Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1275: irrational and random

"It turns out that this sinking ship is not innocent, but a group of heretic **** believers who have suffered from it." Tian Tian let out a sigh of relief, a tone of schadenfreude.

"Look." Dao Dao Rui Huo said seriously.

When the cow was fed to the monster, a goat-faced man with a length of more than two meters came out of the captain's room.

He took a thick black book and opened it before placing it on the deck.

Then he began to paint a strange ritual on the deck with ox blood.

It was a huge circle with very complicated text on top of the circle.

After Wen Rensheng read it, he found the source of the text of the ceremony from his memory, which was the text about summoning the evil **** in Latin and Cthulhu novels.

I don't know how long ago, the ceremony was drawn.

The freighter crane lifted the caged monster into the center of the circular ceremony.

Then half of the cultists stabbed the bull's knife into their chests without hesitation.

Half of the blood splattered on the circular ceremony and half on the caged monsters.

The monster started chirping, the sound getting faster and faster.


The goat-faced man picked up the thick black book beside him and began to sing loudly...

"The old ruler is now, the old ruler was, and the old ruler will always be..."

"They were born before civilization and reside outside dimensions."

"Only Yogg Sotos knows where the gate is. Yogg Sotos is the door, the key, and the gatekeeper."

"He knows when the old ruler will come, and he also knows where the old ruler will come..."

Hearing this, Wen Rensheng suddenly understood his goal of coming here...

While the goat-faced man was chanting, another submarine suddenly appeared from a distance, and at the same time, four torpedoes appeared on the sea and shot at the freighter!

Evil believers who are busy with rituals are powerless to resist!

The freighter was bombed to the sky, and the goat-faced man was blown to pieces for the first time.

Only the caged monster was freed, and it floated on the sea and began to howl hoarsely and unpleasantly...

On the narrow deck of the submarine, three people stood.

They wear glasses and look like professors.

A man in the middle was holding a book, and he began to recite aloud:

"Yug Sotos never existed, and the Old Ones were delusional. Everything is your delusion!"

"Psychopaths and paranoiacs, wake up from your pathetic and pitiful spiritual world, only cannons and torpedoes are true!"

"Sun and planets, fire and swords, atoms and electrons, quarks and neutrons... They are cold, they are ruthless, and they will not show a half human nature because of your powerless prayers."

"Humans are never afraid of the unknown. The only thing that humans are afraid of is closure!"

"Extend endlessly, explore endlessly, and advance endlessly to survive endlessly!"

As he chanted, the monster in the cage began to howl in pain, and finally disappeared.

Moments before disappearing, it finally shouted a complete syllable.

"Yug Sotos...Father..."

Then, the screen disappears completely.


"The mission has been completed, but it is still completed perfectly, two resurrection opportunities, and one comprehensive strengthening opportunity. I just said it wrong," Tangtang stared at Wen Rensheng and said, "You are not a group destroyer, you are Jin Da. Leg. "

Wen Rensheng smiled: "No, you are the golden legs."

In his eyes, five gamers showed their true colors:

A flame, a metal knife, a musket, a candy.

There are only four images of five people, and Tangtang and Tiantian share one image.

"It's nothing, in this kind of game, the emphasis is on unity, dragging each other down can only destroy them all." Dao Dao Li Huo smiled.

Wen Rensheng also smiled.

Immediately, the four of them disappeared in a mass of white light.

Wen Rensheng didn't disappear immediately, he just looked at the three suns in the sky.

Suddenly, he punched him.


everything disappears.

When he opened his eyes, he was still on his way home, and what had just happened was like a short dream.

While flying, he reminisced.

Just now he understood the reason for entering that place.

Some people use this method to tell themselves how to suppress the Old Ones.

Build the Sealed Gate with Yogg-Sothoth to seal the Old Ones.

They are then released periodically and dispelled periodically to reduce their accumulated power.

This is where the whole scene has to tell itself.

And the way to disperse is to explore endlessly...

This is actually exactly the same as his previous understanding.

As long as all the truths are mastered, the evil **** of terror and chaos is not worth mentioning.

No one else can do this, only oneself has a shred of possibility.

It's just that Wen Rensheng has realized that there is an inexplicable imprisonment in his mind, it is like the strongest golden hoop, it is like the strongest strong interaction material, and it is difficult to crack.

The truth he can get is limited.

How to break through this limitation?

He suddenly remembered the dream he had had before.

The students in the classroom, the wood on the roof of the tavern.

He understood that only crazy learning, only in madness, can break through this limitation.

Fight this unreasonable confinement with complete irrationality.

When people are in madness, they can rely on countless randomness to get a glimpse of the top secrets of the universe.

Of course the chances of that are very, very small.

It can't be absolutely impossible, after all, even monkeys can knock out Shakespeare's plays by tapping on the keyboard.

go to him...

I don't want to be a madman yet, whoever loves madness is mad.

He still has a great life to live, an endless lifespan, a close family, a happy life to guard.

So Wen Rensheng decided to lie down for a few years and talk about it.

Anyway, for those disaster principals, their time units are calculated in thousands of years.

And himself, in less than ten years, has more than 10,000 mysterious degrees.


Wen Rensheng will store all the previous tasks and the memories related to the old rulers into the stack, leave a mark, and then seal it up, and the time of unsealing is that the mystery exceeds 1,000,000.

That is, when it reaches 7 digits.

He closed his eyes, went to the bedroom again, and slept quickly.

When I woke up, I found that Xiao Huan was playing with his holding it tightly for a while, and then carefully releasing it again.

It's a pity that he has long passed the stage where he has to breathe through his nose.

"what are you doing?"

"Oh, I think you slept a little too deeply, I'm afraid you will fall asleep." Xiao Huan said confidently.

"Uh, forget it."

Wen Rensheng really slept soundly, and he had never felt so good before.

If a lot of people died before my eyes, the survivors would definitely not be able to sleep well.

Survivors can only sleep well by numbing themselves with alcohol, forgetting the past.

Wen Rensheng does not need to use alcohol, and can also forget the past, thus giving himself a good sleep.

"Playing for a day today," he said.

"Okay, you accompany me to the war, I want to play a shooting game." Xiao Huan said excitedly.

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