Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1255: leave

Wen Rensheng understood in his heart, and of course he would not explain it to the two leaders. He just said, "I don't know about this either. I just want to ask, where is the King of Kings?"

"I can tell you where he is, but we hope that you can join us first and get rid of Shi Niansheng." The head of the Flame Sect said.

"How can you guarantee that you are not lying to me?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

"We can also make a blood pact with you, and whoever violates it will be destroyed by the way of heaven." The head of Tianyunzong had a determined face.

"Sacrificing two chiefs and destroying the only one who transcended the robbery, this deal is too cost-effective." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

He is not a teenager, and he sees too much in all kinds of intrigues.

The blood contract is very important to Shi Niansheng, because it can be seen at a glance that in his heart, his own life is the most important, and his Tao is the most important, and he will not sacrifice for foreign things.

But these two sect masters, since they are the sect masters, are likely to focus on the sect and are willing to bet on themselves in exchange for Wen Rensheng to solve Shi Niansheng.

"If you don't believe us, you will never find the King of Kings." The head of the Flame Sect said lightly.

Wen Rensheng pondered for a moment, and then said: "I have reached an agreement with Shi Niansheng, but I can let the two of you fly out as well. When the time comes, you will resolve your own grievances, and I will not interfere."

The two looked at each other, and their hearts moved slightly.

If you can really soar, is this world sect still so important?

Through calculations and peeping at the two elders of the Sovereign Society, they learned that there is no **** on the other side of the earth. As long as the soul is intact, rebirth and resurrection are all trivial matters.

Although the upper limit of power is far from this world, living is the most important thing.

You are invincible, you can only live for a second, what's the point?

"What you said is true?" The head of the Flame Sect asked first.

"I will never go back on what I promised." Wen Rensheng nodded.

"As soon as the word is settled, let us make a blood contract." The head of Tianyunzong said first.

The head of the Raging Flame Sect glanced at him, and his heart moved, it seems that this old boy has already reached this level.

Exterminator Niansheng just offered a high price and waited for the other party to return the price.

And since Wen Rensheng can take one person out, he can definitely take three out.

The premise is that they can really find the King of Kings.


In a cave, a certain boy was reading a book.

"He is in the fog, so he can't see his face clearly, only some starlight can be vaguely seen..."

The teenager kept looking at this book, and there were clusters of starlight faintly appearing in his mind, and there were still many eyes in the starlight.

It's just that he has always been bright-minded, just like all the luck in the world is concentrated on him.

After reading a volume of books, that volume actually vanished into ashes, and the young man was still safe and sound.

"The left and right are just mixed monsters." The boy shook his head and stood up.

Wen Rensheng passed the mirror image technique of the head of the Tianyun Sect, and when he saw this scene, he was a little incredible.

An insulator born in the world of resource cultivation?

Understand, this is the so-called King of Kings, because he is insulated from the old ruler, so the concept of the monster is introduced into the opponent's body, but it can be sealed.

Just how to seal it?

He couldn't figure it out, so he could only let the people of the Sovereign Society do it.

Thinking of this, he suddenly said to the head of Tianyunzong: "Why don't you find two other people to cooperate?"

"Those two look like dogs. If you ask them to cooperate, will they dare to agree?" The head of Tianyunzong sneered unabashedly.

It can be regarded as a flattering pat on Wen Rensheng without a trace.

Sure enough, it's cunning.

Wen Rensheng nodded, it was true, the two elders of the Sovereign Society were unlikely to avoid Shi Niansheng and hook up with these two heads.

Because they did not have the strength to resist Shi Niansheng.

And own.

"Okay, the solution of the matter still lies with the owners of those two dogs." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

The tone that he inadvertently leaked, fell in the ears of the two chiefs, and suddenly it came to an end.

"Hey, I didn't expect that what the Buddhists said is still reasonable. Everything is like a dream bubble, fleeting, where is the truth?" A flame appeared in the eyes of the head of the Flame Sect, flickering uncertainly.

Wen Rensheng was stunned for a moment, there was a gap in the old man's heart, sooner or later a pill.

"There is nothing outside the heart, and where the heart is, is the truth." The head of Tianyunzong saw it clearly.


"It can be regarded as found!" The nine elders looked at the cave boy excitedly.

"I didn't expect that guy found it in the end. No wonder the God of Fire Eyes didn't promise to kill him several times. This piece is easier to use than us." The eighth elder shook his head.

"Don't worry about him, we are all credited for doing this well, but we can't come here in vain. That guy harvested a lot of leeks while we were busy." The nine elders envied.

"That's because he has the power, we're going to harvest, aren't you afraid of those guys shooting black guns? Not to mention the gods among them, even a Nascent Soul can kill us. It's better to go back first and talk about it later. Slowly plot this world." The eighth elder decided to take it easy, and didn't want to make any more troubles.

The nine elders didn't give up, and went to Shi Niansheng again, wanting to be a fox and a tiger.

As a result, the other party ignored him at all, and only said, "The agreement is reached, let's go now. Be late for a while, be careful of your dog's life."

The nine elders understood that the other party dared to speak out threats because of Wen Rensheng's back way.

Sure enough, the master has power, in the end it is not as powerful as himself.

Since the old man said so, the two of them did not delay, took out the fire eyes, took the young man, and Shi Niansheng, a total of four people, stood together.

The eight elders waited for everyone to settle down a little, and then began to pray to the burning eyes.

After half a moment, the three disappeared, leaving only Shi Niansheng himself...

"Fuck NM!"

No one could have imagined that this dignified immortal peak, the only one who had transcended the robbery, would scold such a sentence at the end!

"Fortunately, I have prepared a back-up." Shi Niansheng immediately went to Wen Rensheng.

I saw Wen Rensheng was carrying a lot of things, and there were two chiefs who were also preparing to leave.

"Four people again?" Shi Niansheng's face suddenly became ugly.

He was a little suspicious, couldn't he leave with more than three people?

He reached out and wanted to kill the other but was stopped by Wen Rensheng.

"Don't worry, it's fine to bring two more people." Wen Rensheng assured.

The next moment, the four of them, together with more than 400 vehicles, appeared in a valley somewhere on the earth.

"Sure enough, it is barren, but there is indeed no mother-in-law on her head." Shi Niansheng was the first to sense it.

His power plummeted rapidly, and it stopped in an instant when it fell to the Golden Core Stage.

The other two are even more unbearable, at most they have the cultivation base of the foundation-building period.

"Great, finally relieved." The other two excitedly said.

"We have a law here." Wen Rensheng reminded.

"Fa?" Shi Niansheng disagreed.

He is the law in the world of immortality.

The other two heads nodded. After all, they were in charge of the sect, and they couldn't do whatever they wanted. They had to do things according to rules.

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