Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1315: arrested

Five days later.

Everything was smooth sailing.

"It doesn't work?" Xie Dong said very distressed.

He felt that his intelligence was being despised.

Of the 99 numbered criminals, none died.

The opponent seemed to see through his means.

"That manipulator should have some means of getting the information, the first thought was that he saw 99 criminals playing in different regions and guessed it was bait," he said.

Chen Qiu calmly analyzed,

"The highest consideration is that he can see what we are doing, and everything we do is transparent to him."

"How is this possible?" Xie Dong subconsciously objected.

"It's entirely possible, don't forget that Minister Zhao has the power to predict." Li Chun jumped out to support Chen Qiu's analysis.


At the same time, Oshima Yuki turned the last page of his notes.

There is content there that even the devil cannot see.

"16:50: The four are analyzing the capabilities of the manipulator behind the scenes, and they found that the previous bait was useless."

"16:51: Chen Qiu deduced that the manipulator behind the scenes had the power of prophecy. Xie Dong opposed it, Li Chun supported it, and Liu Xia did not speak."

Oshima Yushu smiled slightly.

This is where his confidence comes from.

If someone targets him, this notebook can be fed back, telling him what the other party has done and what he will do.

IQ is not enough, prophecies come together.

It's a pity, if no one is targeting him, this notebook can't give any predictions——

For example, predicting where there will be treasures, and what the lottery numbers are...

He also thought about it, first let out the wind and dedicate the note to the Dongzhou people, and then check it through the note to see how the other party is going to treat him.

But then he thought that people's decisions will change!

At first, they might agree to the deal, but then they might kill him, the murderer, according to the demon's inference.

At that time, he had lost his notes and could no longer know the actions against him.

What's more, the action of releasing the wind is a very risky thing.

He can't afford to gamble.

If Wen Rensheng knew all this, he would immediately think:

Isn't this a 2-in-1 enhanced version of Death Note and Future Note?

Just thinking about it, the contents of the note changed again.

"17:00: The four had a quarrel and finally decided to ask for foreign aid. They wanted to ask a legendary Minister Zhao to make a prediction."


Oshima Yuki was no surprise.

This is normal. Many people have predicted their existence before, but none of them have succeeded.

Obviously, at the prophecy level, this notebook has a very high priority.

"17:50: They predicted that Yuki Oshima is the mastermind behind the scenes. The location is in Kino High School. This year, he is 17 years old, a virgin, has a lovely sister, and his parents are journalists."

I have an annual plant.

Oshima Yuki immediately started to pack up, and then walked out the door.

"Oshima-kun, what are you doing?" The teacher who was lecturing on the stage looked at him dumbfounded.

He didn't say a word, just ran away from the back door of the classroom.

"Haha, fool, where did your confidence just now go?" The demon appeared in his mind again.

Demons are indeed liars.

Said to disappear, and the result appeared again.

Can't believe a single word.

Oshima thought to Yuuki, then dragged his motorcycle out of the school bushes and rushed out of the school.

The security guard yelled at the motorcycle for a while.

"Why did you run away? Didn't you say no one could find you?"

The demon continued to chatter.


The big island rides from a tree to a river 30 kilometers away.

Then he boarded a broken boat in the river and went down the river.

"Is this your preparation? With just this preparation, it is impossible to avoid their search. The manpower they can control is far beyond your imagination, haha!" The demon continued to sneer.

By constantly hitting the target, to make the opponent obey him, everyone is a master of PUA.

"Really? I don't believe it." Oshima Yushu lay on the bed, flipping through the diary.

The last page reads:

"At 18:10, the four people checked the detailed address of Oshima Yuki through the game GM."

"18:25, Li Chun found Yuki Oshima's younger sister, Yumiko Oshima."

"At 18:45, Yumiko Oshima would rather not be paid and betray her brother. She also seems to have a secret."

"At 18:50, Yumiko Oshima told Li Chun that her brother loved him the most. As long as she pretended to kidnap her, her brother would appear."


