being gradually obscured by the moon, right? It just disappeared all of a sudden."

"Yeah, like jumping from noon to midnight all at once."

"There must be a sea monster that swallowed the sun, and we are all finished!"

Wen Rensheng looked from a distance, and saw that on a sea-going ship, the crew members were gathering on the deck, terrified.

The crew is the most superstitious group, because the sea is chaotic and difficult to grasp. One moment is calm and the next moment may be stormy.

Wen Rensheng knew that after the sunlight disappeared, it would not cool down immediately. Because of the thermal insulation effect of the atmosphere, it took more than one day to dissipate heat before the earth would experience heavy snow.

According to scientific estimates, after 24 hours, the average land temperature will decrease by more than 20 degrees, and the average ocean temperature will decrease by 6 to 7 degrees.

Because of the temperature difference between the two, there will be super storms and super tsunamis.

In other words, the time left for him to resolve this incident was less than 24 hours.

There must have been a lot of losses now, such as transportation, and various production activities.

But if there is no greater loss, the problem must be resolved within 24 hours.

After this time, the number of deaths will be in billions.

This will be an unprecedented global catastrophe.

However, he can be sure that there is still good news, that is, the sun itself has definitely not disappeared, only the light has disappeared.

Otherwise, the sun disappears and the gravity of the sun is lost, and the earth will immediately fly out along the tangent of the orbital orbit like a spinning ball that has lost its pull-string, allowing humans to experience the feeling of a real wandering earth.

At least he can't see the same starry sky as he is now.

Just thinking about it, his cell phone rang. Needless to say, it must have been Lao An and the others.

After connecting, Lao An said anxiously, "Old Wen, something big happened."

"I already know, is the sun disappearing, is it disappearing globally, or is it darkening locally?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"It's all over the world, and the sun can't be seen anywhere. We are launching a spacecraft urgently to see the sun's situation. At the same time, we strictly control cities around the world and keep residents from moving around at home."

"We only have 24 hours of emergency time, which is not enough at all. I'm afraid it won't be long before the final measures will be launched."

Unprecedentedly nervous and anxious, Lao An asked again, "Fortunately, I moved a city for you before. Are you all right now? I'll make arrangements to urgently transport a large amount of coal, oil and uranium ore into your city."

"Thank you, it's fine for the time being, the people still don't know the outside news, haven't you used a prophet?" Wen Rensheng replied.

There is no nuclear power plant in the world of Blood Island, and it seems that several are still to be built.

"It was used immediately. Three vomited blood, and two died immediately. No one dared to predict the reason for the disappearance of the sun." Director An sighed.

Wen Rensheng nodded, but fortunately he decided to take a look for himself first, so that his family members did not rashly use their prophetic abilities.

Prophecy itself is a very dangerous thing, and it is necessary to get close to those monsters hidden in the mysterious world.



Then Wen Rensheng didn't waste any more time, and directly controlled the puppet man to penetrate into space and fly towards the sun.

After passing through space, he saw the sun. At this time, the sun turned into a black ball. Only some very faint light made Wen Rensheng discover its location.

Such light, after passing through the atmosphere, is naturally invisible.

The sun is 150 million kilometers away from the earth. He used the flying technique. The basic speed is calculated at 200 kilometers per hour. The current mystery bonus is 1994 times, which is 398,903 kilometers in one hour, which is still far worse than the speed of light.

However, it is more than enough to sail in the star system.

It only took him 37.6 hours to fly near the sun.

However, this seemingly acceptable speed is still insufficient under the current circumstances.

So he thought of another way to soar to the maximum speed in space, and then said to Xiao Huan:

"I need to see what's going on in the sun soon, you help."

Xiao Huan has no entity, and within its control range, the speed is infinite.

But beyond the earth, it is beyond its control, so a carrier is needed.

"Then how can I help you?" Xiao Huan didn't shirk.

Yes, things are also related to the survival of her hundreds of millions of toys, of course it is impossible to shirk.

"You put an avatar into this ball." Wen Rensheng took out the riddle ball.

"It's over, what should I do next?" Xiao Huan asked curiously.

"Just close your eyes and wait."

"I'm looking forward to it." Xiao Huan said excitedly.

Wen Rensheng said purple mist spread out from his body, and then condensed a baseball bat, and slammed it towards the riddle ball!


Wen Rensheng hit a perfect home run, hitting Xiao Huan far away in the direction of the sun.

Xiao Huan's speed at this time is equal to Wen Rensheng's previous flight speed, plus the speed applied after this swing.

Her speed soared all of a sudden. After Wen Rensheng's visual inspection, he found that it was at least ten times faster than the previous puppet man. It is estimated that it only takes three and a half hours to know the true situation of the sun.

After all, the puppet is too big, and the riddle ball is so small, after accelerating, it is naturally very impressive.

In fact, this is also the inspiration that Wen Rensheng had when he thought of the three-body novel in his previous life: the three-body man launches water droplets, which is the same reason.

"Old Wen, you bastard, hit me again!"

"It's all for mankind, for justice, for peace, don't blame me." Wen Rensheng was indifferent.

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