Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1261: I can


It was the sound of the chair overturning!

Whose chair fell?


The deep screams seemed to be strangled by the throat, so they couldn't make a sound.

Wen Rensheng could not see the situation of the four of them, but could only hear voices.

After the warehouse turned black several times, he had already understood that it was not the loss of the light source, but the loss of the image.

So his mysterious eagle eye doesn't work, the sight disappears, no matter how strong your eyesight is, what can you see?

The screams finally disappeared, and the warehouse lights up again.

All four were hanged...

Their eyes were wide open, their tongues stuck out, their faces blue and terrifying.

The four Taishi chairs at his feet fell down.

"Strange, why only heard a scream and a chair fell?"

Wen Rensheng muttered to himself, and reached out to use a spiritism to check what happened before, but found that there was no soul to call.

Sure enough, it is the reflection of time and space, passing the image of the past.

The meditation technique should also have no effect.

But he still had a way.

He looked down to check the direction of the chairs, trying to figure out the order in which the chairs fell.

With the help of strong observation and reasoning, he finally pieced together a scene:

The monk among the four said that he would sacrifice himself for others and kill the Taoist priest and the silk fat man.

However, the Taoist priest understood the monk's true intention—the monk's words contained evil intentions, but they were actually trying to tempt the Taoist priest to kill the man in sackcloth directly opposite him first.

In this way, after the monk kills the fat man, he will choose to commit suicide, and the Taoist priest will survive in the end.

But the truth is... if the Taoist priest really chooses to kill the sackcloth man, the monk will kill the Taoist priest afterward.

There is no separation between monks and Taoists. Everyone started out by fooling people. The Taoist priests saw through this, so they decided to kill the monks in advance.

And Fatty also figured it out, knowing that the Taoist priest would definitely kill the monk, so he chose to kill the man in linen next to him.

But the fat man was sluggish, and although he moved his feet first, he still perished with the sackclothed man.

Taoist priests and monks perished together.

The whole process is that simple.

But there are terrifying and extremely complex mental calculations inside.

If you were in such a dead end, how would you solve it?

If they are all smart people, then there will be the situation just now, and everyone will die together.

There must be smart people who see through everything and are willing to do stupid things so that the worst results won't happen.

That is to say, there must be a victim, he unites a cowardly, kills the other two, then commits suicide, or lets the cowardly kill himself, and finally survives a cowardly.

In fact, the monk had already said the best result, but no one, including himself, was willing to be the victim.

In fact, he also harbors evil intentions, hoping that others will kill the man in linen directly opposite him first.

Wen Rensheng already understood why this ordinary hanging incident happened—

This is the mysterious seed telling himself:

Excessive intelligence will only lead to total extinction.

Well, this must be referring to the gang of people in the Solo...

"The truth of the past: it's over. The agency was too smart to calculate Qingqing's life."

"Mystery: 333."

"Mysterious Composition: Calculating the Mind."

"You solved a mysterious case, and the upper limit of mystery is increased by 1 point, from 11024 points to 11025 points."

Poorer than heterogeneous.

Wen Rensheng thought angrily, and sure enough, this is the same as a game upgrade. The more you hit it later, the lower the cost-effectiveness of the time invested and the return you get.

It only takes a few minutes to level up in the early stage; it takes half a year in the later stage, but the gains after leveling up are all the same attribute points.

Fortunately, it is always stronger than the growth of ordinary people, because the growth of ordinary people has an upper limit.

After sighing, Wen Rensheng finally started to make mysterious props.

What he wants to make is naturally a tool to protect the soul.

Although there is the secret protection of Shishi and the protection of alien species, the more protection, the better.

In the world of immortality, how to protect the soul is the focus of research.

Among the more than 40 materials that can be used, seven or eight are related to the protection of the soul.


Skywalk Club.

Several new employees are chatting.

"I heard that there are several bosses in our club, why haven't we met once?" a female staff member asked curiously.

"Everyone is doing big things, how can they still have time to take care of us? Now we just do some chores." Another male staff smiled.

"Yeah, I'm quite free now. I used to be able to run around the whole continent, but now there is only one city, and there are much less things to do." The female staff member said a little bored.

"If you want to be free, you can go outside, but after going out, you may not be able to come back in good condition."

"I just said it casually. By the way, I passed by the manager's office a few days ago and heard them say that it seems that there is an old man missing in the company." The female staff looked gossipy.

"Is an old man missing? Who is missing?" Others also looked curious.

"It seems to be the last name... Strange, why did I forget it?" The female staff covered her forehead with a headache.

"What's wrong?" the others asked concerned.

"It's nothing, I can't remember it anyway, it's nothing, it shouldn't be an important old man." The corners of the female staff's mouth twitched.

"Yeah, as long as the number one alien species in the world is still there, what should we worry about?" Others said one after another.

It is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, which is the best to describe the current situation.

"What are you talking about? Go to work." A man's voice sounded.

"Oh, it's Manager Wu, I'm sorry." The female staff hurriedly lowered her head and began to look over the case file.

Wu Liansong nodded, without further criticism, the company is now a little idle.

Just what they said, there is an old man missing in the company?

Who is missing?

He thought hard about it, Wei?

Where is Manager Wei?

Seems like I haven't seen each other for over a year, right?

Strange, although Manager Wei's presence is not enough, he doesn't even forget him, right?

After all, we have been colleagues for many years.

Wu Liansong looked up and looked out the window, white clouds were floating in the sky.

He knew it was all fake.

Could it be that the existence of Manager Wei is also fake?

He thought about it, UU Reading called Wen Rensheng.

"Oh, I already know about this." Wen Rensheng's reaction made Wu Liansong feel even more strange.

He seemed to remember that Wen Rensheng and Manager Wei had a mentoring relationship in the workplace.

"Well, why don't you go and look for it? The situation is treacherous now, and I'm afraid it will hinder you." Wu Liansong reminded.

"Oh, there are deep things here, just leave it to me, you can just watch the company." Wen Rensheng couldn't explain it too clearly.

"Well, I believe you will handle it." Wu Liansong nodded.

"Yeah." Wen Rensheng let out a long sigh.

He felt that he was now more than 10,000 mysterious and had more than a thousand years of experience, so he should be able to fight against that immortal.

A few years ago, the other party was still a behemoth in front of his eyes. Now, it seems that it is nothing more than that?

In a word, he thinks he can.

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