Yumiko, you guy, that's enough.

Oshima Yuki was originally a little worried. Her parents were traveling overseas, so she didn't have to worry about being found, but her sister couldn't just disappear.

For now, don't worry.

He doesn't have a cell phone and won't be located.

The ship floated for a while, and he suddenly saw an advertising airship passing by in the sky.

The large advertisement reads:

"Look for Yuki Oshima! He won! The prize is 300 million yen, and it will expire in three days."

"Anyone who can find Yushu Oshima will be able to share fifty percent of it."

Below is his photo and contact number.

tough enough.

The banknote ability is the strongest.

Soon Oshima Yushu saw that the shore was lively, and motorcycles sped up and circled nearby.

If he hadn't jumped on the boat, I'm afraid he would have been blocked on the road at this time.

"Look, there's a boat in the river," shouted a lively bastard.

"Stop it and ask!"

Oshima Yuki was anxious.

He never expected that the enthusiasm of those gangsters would be so high that they would stop him whenever they saw a boat.

At this time, the content also appeared on the note.

"19:15, 15 minutes later, two thugs stopped Oshima Yuki's boat and took him away."

Damn, Oshima Yushu immediately rowed the boat to the opposite side.

Half an hour later, Oshima changed into a suit of clothes, a big mask and a hat.

However, this outfit made others suspicious.

More people are chasing him.

"You can't do it anymore, you should seek my help. I can easily change your appearance. What is the shape of a skeleton horse?" The demon sneered.

"Go away! I will never be caught!" Oshima Yushu gritted his teeth.

Half an hour later, he was caught in a luxury hotel.

"He is Yuki Oshima? Tsk tsk, this face, this figure, at first glance, it is the configuration of an anime male protagonist." Chen Qiu looked at it with interest.

Oshima Yushu closed his eyes and said nothing.

They can get hold of themselves, but never get hold of that notebook.

"Okay, we're not punishers, we just want to know how did you kill people?" Li Chun said gently, in a tone like his father's.

In terms of age, it's pretty much the same.

"It seems that you don't want to talk for a while, okay, we'll give you some time."

The four of them left the hotel room in turn.

Oshima Yushu let out a long sigh.

He was really speechless.

But he quickly calmed down.

Why do you lose yourself?

The key to losing is not lack of wisdom or lack of preparation, but only one point:

The other party's prophet surpassed himself.

Simple as that.

It is not a competition of resourcefulness, but a competition of pure strength.

Sure enough, if you have a golden finger, you can go flat, and that is the urban copy.

not this magical world.

Just as he was thinking, his sister Yumiko Oshima came in from the door.

"Brother, brother, I'm here to save you!" she said excitedly.

"Hmph, are you here to pit me?" Oshima Yuki said angrily.

"Why? The reason why I cooperated with them is to let you escape with confidence. I actually know that you have a notebook, which can not only kill people, but also have the ability to predict." Yumiko Oshima said with plausibility.

"How did you know?" Oshima Yuki was really surprised this time.

"Because I picked up that notebook first, and then threw it to you." Yumiko Oshima said casually.

"Ah, why don't you keep it for yourself?" Oshima Yuki was shocked.

"Why do I keep it? One can't be beautiful, and two can't be youthful. What's the use of me wanting that thing?"

"Even if you don't want to use it to get rid of wicked people, you can still use it to guard against anyone harming you." Oshima Yuki He really couldn't understand a woman's thinking.

"Che, for a young and beautiful girl like me, how can anyone harm me? It's different if you leave it to you. Do you know what conditions they gave me in order to let me cooperate?"

"How many?"

"Twenty million Dongyuan, I won't tell you the rest!" Yumiko Oshima laughed.

I really want to thank you for selling me so much.

Oshima Yushu suddenly woke up.

The reason why my sister gave her the book was because she knew that she would die, and then someone would buy his information.

No wonder the other party can predict so accurately, it must be my sister who betrayed her key information!

Damn it, the death of this sister is not a crime of war!

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