Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1204: mind

With the last official piece that can be collected, the chess game is finally over.

Don't need to count specifically, Dufferin also knows that he, no more, no less, just lost 20 orders.

At this time, the onlookers were also staring nervously.

"1, 2, 3... 15, 16..."

"19, 20!"

"Is it only 20 eyes lost?" An old lady rubbed her eyes, uncertain.

"It's 20! We are saved!" A young man jumped up.

"Yeah, this year will be fine again, and you only need to pay 30% of the tax and rent!" Others were ecstatic.

"We can eat enough, and we can eat casually this year!"

"Dad, can we really eat enough every day?" A little girl asked a middle-aged man with her fingers crossed.

"Of course, you can eat three meals a day this year." Her father hugged her and said happily.

"Then why don't we save a meal for next year?" the little girl wondered.

The middle-aged man was silent for a long time before he said: "Keep it until next year, if you don't play a good game with God next year, how much you keep will be taken away by the government, and only those who will not starve us will be left. It's better to eat If you grow some meat in your stomach, you will also grow a little taller, and you can learn chess well when you are full."

The little girl nodded understandingly.

The people standing on the chessboard recovered one by one, then ran out and hugged the others.

Some adults even threw their children around.

Dufferin saw it in his heart, and he could only see the situation of not being able to eat on the Internet news.

In the three main civilizations of East, West and Mai, people worry every day about how to lose weight, how to lose weight for themselves, and how to catch up with the disobedient fat pigs on the playground...

A 10-year-old child can weigh as much as a thirty-seven-eight-year-old adult.

Although everyone feels that money is not enough, no one ever feels that food is not enough.

That middle-aged father was right, you can learn Go well when you have enough to eat.

A common sense that many people don't know: Playing chess is no easier than running, and it consumes a lot of energy. People who are not physically fit are not good at Go.

High-speed mental exercise consumes more sugar and nutrients.

"Thank God for opening your eyes!" The village chief immediately knelt down.

"Thank God for opening your eyes!" Everyone knelt down.

Dufferin did not complain about the villagers going to thank God.

Because he noticed that the opponent kept his hand for him, and slowed his hand behind him to let him live out his two eyes.

Otherwise, one of his dragons will be slaughtered, and the chess shape will become extremely ugly.

Then the village chief turned around again: "Thank you, Master Da, thank you."

"There's no need for such a big gift, thanks to you for taking care of me these days." Dufferin said seriously.

He didn't lie, if it wasn't for the people in the village who took him in and regarded him as a member of the village, even if he was a xenogeneic, in this world of Go, it would be impossible for him to move without a background.

It is difficult for people without identity to survive in this world.

If you don't have an identity, you can't officially play chess. Even robbery here, you have to play chess to rob the opponent.

The force of his aliens is useless. A bandit who knows a little bit of chess can easily kill him because he is not qualified to play chess.


In a certain market town, the streets are full of large and small chess stalls.

Wen Rensheng appeared here, he was scanning the surroundings, this time, of course, he didn't appear in real body, but used the body of a big cat.

"Oh, it's really playing chess, it's too boring to say." Xiao Huan said unhappily.

Obviously, the market town should be very lively, but there are no dazzling goods on the street, but rows of chess stalls.

Men and women, young and old, all played chess quietly, holding their chins, frowning, scratching their ears, or waving their fans with confidence.

Wen Rensheng glanced at it and basically understood the stage of social development.

It should be the peak of feudalism and the budding of capital.

People are dressed in average clothes, most of them seem to be well fed, and there are not too many skinny people.

There wasn't a single beggar on the street and it was very clean.

The old people cleaning the house are carefully picking up the trash by hand, lest they make too much noise.

The big cat walked to a chessboard, and the players were a man and a woman. There were four old people watching next to them.

The woman's appearance is average, the man's appearance is medium to upper, and the woman is staring at the chessboard with gnashing teeth.

