Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1210: toss

After Roach returned to the compound, he was very ashamed to say that he was coerced and lured by others and exposed the details...

He was worried that this would bring great trouble to Wen Rensheng.

Isn't the biggest secret of the traveler from the earth?

Anyway, he has read a lot of novels, and few of them will reveal this secret.

"It's okay, I knew I wouldn't hide it for too long." Wen Rensheng said nonchalantly.

"There won't be any problems, right?" Roach said anxiously.

He was ashamed of his cowardice, but there was nothing he could do. The big hammer was too scary. He was not a stranger in a peaceful era who could resist intimidation.

"There must be some problems, but they are still under control." Wen Rensheng comforted.

"That's good, by the way, when will you set the stage?" Roach asked.

"This is not in a hurry, I have to observe and observe." Wen Rensheng thought for a while.

The next day, the Jiang family in Fucheng invited the two to a banquet.

Wen Rensheng met the two men who threatened Roach, Jiang Zinan and Ding Yong.

Jiang Zinan was still waving a folding fan, and when he came up, he was about to discuss cooperation with Wen Rensheng.

"Oh, I can't see how this kind of cooperation will benefit me." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"You are from outside the sky, in fact, you don't know that the heavenly chess players above us are also from outside the sky. They have made the world what they want. Don't you want to do the same thing?" Jiang Zinan said in a persuasive manner.

"No, this world is my dream world." Roach said first.

Ding Yong's big hammer gestured at him, causing Roach to shrink behind Wen Rensheng in fright.

"How did you know about this?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"Don't underestimate the heritage of the family for thousands of years. A private notebook handed down from ancient times by our family clearly records that thousands of years ago, the world was not dominated by Go." Jiang Zinan looked up at the ceiling.

"I'm curious, you're just an ordinary person, how confident do you have to be to participate in things that change the world? Live well, isn't it delicious to eat, drink, and play?" Wen Rensheng asked again.

Jiang Zinan was silent for a long time, before he said: "I have learned from Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, classics and history, and I have passed seven of eight, but only Go, I am not convinced! Living like this makes me feel less alive, and it makes me feel worse than death. Pain, I don't want to live like this!"

"It seems that Your Excellency is really a person with a higher heart than the sky." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

He could see that Jiang Zinan represented a large potential force in the society of ordinary people in this world—people who possessed various skills, but who did not have the talent for Go.

There are many such people. In the previous life, there were also many people who learned Go, but in the end, they were only one in a hundred who could become professional players. Moreover, many professional players couldn’t go very far, and they had to change careers later.

"How, do you agree?" Jiang Zinan asked eagerly.

Wen Rensheng looked at the other party, as if he saw the compradors in the Republic of China. They were unable to transform their world, so they placed their hopes on outsiders.

They seem to be elites, speak fluent English, have rich family assets, and excellent education, but they are destined to be a pile of rotten waste.

If he didn't have the memory of his past life, Wen Rensheng would definitely be the same as many Wen Qing, who regarded them as the protagonists and pillars of the changing times, and wrote a song about the Republic of China. However, he knew that these guys were only worthy of acting as the humus under the growth of the big tree. .

Wen Rensheng launched a fantasy deduction.

Roach on the side quickly saw the two inexplicably talking there for a while, singing, dancing, swinging a fan, dancing a hammer...

"What are they doing?" Roach asked confused.

"They are cheering for victory." Wen Rensheng stretched out his hand to let him see what was happening in the illusion.

Roach was amazed to see that the folding fan man and the sledgehammer man were excited to reach a cooperation agreement with Wen Rensheng.

It went well at first, with both sides delving into and finding loopholes in Go.

Finally they finally found:

Go also follows a principle, that is, there is a clear goal of winning and losing, and both sides of the game have fully disclosed information...and other conditions. Such a chess game has an inevitable strategy of undefeated.

In the end, with the support of Wen Rensheng, they found a strategy of "undefeating in the dark".

Even the 33rd dan Celestial Chess players are not their opponents.

So the chess players began to increase the number of sunspot posts, but when they posted too much, they became "invincible with white".

"I know there is this principle, but there is no one who can play chess according to this "must not fail principle"." Roach couldn't help muttering when he saw this.

"Are you saying that I'm not human?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

"Are you really human?"

Just as Roach was expressing his doubts, there was a change in the fantasy.

Ding Yong and Jiang Zinan betrayed!

They were bought by the chess players, saying that they wanted to leave them a position as a chess boy in the sky, so they happily sold Wen Rensheng and Luo Qi.

The situation behind is delightful to hear about it - what kind of person Wen Rensheng was, he directly hit the Lingxiao Palace, pulled the two out, threw them to the ground, and then was suppressed by the Heavenly Chess players, and was pressed under the Five Elements Mountain...

"Uh, is the latter thing true?" Roach asked in surprise.

"Of course the latter is fake, it's all their own imagination. The situation in the sky is made up by their own brains. People can't recall things they haven't seen." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Oh, so, they still don't like us! These two **** clearly want to use us!" Roach said bitterly.

Wen Rensheng smiled, this was what he expected.

As soon as he waved his hand, Ding Yong and Jiang Zinan fainted and lay on the wine table.

"What now? I think this world is fine, don't mess around with them, okay?" Roach pleaded.

"Don't bother, I just have a look." Wen Rensheng nodded.

Of course he understands Roach's thoughts, the world is simply tailor-made for each other.

Then he waved his hand, and Ding Yong and Jiang Zinan woke up again.

After sobering up, Ding Yong was a little embarrassed, lowered his head, and seemed to have the straightforwardness of a warrior.

On the contrary, Jiang Zinan was not ashamed at all, instead he sighed: "It's a good method, I heard people say that when I met an immortal in a shop, it was a dream of Huang Liang, but I didn't expect it to be like this today. Alas, life is a big dream, the white head of youth is fleeting, and sure enough Still asking for immortals!"

After he finished speaking, he knelt down to Wen Rensheng and said, "Please accept me as a disciple."

"You have a back bone in your head, how can I accept you?" Wen Rensheng said lightly.

"I would like to take my flesh and soul as a pledge, and ask the immortals to accept me." Jiang Zinan said without hesitation.

Wen Rensheng smiled, as expected, he is a person who can go out of his way. After experiencing the illusion, his mind was not attacked, but sublimated.

"what can you do?"

"I will do what you want me to do."

Otherwise, it's from the elite, it's a nice thing to say, and it makes people feel comfortable.

"I want to make you a chess said Wen Rensheng.

"Thank you, Master, for making it happen."

Roach was stunned, why is this? Knowing that this guy has a back bone in his head, why would he want to give him such a big benefit?

Why not castrated? Save the trouble for future generations.

If it were him, he would do it.

He wanted to ask Wen Rensheng, but this was obviously not the time.

Then, he saw Wen Rensheng stretch out his hand to cover the other's head, not long after, a gray-white aura came out of the other's body, and then a purple aura poured into it.

He didn't understand what the other party was doing, it was probably those mysterious methods.

After a while, Wen Rensheng let go.

Jiang Zinan closed his eyes and seemed to be comprehending something.

After an unknown time, he suddenly opened his eyes and said:

"I got it!"

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