Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1227: Demon King

What kind of number puzzle can trap each other?

Of course, Xiao Huan won't think about it herself, but let her believers think about it.

Before long, a series of puzzles related to numbers were presented.

For example, such a question: There is a ten-digit A, arrange each of its digits in descending order to form a ten-digit B, and then arrange it in descending order to form a ten-digit C.

Now ask that A=B-C, and find out whether A exists or not. If it exists, write it out.

And it can also be expanded, twenty, thirty, and infinite.

"There are puzzles, but how do you guarantee that the 114-digit disaster will do these puzzles? It's like a mouse trying to hang a bell for a cat." Wen Rensheng asked with a smile.

"Of course you will answer this question, I am only responsible for providing the plan, and you will implement it." Xiao Huan said confidently.

"Didn't you say you were going to bring the big cat back?" Wen Rensheng said helplessly, knowing that the child's words were not reliable.

It is difficult for adults to want a thousand dollars, let alone children?

"Yeah, when you trap that monster, I'll reach out and get it back."

"Are you still playing word games with me?"

"It was you who played word games first."



After Wen Rensheng finished playing, he was refreshed, and then threw the riddle ball to Xiao Huan: "Use this, I knew you were hot for three minutes."

"Oh, yes, why didn't I think of that?" Xiao Huan happily picked up the riddle ball. Of course, she knew how to use this thing.

Just enter the puzzle, draw the range, and you can trap the person you want to trap.


Two days later, Wen Rensheng was very happy to see the big cat back home. After all, he didn't work the whole time, and this was all done by Xiaohuan.

"Well done, talk about the process, you can eat whatever you want today." Wen Rensheng said.

"It's very simple, I just attached myself to the big cat, then took out the small ball, drew a big ball for the digital monster, trapped it in it, and then asked Lao Ai to take me and the big cat with me. I'm back." Xiao Huan said triumphantly.

Wen Rensheng praised: "Well done, what do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat the liver of the dragon and the bone marrow of the phoenix," Xiao Huan rolled his eyes and made a request, "Your words must be counted, otherwise, my words will not count in the future."

"Okay, I'll make it all for you to eat." Wen Rensheng agreed in one bite.

"No, don't lie to me."

"I read a lot, so I won't lie to you."

At noon, in the restaurant.

The long table is covered with nearly 100 dishes of various kinds, finely made, full of color, fragrance, and appetite.

"This is the liver of a farmed crocodile. The crocodile is also called Tulong. This is the bone marrow of the Jiangnan phoenix chicken. The phoenix chicken is the phoenix that has landed," Wen Rensheng said, pointing to the two main dishes on the table, "These are all airlifted. Premium food.”

"You..." Xiao Huan hesitated for a long time, but couldn't pick out the mistake.

She can't say that the phoenix and the dragon don't exist in the first place, how can you make these two kinds of dishes?

"Oh, why are the dishes so rich today?" Wang Wenwen looked at the table full of dishes happily.

"This is a reward for Xiao Huan, she just did a big thing independently." Wen Rensheng praised.

"Xiaohuan is really amazing." Everyone praised.

Hit when it's time to hit, and praise when it's time to praise, so that children can establish correct habits of doing things.

"It's okay, in fact, I still have a little tail that I haven't cleaned up." Xiao Huan took the initiative to admit.

"What tail?" Wang Wenwen asked curiously.

"It's just to eat that monster..." Xiao Huan said while digging at the table, "It's just that I haven't figured out a way to eat it."

"Uh, why can't you eat it?"

Xiao Huan said in distress: "It's very simple, because I can't do math problems. It's full of numbers, and I can't digest it."

"It's simple. There are many college students in our family. Just find two people to help you with your math." Wen Rensheng decided.

"I don't want to learn math, I'm so tired to say." Xiao Huan quickly refused and buried his head in the food.

Wen Rensheng shook his head, not urging her this time.

Learning is one's own business, and there is always need to learn.

He continued to eat, and halfway through the meal, Lao Liu called.


"What's the matter? Don't let people stop after a meal." Wen Rensheng burst out in Sichuan accent quite depressed.

"Didn't you catch a God Maker on Dongdao before?" Inspector Liu said in a low voice.

Wen Rensheng immediately changed his attitude: "Oh, oh, I see, have you studied and understood the mysteries of the Bode Great World?"

The creator of the gods, Yamai Sohei, got his power from the **** of the gods in the great world of Baldur's Gate, and created slayers and gods in the East Capital of East Island.

Liu Xuncha sighed: "No, he died, inexplicably..."

"Hehe, are you kidding me? He was already dead, and only the soul of the dead is left hidden in the electronic device. How else should he die?" Wen Rensheng said helplessly.

"Uh, sorry, I just wanted to exaggerate to get your attention. To be precise, he disappeared, leaving only a little ashes. We think he should be completely dead. Because you captured him, so I came to inform you specially to prevent this guy from harming you." Inspector Liu said embarrassingly.

"Oh, thank you, I will pay attention." Wen Rensheng nodded.

It seems that in the next period of time, it is necessary to pay attention to that small island.

Although the island is small, there are many things to toss.

He will not despise them like people in this world.


East Island, East Metropolis, Katsushika District, which is also the most impoverished area of ​​East Metropolis, low houses, crowded alleys, and small workshops of various textiles and handicrafts can be seen everywhere.

Yueying Tian, ​​a high school student who just lost his parents in a workshop accident, lives here.

He was just 16 years old, and his family was very poor. He was able to afford the best high school in the district, Siye Rice High School, only on scholarships in the district.

When his parents died, he only got a small pension. If it wasn't for the help of the neighbors, he could not even handle the funeral of his parents.

The pension is very small. It is not because the workshop owner is too blackhearted, but a handicraft they made. A red doll suddenly turned into a monster and ate all the workers, including the workshop owner.

That pension was distributed to the workers after the good wife of the workshop owner sold the property...

The **** world!

After coming to school today, he sat silently in the back row, waiting for class.

"Have you heard? Xiaocun from Class C just jumped off the building in the third year!"

"Oh, it's better to leave, I don't have to stay in this hopeless I have to worry about a monster crawling through the window every day when I sleep."

The two classmates at the back table were whispering.

"Jumping off the building?" This somewhat unfamiliar word flashed in Yue Yingtian's mind. Maybe after jumping off the building, you don't have to face such a difficult world?

"Should we go to the rooftop as a group? Maybe it will be better in the next life, maybe we can entrust students to Dongzhou." The classmates behind said again.

"Dongzhou can't do it anymore. Most people are also suffering. Only a few noble people can enter a safe shelter to live. We will still have to face those terrifying ghosts at that time."

"It seems that I can only suffer."

Yueyingtian listened to the whispers of the classmates, and his mind was so chaotic that the teacher didn't even see it when he came in.

"Okay, we are going to class now. Today we are going to talk about the history from 400 to 200 years ago, also known as the Warring States Period." Their teacher, a bald middle-aged man, said.

"Four hundred years ago, a demon king appeared on the land of Dongdao. He had enormous power, and with this power, he delusionally ruled the entire Dongdao..."

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