Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1294: seal of the past

For a time, all kinds of civilian heroes emerged one after another.

Their common feature is that they are down-to-earth, a certain uncle Moxican who sells tacos, or a rider who delivers food, and then your class teacher, or even your father, mother, neighbor's dog...

Anything is possible.

They are not very capable, but they are enough to deal with the monsters or violent criminals that appear on a daily basis.

They can only cover one or two blocks, and they still have their own business to do on weekdays.

And they are not free, often organizations have their own small groups, launch VIP services, and paid personnel can directly call them for door-to-door services.

"This, isn't this equivalent to the civilian version of our Skywalking Club?" Wu Shanshan couldn't help saying after watching it for a while.

"Yes, this mode of solving mysterious disasters is suitable for their thinking habits." Wen Rensheng nodded.

"Then why don't they give it for free? The colossus priests never charge money." Xiao Huan blinked his eyes in confusion.

They don't take money, but they're dead.

Wen Rensheng shook his head, and then explained: "Because they are afraid, they also like common goods for free. But if life-related services are always free, they always feel that they will lose more, such as their soul and freedom."

"I let them play with me every day, isn't it bad for them?" Xiao Huan said in a loud voice.

"Uh, that's not necessarily true. Some people get happier the more they play, and some people feel more guilty and insecure as they play," Zhao Han said with deep emotion.

She is the latter.

The more I play, the more guilty I feel, and I always feel that I need to do something serious.

"Hey, a priest told me that a superhero mutated, he went crazy, because of the loss of fans, he started to get angry!" Xiao Huan said suddenly, and then drew an illusion.

I saw a strong, green giant roaring there.

"Damn, I worked so hard for you to defeat the monsters, why are you abandoning me now?"

"Bastard, I'm going to send you all to hell!"

Green giants swept across the block, and high-rise buildings rumbled down like piles of wood.

There were screams, blood splashed, and the crowd fled, like surging ants.

This is the Hulk, the higher the rage value, the greater the strength, one of the most unreasonable types, in theory his power cannot see the ceiling.

The more you hurt him, the more powerful his counterattack will be, and he is the enemy that his opponents are the least willing to face.

"It seems that they chose the wrong superhero, and it is not easy to control their anger in the Hulk setting." Zhao Han sighed.

No, this is just the beginning.

Wen Rensheng thought of those gray breaths.

The loss of control of the Hulk is inevitable.

In this way, the emergence of civilian heroes and distracting the source of power for those superheroes is a good thing.

Because even if it is out of control, it can be controlled in time. On the contrary, if the power is concentrated on a superhero, once he is out of control, there is no one who can control it.

I am afraid that the McCanns also noticed this, so they created so many superheroes to check and balance each other.

Old taste.

Wen Rensheng never underestimated others, after all, this is not a stand-alone world.

Just thinking of this, a reminder flashed in my mind, as well as a memory flow.

"The memory blockade is found, and the memory related to the old ruler is automatically unlocked."

With the recovery of memory, the related series of knowledge of the old rulers reappeared in his mind.

Wen Rensheng was very helpless, he clearly set the mystery level to 1 million before unblocking it automatically.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious seed would take the initiative to unlock him.

It seems that this "Seal of the Old Days" is very important.

He does remember that in the Cthulhu mythology, there is indeed such a thing as the "Old Seal", but its function is not to seal the old ruler, but to create an aura that makes it disgusting, so as to keep the other party away," expel" the opponent.

It also has the title of "SHI India".

And what is this seal of the old days?

Could it be a real seal that can seal the things of the old rulers?

Is this thing the superhero itself?

Wen Rensheng flooded with countless thoughts in an instant.

He thought about it.

Before, the headmaster of the disaster, wanted to find the king of kings to seal the old ruler.

At last he realized that the character was actually himself.

But he didn't want to be the one doomed to madness, so he refused.

But the disaster principals have found a substitute.

The things that people hear about raising and abandoning are like shoes, but for others, it is like a sweet treat.

Those superheroes are exactly that.

They enjoy the process and die when they are addicted, which is the pursuit of many McCanns.

Otherwise, you can't explain the layers of corpses on Mount Everest.

They lack nothing but challenges and a sense of achievement.

And what's better than the sense of accomplishment brought by superheroes?

When Wen Rensheng thought of this, the mysterious seed also gave a new hint——

"Faith creates God: it creates both gods and demons."

"Mystery: 2222."

"Mysterious composition: the seal of the old days, the breath of disaster, the power of faith."

"You have solved a world-class mystery, and the upper limit of mystery has been raised from 11125 to 11325."


at the same time.

McCann was in chaos.

A group of superheroes has arrived in the out-of-control neighborhood of the Hulk.

"The Hulk is out of control!" Captain McCann said anxiously.

"I knew this guy was unreliable, who let him out?" Spider-Man said disdainfully.

"Who else? It's not because some people value his settings, there is no limit to his power, and they want to rely on him to challenge some people." Batman said helplessly.

He knows more insider information, after all, money can buy a lot of informants.

"What now? Who is his opponent?" Spider-Man said helplessly.

He is an honor student, he is a master at answering questions, and he excludes himself from the standard answer first.

"I can't fight him head-on, find his girlfriend, I remember her name is Betty, only she can appease him." Batman shook his head.

"Okay, Betty, right? I'll bring her here," Cyclops said, flying into the sky.

Half an hour later, a black-haired, blue-eyed woman with a calm temperament appeared on the roof.

"Ms. Betty, please appease your boyfriend, otherwise the whole area will be destroyed." Captain McCann pleaded.

"Okay, I'll try it out."

Betty said, and then was led by Cyclops and shouted to the Hulk with a loudspeaker.

The Hulk was silent for a while at first, but suddenly he pulled up a building and threw it towards Cyclops.

"Hey, I should go." Storm Girl shook her head.

People are already green, and you have to increase the green factor. Isn't this courting death?

Ancient and modern, all over the world, men can't stand women in the arms of other men, and foreigners who claim to be open, die because of women's duels, are there still few?

"Substitution!" Captain McCann ordered immediately.

Cyclops broke out in a cold sweat, and he had just brushed past death.

Then he hurriedly handed Betty to the Storm Girl.

Betty is beautiful, but does a superhero lack a woman?

"Hulk, calm down!"

"Although you have lost those fans now, you once had them!"

"That's enough!"

The Hulk stopped destructive actions, and his entire body slowly decreased.

Does this work too?

Many superheroes were But then, countless bullets hit him!

"Bastard, you killed my family, you are the devil!" An old man with a shotgun shouted at the Hulk.

"Go to hell, **** villain, I used to like you!" Another child threw a stone at him.

Captain McCann hurriedly said, "Take him away!"

But no one moved for a while.

Now that everyone is watching, whoever saves him will tie himself to the other side, and the traffic will not drop to the bottom?

Traffic is power, how can they bear it?

There was no way, Captain McCann had to personally take the Hulk away.

Of course he also suffered a lot of bullets and stones.

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