Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1218: Wait for 1 generation

After Lu Kuan finished grooming and changed his clothes, he raised his head and screamed:

"I'm back again! Just wait, everything you owe me has to be paid back!"

"Then how are you going to take revenge? This is a world where force cannot be used directly." Wen Rensheng asked.

"I want to find the location of that hotel first, and then announce their location to all players, let them both have an AI Go battle, and then I can catch them all," Lu Kuan said, and suddenly realized that the benefactor should Knowing where the hotel is, he immediately asked, "Engong, where exactly is that hotel?"

"Doesn't your game simulator show you the real-time locations of all players?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

"Of course not, these functions have to consume a lot of points to open, I was careless." Lu Kuan sighed.

"Then do you know where your greatest weakness is?"

"It's because I'm too weak, as long as two big men can control me."

"So, what you have to do now is not to take revenge, but to make up for this weakness first."

Wen Rensheng said this, and then brought the land broadband back to the real world.


Zhongjiang City, a reception room.

Lao An, Liu Xuncha, and some researchers are all here, sitting opposite Lu Kuan and Wen Rensheng.

"You have such a powerful ability, why don't you want to cooperate with us, otherwise, you won't encounter such a thing? If you die in that place, wouldn't everything be in vain? Are you worthy of your own parents? Inspector Liu asked.

Lu Kuan lowered his head and took a long time to say, "There are golden fingers in the novel, who would think to tell others, I came according to the standard strategy, and they are too shameless."

"Can fiction and reality be the same thing? In reality, people are unpredictable, everyone has their own ideas, and only a few people in fiction have subjective initiative. You have such a big golden finger, and you still want to be controlled by one person How is it possible? If you don’t fall into the arms of an organization, you don’t have logistical, security and other support, and you can’t take care of all aspects, how can you not fall into the pit?” Inspector Liu rebuked ruthlessly.

Lu Kuan had nothing to say, he just didn't take into account all kinds of places, so he fell into the routine.

He thought a reliable player turned out to be at a critical juncture, and he couldn't count on it at all.

In fact, everyone is not stupid. When you are playing with others, they are also playing with you. You don't have to treat others with sincerity, and you still expect others to repay you with sincerity?

how can that be?

He has released many tasks to save himself and given high rewards, but the three major guilds can buy all players with just one sentence. After all, there are only a few hundred players in total now.

The game designer is caught, and when all the secrets are forced out, isn't there anything you want? Still need to see that quest reward?

And in a fundamental sense, the player group and the game designer are opposites. After all, he is different from other game companies. Other companies have to serve the fun of players in order to make money out of their pockets.

And he has no concept of serving players at all, and some are just exploiting and squeezing. He really thinks others are stupid, can't you see this?

"Okay, don't criticize him, at least Xiao Lu doesn't have the heart to do evil, which is much better than many people." Lao An said.

Lu Kuan showed a grateful expression. That's right, he really didn't expect to do anything evil. After all, what he wants can be slowly obtained through game simulators.

"Well, okay, I will arrange you in the special team in the future, so don't be smart anymore." Inspector Liu said.

Lu Kuan nodded again and again.

"In terms of treatment, you can rest assured that we will also do a good job for you in terms of logistics, and your reasonable requirements will be met." Inspector Liu continued.

"Understood, thank you." Lu Kuan replied a little helplessly.

No way, the reality is that he failed to develop alone, and it is not bad to have such an ending now.

He still lacks will and mental strength. Although he regrets it extremely, it is a pity that he is not reborn, otherwise, this ending can be avoided.

Half an hour later, various agreements were signed.

Wen Rensheng didn't say a word the whole time, and watched Lu Kuan follow everyone out of the reception room.

Lu Kuan took a few steps and suddenly returned, still with disbelief in his eyes: "You really don't care about my golden finger at all, I thought you were going around and finally robbing my simulator, I didn't expect you to hand me over like this."

"In your opinion, it's gold, in others' eyes, it's the wowtou in the hands of the old peasant." Inspector Liu patted him on the shoulder.

Wen Rensheng just smiled and didn't give any explanation.

"It turned out to be just wowtoou. It seems that I still underestimate the world. There are people in this world who are more powerful than I imagined." Lu Kuan said sincerely.

In fact, from the moment Wen Rensheng rescued him, he never believed the other party, and always thought that the other party was also coveting his golden finger.

Including later forcing him to tell all the secrets, he did tell all the secrets - but the secrets he knew so far.

And more secrets can only be revealed after conquering a world, or even N worlds.

He didn't lie because he knew that the other party should be able to see if he had any reservations.

After all, the mysterious means displayed by the other party are similar to those mentioned on the Internet. The other party must also have the ability to identify lies.

Lu Kuan left with full admiration.

He never believed in truly selfless people before, and now he does.

In the face of such a golden finger like him, the other party actually brought him directly to the inspection department without taking any extra measures.

In this case, he doesn't have to worry too much, his golden finger will be deprived, as long as he uses it according to the agreement.

If someone violated the agreement, he knew that at least one other person could call the shots for him.


Wen Rensheng returned home, and before he sat down, Inspector Liu called again: "Thank you for this time."

"Thank me for what? Didn't you already send someone to infiltrate him?" Wen Rensheng said From the very beginning, when the other party recruited players, it was impossible to escape the inspector's line of sight.

"We have sent people, but our people can't provide him with that sense of security, but you have made him understand a simple truth, not everyone in this world is selfish and sees good things from others. You just have to grab it." Inspector Liu said sincerely.

"No way, my perfect character won't allow me to do things that will tarnish my character." Wen Rensheng said naturally.

"I think it's the same. It's still the old rule. When we study and understand his game simulator, we will send you the relevant principles. Just wait."

"Uh, there seems to be a lot of things I'm waiting for you to study. You'd better not let me be the next generation." Wen Rensheng said helplessly.

There are magic nets, mage systems... and other messes ahead, and he is waiting for the research results.

Now there is one more.

"There's no way, it's possible to wait two generations."

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