Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1308: copy

The fragmented world of Blood Island, Dongshui City, somewhere in a geriatric ward.

Several old people are chatting one after another.

They are all lonely and widowed old people, and the rest of the days are few and far between, holding their fingers and waiting for cremation.

"Alas, after playing for a lifetime, the biggest regret now is that nothing has landed." An old man sighed.

"My biggest regret is that my child died in a car accident. I heard that there are no car accidents now. I'm sorry that my child didn't catch up with the good time now." An old lady wiped her tears.

"I don't have any regrets. Anyway, the city management will send him to the end. People will live forever, and the vegetation will fall. It's nothing more than that." Another old man said with relief.

"Is that so? When you can only accept the fate of death, other people are enjoying longevity, reincarnation, and resurrection... Can you still have no regrets like this?" A charming voice sounded in the ward.

"Who?" the first old man asked in surprise.

"I see, it's a calamity monster, we have to call the police immediately!" Instead, the old lady was more flexible, and immediately pressed the button on the wall.

However, her hand was held down by the second old man.

The second old man was the one who said he had no regrets...

"Listen to what it has to say first."

"Choose wisely, a game, through nine levels, you will get money and power, including lifespan of course."

"Jiuguan, must be very sad, right?" the old man Yi asked.

"It's difficult, but all the choices are in your hands. This is an informed consent form, you can see."

Saying that, three contracts floated in the air.

"Issue one: I volunteer to participate in the final game."

"Item 2: Killing other people is something I don't mind doing."

"Item 3: I will not leak any content of the game to a third party."

After the three old people read it, they were silent for a long time.

Old Man B was the first to say, "I will participate."

"very good."

Then on a contract, his name was automatically dropped, and there was a hint of ominousness in the bright red.

"I'm also participating." The old lady said secondly.

"I, forget it. The doctor said that if I take good care of me, I can live for two more years. If I am willing to take some risks and do mechanized transplantation, I can live for another 100 years. I think it is more suitable to choose the latter." After thinking about it, he refused.

"Mechanized transplantation is to transplant your brain into a machine. It is no different from death. Do you have the heart to let yourself be incomplete when cremated?" The old man Yi said with contempt.

"Anyway, it's all going to be cremated. What are you afraid of being incomplete? Besides, they also said that this mechanized transplant will continue to mature, so that everyone has the same perception as a normal person." The old man persuaded.

The other two, however, shook their heads.

The old man realized that their regrets were all on other people.

Two days later, somewhere in an underground plaza.

The lights are bright, shining like daytime.

There are a bunch of old people standing here densely. At first glance, I thought they were here for square dancing.

"The first level, in 10 minutes, fight the Rubik's cube. Since you are all old people, I will give you a bonus: that is, you only need to spell one side, and you are also allowed to **** other people's spells..."

5,000 people can stand on a large football field.

They have one thing in common, they are all old men who have not lived well for a few years, but have certain mobility, can walk fast, trot, can make correct judgments, and are not old and confused.

When the old people were ignorant, they found that there was an extra Rubik's cube in their hands, the numbers 1 to 9, and the colors of the six faces were different.

Around the square, there are four large screens and a 10-minute countdown.

Someone immediately started turning the numbers.

And someone quietly stared at the others.

Others started to form gangs.


At the same time, in the world of Blood Island.

"Oh, even we have demons entering here?" Wen Rensheng received information from Shi Shi, but it was not surprising.

Because the blood island world is not isolated from the world, although Wen Rensheng ordered the movement of people to be prohibited, there is still a lot of necessary material exchange.

"Yes, Master, I just caught a succubus. It came in through a train. I didn't find it immediately." Shi Shi said with shame.

"It doesn't matter, I have a way." Wen Rensheng comforted the other party.


Two days later, the two succubus once again came to the vicinity of the train station in the original Dongshui city.

"Do you think it's okay to hide in the space gap? Hahaha, I will let you know that even if you hide in heaven, the fragrance of your soul will lead us!" Succubus Armor laughed arrogantly.

"Okay, don't pretend, the one sent in has already been arrested, so let's think about how to escape after completing the task." Succubus B was very disdainful of his companion's arrogance.

The human beings here are not as helpless as those civilians on the main plane, and can only be allowed to deceive and slaughter.

"That's because it's so stupid that it actually came out to seduce humans. Doesn't it know that as long as it has money, some people will help it accomplish this?" Succubus Armor said indifferently.

"You are right, we have to defeat the enemy with the power of the enemy." Succubus B still agrees with this point.

The two succubuses said, turned and turned into bread in a certain material box, and it didn't take long before they were transported to the train by the automatic conveyor belt.

The train started with a "rumble", and then went to the material gate.

When passing through the material gate, the train driver only heard two shrill screams, shivering with fright.

If it weren't for the train being self-driving, he was just preparing for it. This time, there would be a little accident.

"Oh, these days, work is getting harder and harder. When will I be able to return to the past?" The driver looked up and looked out the window.

The train passes through the world of Blood Isle.

The driver felt relieved for a while, and the depression that seemed to have accumulated in his heart for a long time dissipated.

It's a wonderful feeling, like going from a nutrient-rich natural body of water to a clean swimming pool.

"It's better to have these paradises." The driver glanced enviously.

Of course he didn't know what he had just experienced.

Wen Rensheng just brought an absolute physical space and blocked the connection port tightly.

This kind of thing could not be done before, but it can be done now.

Absolute physical space, although the surface area has not changed, but the height is getting longer and longer, it is like a pillar of optimism, breaking the mystery and leading to the physical world of absolute rationality.

This is the last resistance of the physical world.

Mozi, Newton, Einstein... All physicists in ancient and modern China and abroad are one, they are not fighting alone, they will stick to the camp of the physical world until the universe annihilates.

Other fragmented worlds have taken the same approach.

The most critical transportation node, the material import and export of the Battlestar, is also filtered with absolute physical space, acting as a security gate.

Including the Battlestar itself, except for a very few entrances and exits, it is wrapped in a whole layer of physical space, which consumes a lot of money.

Some people even proposed to build a protective cover with absolute physical space to artificially create a fragmented world.

But after careful calculation, the existing absolute physical space volume is simply not enough.

After the space itself is divided, one piece will disappear, the space itself will be distorted, and it is also a kind of field, a kind of matter.

Absolute physical space itself is one of the most precious resources.


However, this was used by the devil again.

McCann, Eagle Fort.

Lieutenant General Lola was drinking coffee, and a polite man was sitting in front of him. He was wearing a tuxedo and a tie, and his face was a little oily.

At first glance, it is the kind of absolutely successful man.

"Look, the people of Dongzhou have absolute physical space, but they never share it with you. You landed on the moon and regarded the moon as the wealth of all mankind, but physical space should also be regarded as all mankind, but they don't share it with you. ."

"Okay, devil, don't stir up trouble, I'm not that naive." Lieutenant General Lola shook his head.

"This is not to sow but to tell the truth. I'm afraid you still don't know that the people of Dongzhou are planning to launch you into space." The man in the suit cocked his lips and smiled.

"They wouldn't do that."

"I don't believe what you say."

"what the **** do you want?"

"I just want to help you."

"You're trying to hurt me."

"Really? Then you want the Dongzhou people to become stronger and stronger like this? But you can only hide in a small piece of land and survive. You must know that the control of Battlestar is in their hands." The man in the suit threw out A key point that Lola Lieutenant General cannot ignore.

"what do you really want?"

"We can help you replicate a Battlestar."

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