Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1280: choose

"It's those liar monster fish again!"

After Xiao Huan saw it, without waiting for Wen Rensheng's consent, he immediately turned into a great white shark, and charged towards the raft excitedly.

Wen Rensheng covered his forehead. The last time he brought Xiao Huan into the raft world, he was worried that the other party would be damaged by these liars, so he drove her out.

Now this is the excitement of seeing the same kind.

Illusion itself is a deception.

It's just that deception has good intentions and malice, and he has always prevented Xiao Huan from developing to the malicious side.

After the great white shark swam past, the strange fish on the raft soon found it.

"Another big fish, this place is really rich!" A big strange fish standing on the sentry was the first to discover it.

The shark approached quickly, approaching the raft with the speed of a speedboat.

"Don't shoot arrows at it yet," the strange fish sentinel rolled his eyes and shouted, then he picked up a horn and said to the big shark, "Great fish god, as long as you help us defeat those pirates, we will I would like to serve you every day.”

This is playing Xiaohuan as a fool.

Wen Rensheng decided not to take action first. Sometimes children have to be beaten by society before they can grow up.

"Oh, is that really the case?" The big shark stood upright, seven or eight meters high, like an iceberg.

Both sides in the battle immediately understood that whoever can win the support of the big shark will win.

Such a large body, whether it is a raft or a merchant ship, will fall apart immediately if it is hit.

"Of course it is." The strange fish immediately vowed.

At this time, the merchant sailors who were under siege were all kneeling on the deck and praying:

"Son of Poseidon, please don't believe these liars. Please use your wise eyes to look at the wooden boards that make up their rafts, which are also engraved with the symbols of our kingdom."

"These fish monsters are the real robbers and liars. They robbed our ships and ate them."

"They ignore grace and promises, and completely regard promises as a means of defrauding other people's wealth. They are the worst people, and the gods on Mount Olympus will punish them."

"Oh, you are right, there is indeed the mark of your kingdom on the wooden board." The big shark circled around the huge raft, and then saw a golden eagle mark carved on dozens of wooden boards.

The golden eagle is carving on the bow of the besieged merchant ship.

The facts are clear at a glance.

The sailors were overjoyed.

However, how could these natural liars like the strange fish simply admit defeat?

An old strange fish hurriedly said: "No, great fish god, don't be deceived by them. These rafts were dragged from home by us with great pains, and as for the mark on it, it is a kind of eagle from our hometown. "

"After we came here, we were simple and ignorant and were robbed by these filthy pirates who took part of our raft and built their merchant ships, so they only have our mark on the merchant ships."

The sailors were so angry that they could reverse black and white like this!

In comparison, they would rather be killed by ruthless pirates than to be murdered by deceitful techniques. The former died clearly, and the latter was too unwilling to die!

"Our boat has been in the water for more than five years, how could it be built from the planks of your raft?" a sailor couldn't help arguing.

"We've been here for more than ten years!" The strange fish sneered.

Wen Rensheng watched with interest, what should the sailors do to prove that they were the victims and win the support of the big sharks morally?

Of course, Xiao Huan knew that the strange fish was a liar, but she was just playing and playing the role of a judge.

"Great fish god, we have the deeds of the largest commercial guild in the Mediterranean, which can prove that we are serious merchants, we have purchase orders and orders, and we have sailing diaries, which can prove that we are going to The port buys the goods, and then goes to another port to sell the goods.”

"We are by no means pirates, and these fish monsters entrenched on the raft, they are not producing, they are pirates who float to one place and rob a place!"

Under the protection of the sailors, the first mate of the merchant ship stepped forward and took out a stack of precious sheepskin documents.

He displayed the sheepskin document, which was naturally Greek, and Wen Rensheng recognized it at a glance.

Xiao Huan naturally didn't recognize it, so he had to use a proficient language to convert the text into familiar Chinese.

The big shark nodded and said, "Oh, it looks like you are indeed a merchant ship."

"No, fish god, please see clearly, they may really be merchant ships, but merchant ships and pirates do not conflict. They usually do business, and when they see wealthy places, they loot pirates! Please take a closer look at the goods on their decks. Heap, there are still old bloodstains! That is the evidence that they robbed others!" The old strange fish quickly emphasized.

The sailors were speechless for a moment.

Because in the era of great voyages, it was very common for merchant ships to part-time pirates. Why do some people risk their lives to become sailors?

Usually, you can't make a lot of money by shipping goods. Only by looting can you make a lot of money.

Merchant dry pirates were commonplace until the 19th century, let alone the days of ancient Greece.

Many of the heroes here have done vile deeds of raiding.

However, the first mate was quicker to respond, and he quickly found the answer: "No, this is evidence of our resistance. There were pirates who came to **** our goods, and we killed them on the deck!"

The two sides are endlessly arguing.

Wen Rensheng seems to have seen the steel bars on the forum, and they are raising each other's bars.

Xiao Huan watched with relish, and occasionally showed his sharp teeth and huge body to the side who was at a disadvantage.

At this moment, another big ship floated on the sea.

It's just that this ship is not a merchant, but a brig. The middle of the deck is full of sailors with bows and arrows, all of them strong.

In front of the archers are spearmen in light leather armor, with a machete hanging from their waists, which can not only stab from afar, but also throw away their spears to fight closely.

In front of the spearman is another shield.

This is clearly an elite navy.

"That's the ship of King Itachi!" some sailors shouted in surprise.

King Itachi?

Wen Rensheng flipped the memory in his mind, he thought of a person, a person who was famous in Greek mythology and almost occupied half of "Homer's Epic", and Odysseus, who was associated with the Trojan Horse.

Is he going to attack Troy, or is he on his way home?

Or is it just an ordinary sea patrol?

Is Odysseus in the boat?

Sailors cried out to the new ships.

"Wise King Odysseus, please help us, these fish monsters have deceived us and will take everything from us."

A well-built, middle-aged man with a sturdy appearance stood on the deck. He was Odysseus, who was famous for his wisdom and was said to surpass the gods.

And those fish monsters were also a little scared, they whispered.

Since the big sharks, there has been another force capable of killing them.

The old strange fish rolled his eyes and shouted loudly: "King who came from nowhere, if you can help us, we will bring you the sincere friendship of the murlocs, and from then on you will get the best piece of the sea on the sea. A solid harbor!"

Odysseus scanned both sides without saying a word, and finally his eyes fell on the big shark.

The Quartet forces, how will he choose?

How would you judge the wisest hero in ancient Greek mythology?

How will this dimensional war unfold?

Wen Rensheng looked at it seriously, and he once again realized the feeling of Ahhandeb.

Watching at close range and being able to intervene in the drama at any time, this kind of spiritual satisfaction is much stronger than playing games online.

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