Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1243: lie

Next, the mage who took his wife and murdered chose to continue the matching challenge.

Yes, in order to attract people, this arena is a matching system, that is to say, you will only be matched with opponents who are comparable to yourself.

The odds of winning between the two are about fifty to five.

There will be no one who will match you to crushing you. In that case, few people will dare to come.

However, if you have to designate an opponent, and the opponent agrees, then it's fine, love it.

Just seeing this scene, Wen Rensheng thought that the mage was indeed a little crazy.

Doesn't he know that even if the number of hits is more than five to five, the chance of death will rise rapidly?

Anyone who knows a little bit of probability will know that by the time you hit the second game, your chances of surviving are only 25%.

The mage's best strategy is to quit.

The challenge started again, and the mage won again this time. He killed his opponent, which was crazy enough.

Then the third time, the fourth time...

Wen Rensheng can be sure without a doubt that the opponent is absolutely crazy. If someone else has won once, they must fully digest their strength before coming back.

Sure enough, the fifth time, the mage finally died, in the hands of a powerful man.

"Hmph, you are really difficult! Although we have the same strength, I am more skilled, otherwise, I will really be killed by you!"

"Hmph, this lunatic is finally dead, and that Zhong Yunxian has avenged himself." Lu Kuangou breathed a sigh of relief.

He really didn't want to see that arrogant mage who could keep winning.

"Actually, the moment he died, he already avenged himself." Wen Rensheng said quietly.

"Brother, what do you mean? I didn't understand." Lu Kuan said in confusion.

"I mean, when the mage killed him, he was already in madness, and this madness will make him continue to challenge until he is killed by those with more cards." Wen Rensheng explained a little.

Of course he wouldn't say anything about Chaos Omniscience.

"I rely on it, it's a routine again." Lu Kuan said angrily.

Can't we treat each other directly with each other?

Everyone lives simply, how happy is that?

Unfortunately, when the first person gets the benefit through the routine, it floods.

This is a prisoner's game.

"It's nothing, just do it yourself. When you think you are successful, you are actually only one step away from failure." Wen Rensheng shook the big cat's head and disappeared into the arena.

Lu Kuangou was silent.

He could hear that the sudden big cat was hinting at himself.

Yes, it seems like it is going to be successful when I came up with this thing myself, but in fact, I don’t know how many people are waiting to harvest it.

Alas, TMD, I got lazy and lay flat.

As long as I lie flat, no one can beat me.

Thinking like this, Lu Kuangou went offline in despair.


Wen Rensheng's words were not only for Lu Kuan, but also for him.

Barry is only half of 90.

In the past life, how many people seemed to be successful, brilliant for a while, and then suddenly fell, some were able to get up, and some died directly.

He is now more than 5,000 mysterious, and seems to be very powerful, but some unfathomable dangers are quietly brewing.

"Chaos omniscience" is just a symptom.

Those calamity principals wantonly play with human beings, but they don't know what terrifying monsters will be released.

After all, the universe where the earth is located is infinite and vast that they have never been involved in.

Human technology has not even touched the tip of the iceberg.

Evil God...

Wen Rensheng flashed such a concept in his mind, if it doesn't work out, under the mysterious invasion, this terrifying monster will be born in the already mysterious universe.

That would be fun.

"Lao Ai, are you there?" he asked.

"Well, what's the matter?" Ahhandeb said weakly.

Its thousands of heads are falling, and its thousands of tentacles are no longer swaying, as if it had been ravaged.

"What's wrong with you?" Wen Rensheng's heart moved.

"I shouldn't have taken this task. A crazy whisper sounded in my wise brain before, which directly changed my IQ from 99999 to 99998. Although it only decreased a little, it was seriously injured. After all, I It's just relying on the brain to live." Ahhandeb said in pain.

Sure enough.

"What are those words? Did you hear clearly?" Wen Rensheng asked deliberately.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I blocked it right away. It's really scary, you can't beat it if you don't understand it, the more you understand it, the closer you get to it, the crazier you are, it's just an unbreakable thing ." Ahhandeb said with contempt.

"No, its essence is truth. The so-called unbreakable is just that your brain capacity is not enough. You should understand this." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

"What you said is right, but what's the use of that? I can sense that the number of truths in it is an unimaginable, indescribable order of magnitude, and it is still growing. Any rational and conscious life form, Can't understand it, accommodate it." Ahhandeb said in pain.

"Yeah, there are always some things that you can't conquer. Just like the most outstanding ordinary people, you can't conquer death unless the social stage advances to a new level of technology." Wen Rensheng smiled.

"Social stage? I understand. I can hibernate and hibernate until the future. At that time, there may be a way to solve the current problem." Ahhandeb alerted.

"Maybe it will be worse then." Wen Rensheng said disdainfully.

"Forget it, I want to lie down too. I won't do this again. It won't help anyone who comes to me. I want to forget everything and start over with a cute little octopus."

After speaking, Akhendeb's thousand heads, thousand eyes, thousand tentacles began to fall one by one...

Wen Rensheng was almost flashed.

I asked it myself, and as a result, this guy is going to play reincarnation directly?

Do you want to go so fast?

He thought helplessly, and then saw Akhendeb's head, eyes, and tentacles all withered away, and finally only one head, two eyes, and eight tentacles remained.

Whole body powder. Tender powder. Tender, very cute.

"You, do you want to be so decisive! You are more ruthless than the eunuch!"

Wen Rensheng was very impressed.

The **** only removed one or three parts, but it was fine. He directly removed 999 heads, 998 eyes, and 991 tentacles.

Having said that, the original image of Akhendeb is very similar to the evil god.

It's back to normal now.

"Who are you? I'm just a little octopus who doesn't understand anything." The little octopus blinked and looked at Wen Rensheng.

"Uh, have you really forgotten all about your predecessor? Then what's the point of living?" Wen Rensheng wondered.

"Uncle, I didn't understand what you were saying." The little octopus stretched out a tentacle, trying to rub his head.

As a result, the next moment, the tentacles got stuck on his neck. If the octopus were not a mollusk, he would have suffocated to death.

"Uncle? How dare you call me uncle, my 20-year-old beautiful boy?"

Wen Rensheng was If it wasn't for Ahhandeb hiding in the mysterious world, he would definitely let the other party know why the flowers were so red.

However, he was quiet again and his face was dark: this kind of irritability was something he had never experienced before.

Really scary.

"You're an uncle. The smell of time on your body is not fifty-five, but forty-eight." The little octopus boy said without hesitation.

"Damn, I'm going to give you to Xiao Huan." Wen Rensheng couldn't rectify the other party, but Xiao Huan was invisible and intangible, and could go deep into the mysterious world and rectify the other party.

Close the door and let go of the phantom.

"Xiaohuan? I seem to remember the name, by the way, is it my sister?" The little octopus asked curiously.

Uh, the bond between these two goods is so deep?

Wen Rensheng didn't expect that after Ahhandeb was reborn, he didn't remember himself, but he still remembered Xiaohuan.

How many things did these two guys do behind their backs?

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