The man stared nervously at the chessboard, his mouth constantly moving, but he didn't make a sound.

"See if your dragon is still alive!" The woman suddenly made a clever move, which could not only block the opponent's dragon in the eye, but also force the man to respond and fall behind.

"Hey, you are so ruthless, you are not afraid of your weak chess shape?" The man said in shock.

"Don't be afraid!" the woman said fiercely.

Wen Rensheng noticed that there seemed to be faint ripples between the two of them.

With his great wisdom now comparable to the supreme righteous enlightenment, he immediately understood that the collision of spiritual consciousness between the two was arousing mysterious power.

It turns out that this world relies on the contest of Go to make people's spiritual wills collide with the most intense, and then to temper the most advanced source crystal.

Why can't people beat AI in Go?

One of the most important points is that AI does not have any emotional fluctuations, and does not have any psychological emotions, which makes the previous battle of wills between chess players meaningless.

AI has always been stable, and players will always have mood swings.

Even if the chess strength of both sides is the same, the chess player will be at a disadvantage, not to mention that the computing power of AI is increasing infinitely.

But in this world, no matter how strong AI is, it doesn't make sense. The manipulator behind the scenes will not allow AI to appear and participate.

After a while, Wen Rensheng found out that the man gave in step by step, in order to escape from the dragon, in order to make a fool of himself, he had to make compromises and let the other party take a lot of advantage.

"Haha, I'm going to win, and then you'll be the son-in-law! Let's see how I abuse you!"

Excited, the woman couldn't help but say the stake in this game of chess.

"Don't even think about it, you should be married to my house!" The man refused to give in an inch, and then regained his fighting spirit.

It turned out that the goal of this game of chess was to decide the big question of who to marry.

"Haha, my father-in-law, I think we should go back early to prepare, this game of chess, my daughter is safe!" An old man said proudly.

"You're happy, old Chen, I haven't conceded defeat yet. Your daughter's chess pieces are still weak." Another old man did his part.

Wen Rensheng swept around and smiled slightly.

He only learned a little bit of Go before, but he is not proficient at it.

But he already knew that in this world, the position occupied by the game of Go, and even the major matters of marriage, had to be decided by the game of Go.

And marriage is the core of the theme of human production and life.

He got it.

The victory of this chess game, others are not sure who will win and who will lose.

But he has foreseen that it must be the man who wins. Because he noticed that the mental will of the latter is getting stronger, and the other party will be helped by God...

When taking two steps, Xiao Huan couldn't help but ask: "Old Wen, who will win?"

"Can you understand Go?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

"I don't understand, it's more troublesome than football, alas, everyone still looks like a wooden man, it's really boring," Xiao Huan sighed, "I shouldn't have come to this place with you this time."

"Haha, open your eyes and see the state of their minds, and you will know who wins and who loses, and it's very fun." Wen Rensheng pointed with a smile.

Xiao Huan seemed to understand but did not understand, and said, "You are so mysterious, I don't know how to be happy."

Wen Rensheng was Sure enough, he still overestimated this guy.

So he activated Mystic Vision, and Mystic Spirituality, both of which were applied to the man and woman.

The next moment, in Xiao Huan's eyes, on the woman's head, a white rabbit suddenly appeared "Cuckoo"!

That white rabbit jumped, stretched its legs and kicked its feet, very active!

And above the man's head, there is a civet cat, shrinking its body and staying still!

The real victory or defeat is exactly the opposite of what is presented on the chessboard!

"Hey, this is fun!" Xiao Huan suddenly became very happy, "Old Wen, how did you come up with this method?"

"Of course it's because I read a lot." Wen Rensheng said boldly.

He wouldn't admit that it was because he had seen too many gods and demons movies, and the most typical scenes in them were different demons with different appearances.

Just when he saw through the mysteries of this world, he thought that the changes of the chess game could be inferred through the mental will of the players.

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