Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1222: heaven

"You actually won?" After someone saw the latest chess manual, they found that Wen Rensheng had won two eyes.

"This is the 33rd floor? Our strongest AI can only win 20th floor, how could he win?" An Earth player was very incredible.

Now on the earth, Go AI is already the only existence. Once upon a time, people thought that Go was the peak of the intellectual game that AI could not conquer, but it still failed to hold.

There are not a few top chess players who have been confused since then, just like Roach, but most of them have accepted their fate, and regard AI as a plane car, which is absolutely unable to keep up with the speed of human beings.

"This person is definitely not an ordinary person, either a descendant of immortals in this world, or an extraordinary person in our world." Another player said.

"Yeah, I remembered that there is a class of extraordinary people who are prophets. If they are used to play chess, if they can predict the opponent's chess path, wouldn't they be able to know themselves and their enemies, and be safe in a hundred battles?"

"Well, that's right, it seems that this one is the same."

After a game of chess, you have to rest for a day and play again on the third day.

Wen Rensheng stepped off the chessboard.

At this time, someone suddenly rushed to him from downstairs:

"Executioner! You just killed 21 people, you know that!" A woman in ancient costume yelled at him, full of righteous indignation!

"Hey, old aunt, what nonsense are you talking about? They all came to power voluntarily. Besides, they die sooner or later. They die for their own ideals, which is also a kind of happiness." Xiao Huan stepped forward to help.

Wen Rensheng expressed his relief that this girl was not raised in vain. Although she usually has trouble with herself, at critical moments, she will still turn to herself.

"Hmph, you can obviously not let them die! Life is so precious, and it is more important than a mountain, how can you be so careless?" The woman in ancient costume scolded.

"Aren't you less than me on the other side? Why don't you yell at God?" Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Because you are human, you should still have humanity," the woman in ancient costume said plausibly. "The opposite is heaven, and the way of heaven is not benevolent. In its eyes, everything is no different from a stone. Is it useful for me to yell at it?"

"Then how do you know that I still have humanity?" Wen Rensheng suddenly turned into a scarlet tiger.

"Ah! Monsters!" The woman in ancient costume was so frightened that she turned around and ran away.

When Xiao Huan saw this, he suddenly laughed: "Haha, it turns out that I can only talk about it!"

Wen Rensheng will not fight with such people, because they can always bring you down to the same level as them, and then use their rich experience to fight with you indefinitely, until you get angry and angry, they will win...

"Damn it, monsters can also play chess!" The other onlookers were also frightened, and only the earth players who were not afraid of death could continue to speak.

"It's no wonder that you can win over the thirty-third floor. I'm afraid they are demon saints!"

The players became enthusiastic at the moment. There are indeed immortals in this Go world, but they have never seen a few monsters. Now it seems that they are trying to make a big move, preparing to hit Ling Xiao in one fell swoop, and turn over and call the shots!

Then there were a lot of people rushing towards the two of them, and their energy was like that of a vicious dog grabbing food.

It's just that before they could rush to the front, Wen Rensheng and the two disappeared.


In a hotel, Xiao Huan was bored and talked with Wen Rensheng.

"Old Wen, you are already immortal. After winning, aren't those rewards useless? Do you really want to be an emperor here to play?"

"No, when the time comes, I will say let me visit the sky." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

"Uh, why didn't I expect to visit the sky? Alas, it's really boring down there. There should be more fun in the sky." Xiao Huan suddenly realized.

"Have you discovered a fact," Wen Rensheng said slowly, "although some people here have indeed encountered immortals, none of them have ever gone to the sky to play and then come back."

"Hey, I really didn't find out," Xiao Huan suddenly realized, and his heart was itchy, scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, "Then you hurry up and take me to the sky after winning ten games."

"There is no need to play ten sets, six sets are enough." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Six plates? Lao Wen, aren't you bragging?"


Of course Wen Rensheng didn't brag. Amid the exclamations of the crowd, Wen Rensheng opened the black all the way and won six games.

Another shock.

The monarch of the local dynasty, Emperor Yanping, a young man, had been waiting downstairs with his ministers early.

He has ruled this dynasty for nine hundred years. Of course, the so-called rule is also to be a mascot, after all, he spends most of his time playing chess.

The prime minister and the high-ranking officials who held real power fought each other, and they changed one after another. He never bothered to care, anyway, no one could replace him unless that person surpassed the 33rd layer of heaven first.

And today, someone finally won.

The ritual of renunciation has been prepared.

One is to report to the ancestor worship temple, and the other is to build a Zen altar, and on the altar, complete the final ceremony.

However, Wen Rensheng suddenly made a request after winning the victory: "I don't need immortality or an imperial dynasty, I just need to go up and have a look."

The opposite side was silent for a long time, and then a voice sounded in the air:

"You can go up, but you can't go down."


Wen Rensheng nodded.

Hearing him say this, the audience was in an uproar:

"Immortal, not even a thousand-year-old dynasty? Is he crazy?"

"People are demon saints, they are born with immortality, and power has no meaning for them. This kind of request is normal." Someone explained.

"makes sense."

Everyone nodded.

It was just that Emperor Yanping suddenly shouted: "Why? Why don't you want the throne? Everyone wants it, but they can't go down to the 33rd layer of heaven, so they let me stay on top, but I don't want to be the emperor at all. "

"Then why didn't you refuse to be emperor when you won back then?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

"I want to refuse, but my family said that I am not an emperor, but immortality means nothing to them. Only when I become an emperor can my family become a royal family and enjoy glory and wealth. One cannot but be kind and righteous. , It is the family who supports me, so I can have the highest chess power." Emperor Yanping shook his head.

"How is your family now?"

"Broken branches and leaves, from the original three or four hundred people to the three or four million people now, but the main line of my branch has died. The funny thing is, I can't take revenge, because I killed They are not others, but the descendants of my uncle's line." Emperor Yanping said indifferently.

"Oh, then you can continue to face it."

Wen Rensheng still had a good impression of this Yanping Emperor. After all, the other party didn't mess around with things, that is, he helped him a lot.

Emperor Yanping didn't persuade him too much. He could see that the millennium dynasty, boundless power, was meaningless in the eyes of the other party, just like him back then.

A person who is obsessed with will not reach the peak of Go.

He took the ministers away, and some of those ministers were disappointed, while others were happy.

Once the emperor and the courtier, many people do not like tossing, and some people like tossing.

Of course there are people who want to snipe Wen Rensheng, but unfortunately, there are rules in this world. If you kill someone, you must play chess first. How can they snipe someone who dares to challenge him for thirty-three days?

Unless there is strong support from the emperor, after all, the emperor himself has won for thirty-three days, but the emperor is indifferent to these plans, and they have to hibernate, so as not to die in vain.

After the emperor left, there was another voice in the sky:

"Do you have anyone else to meet? If not, I'll bring you up here."

"No, let's go." Wen Rensheng glanced and shook his head.

There were a lot of people who wanted to see him, but he wasn't interested in seeing those people.

Talking to the emperor is enough.

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