Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1232: Gift

These days, Yueyingtian has been giving speeches in various squares, stirring up crowds of people.

He found meaning in life for the first time, and he was grateful to the bald history teacher.

Before, he hated the other party for pulling him into the whirlpool, but now he is happy to step into this whirlpool.

Because he has power, an unspeakable power, the power to make people listen to him.

He is no longer the humble student who worries that he can't afford extra-curricular tutoring books or pay for club activities...

He has a lot of responses now, and if he speaks a word now, others will cheer him wildly.

Not to mention that power is the best poison, but it is much more powerful than beauty and money, because this thing can satisfy people's desires too much.

"Praise the omniscient of chaos, the one who is the unity of all things." For some reason, he suddenly said such a sentence.

Then on the back of his head, one eye opened and closed.

Yueyingtian didn't notice it, he only felt that a strange power appeared in his body inexplicably.

He reached out and grabbed the table in front of him, and when his heart moved, he saw that the table gradually melted away.

That power before was power, and now this power is extraordinary power...

He has both powers now, what should he do?

What did you want to do before?

Yes, so that the family can no longer work hard and can rest in peace.

But now, his family is gone.

What else is there to do?

Yes, find the female classmate you like.

This idea, as soon as it appeared, was irresistible.

Thinking of this, he immediately walked out of the building and went to find the female classmate, the only daughter of a small workshop owner.

Before the accident, the workshop owner wanted to accept him as his son-in-law.

This is very common in the East Island, although it is very despised.

He ran out all the way, and met several subordinates on the way.

"I have seen Lord Kamiko." A subordinate bowed respectfully.


He didn't even look at these people, he just ran to the house of the female classmate he liked.

He found himself running very fast too.

Is there 100 meters in 8 seconds?

Maybe this speed.

Before long, he came to a workshop.

This is a workshop that prints advertisements and magazines, and prints all kinds of things for a living.

At this time, a fire is rising in the workshop...

However, none of the neighbors put out the fire, instead they were watching from a distance.

"Why is there a fire?" He immediately wanted to make a phone call, but he remembered that the nearest fire department had long since been paralyzed.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and put it on the ground, with only one thought in his mind, put out the fire!

Then I saw a flood of water gushing out from the ground, directly dousing the fire that was burning in the workshop.

Then he saw that there were two charred corpses, one large and one small, lying in the dilapidated workshop.

Yueyingtian rushed up and hugged the smaller scorched corpse with a sluggish expression.


"This guy is so pitiful." Player A shook his head.

"Yeah, why didn't he think about it, why did the fire start just when he came, and why did no neighbor dare to come to put out the fire when the fire started?" Player B also shook his head.

A tragedy happened right in front of them, but they did not stop it, because the person who set the fire was not in their power to stop it for the time being.

They saw a group of black suits come in here and set fire, and they were setting fires at the same time.

There is a hint in the mission that this Moon Shadow Field is one of the key figures in deciphering Chaos Omniscience.

Judging from this fire, it sure is true.

"Why, why is there a fire here?" Yue Yingtian roared with red eyes.

This is a book printing workshop. Usually, fireworks are strictly prohibited, and there is a certain distance from the surrounding neighbors, just for fear that the people next to them will set fire to cook and smoke, which will lead to fires.

However, this has also become one of the reasons why the neighbors do not come to put out the fire, because it will not burn them.

The two players looked at each other, and they vaguely understood the reason, but they couldn't explain it for a while.

While Tsukageda was in agony, the bald history teacher, Matsumoto, appeared beside him at some point.

"Pain? In this filthy world, you can't grasp the tiniest happiness." He sighed long.

"Dirty world, teacher, how can we change it?"

"Only by destroying everything, only when all things become one, and when the end comes, everything will be reborn!" The bald teacher's tone was a little fanatical.

"Destruction? Rebirth?" Yueyingtian muttered to himself.

His heart was like a knife scraping at this time, and the sting was no less than hearing his parents die.

His most important connection in this world was cut off.

His painful heart had nowhere to put it at this time, and in the end it could only be pinned on one thing...

Chaos is omniscient, these four words flashed in his mind.

He can save himself.

But when will he be born?

What form is he in?

At this moment, a few more eyes appeared on Yueyingtian's head.

And the bald teacher who saw this scene flashed a terrifying smile in his eyes.

Both players saw this scene.

"There must be something wrong with that guy!" Player A affirmed.

"Needless to say, it is this teacher who made all this. He wants to train his students into monsters. In Dongdao comics, a common routine. In order to train his own students or younger brothers, the teacher or elder brother killed his family, His lover, forcing him to go all the way under the stimulation of hatred." Player B said in a penetrating tone.

"Dude, you are very strong, you know that." Player A said with admiration.

"Haha, after all, Dongdao can sell money out of this imaginative thing." Player Yi looked complacent.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind the two:

"Is it fun to peep at our secrets?"

This is the voice of that bald teacher!

The two turned their heads with difficulty, only to see the bald-headed Matsumoto-sensei who was still talking to Yueyingtian just now appeared behind them.

"You, do you teleport?" Player A stepped back in fright.

"Teleportation? As the patron of Chaos Omniscient, I can appear anywhere. You two, it is very interesting. You have another power, which is exactly what Omniscient needs."

There was a hint of enthusiasm in Matsumoto-sensei's eyes, and a tentacle seemed to dance behind him.

"Your arrival must be for the birth of Chaos and Omniscience. Don't be afraid, let's get into his embrace, let us praise his greatness and welcome the arrival of rebirth!"

"Fuck you M's rebirth! I hate resurrection the most! Every time I lose a level of experience." Player B stabbed the bald chest with a knife.

It's just that Matsumoto-sensei's expression didn't change at all, instead, there was a comfortable smile on his face, and he stretched out his hands to hug him:

"Yes, it's this kind of fear, it's this kind of hatred, it's this kind of fighting spirit!"

"Crazy, he's a lunatic! People say that Dongdao is the most likely to be lunatic and weird. I used to think it was a regional prejudice, but now I know that I have too little knowledge." Player A was scared and fled back.

However, the next moment an eyeball appeared on his face, and the eyeball appeared on his nose, looking at his eyes from bottom to top.

Humans can see their noses, so noses can also see eyes.


"Bastard, it's contaminated again!" Player A took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth, biting it hard.

The next moment, he turned blue and suffocated in pain.

Potassium cyanide, the most common poison in detective films, can kill in very small doses.

Death is quick but equally painful, and suffocation is always painful.

At this time, Player B also decisively took poison and died.

The next moment, the bodies of the two people slowly disappeared from the ground.

Anyone who sees this scene will feel a sense of horror.

"Sure enough, you are the best gift for Chaos Omniscient." Seeing this scene, Mr. Matsumoto was not disappointed, but said with a smile.

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