Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1317: The Matrix

McCann, a basement in Eagle Fort.

"Haha, haha, is this the joy of losing everything?"

"Come on, embrace chaos, embrace ultimate freedom!"

"Throw into my arms, children, only I can make you great again!"

In the silver-white titanium alloy cage, there is Lieutenant General Rolla with a disheveled hair.

At this time, he was in a state of madness, with flames in his eyes, and he kept making terrifying noises that only a demon could shout.

Outside, a group of researchers in white coats, under the surveillance of heavily armed soldiers, were discussing something.

"According to the surveillance video, the lieutenant general took the blood-colored flame given by the devil." The leading old researcher pondered.

"The lieutenant general is also an alien, why didn't the aliens resist this?" the young assistant asked.

"Xenogeneity is the immune product of natural space against mysterious invasion. Under what circumstances will the immune system accept foreign objects?" the old researcher asked rhetorically.

"In the case of injecting anti-rejection drugs?" the assistant answered tentatively.

"Wrong, naturally, the immune system does not exist." The old researcher reminded.

"By the way, the brain is where the immune system doesn't work. It can escape the control of the immune system." The assistant suddenly realized.

"You're right. The only reason is that the xenogeneic immune system itself disappeared, so it did not resist the blood-colored flame." The old researcher said with a serious face.

"That is to say, this blood-colored flame will make the defense mechanism of the alien species disappear? Isn't this the HIV virus? It specifically attacks the immune system itself." The young researcher was shocked.

You must know that the resistance of the alien species to various negative effects is very powerful, and it is also the source of the alien's sense of superiority.

However, now that even aliens can't resist what the demons give, the problem is bigger.

The demon's defeat on the frontal battlefield was not the end.

"You have discussed it for so long, what should we do now? Is there any help for Your Excellency Lieutenant General?" a soldier asked.

"The only way now is to perform surgery to take the alien species out of the body." The old researcher gave the only plan.

"How much risk?" the soldier asked.

"The risk is not big. Xenotransplantation is a very mature job, as long as the lieutenant general is controlled."

"We need a calm lieutenant general, not a powerful alien, so let's do surgery." The soldier said directly.

The old researcher was a little surprised, could a soldier make such a decision?

"This is the son of the lieutenant general," the assistant whispered.

He got it.

"Okay, then, we'll arrange the operation, please let the lieutenant go to sleep first." The old researcher nodded.

The lieutenant general's son waved his hand, and the soldiers began to prepare anesthesia gun. The syringe was very thick, as thick as a child's arm, which should be used by elephants or even whales.

At this moment, everyone saw a ripple in the air.

The next moment, an old man with a messy hair appeared here, also wearing a white coat.

"Dr. Stein?" The lieutenant general's son asked in surprise.

Of course he knew this former collaborator, the scientist who proposed a series of black technologies.

"No, please call me Doctor Strange now. I'm a magician now." Dr. Stein smiled, then pointed his finger at the noisy cage.

A black breath appeared, Your Excellency Lieutenant General swayed, and then passed out.

"This, this, have you also transferred to a superhero?" the old researcher asked.

"Well, because I found out that only magic can fight against magic, so I changed jobs." Dr. Stein smiled.

"You're lying! The Doctor wouldn't do that at all! He's the most steadfast of science. You're an impostor!"

It was not someone else who spoke out, but the young assistant!

The next moment, he turned into a pile of mud.

And Dr. Stein, immediately transformed into a clown!

"Ah! How did you get in here?" the old researcher felt incredulous.

"Haha, I want to thank the demons for their invasion. Their appearance has made me stronger, not to mention, there is such a bright coordinate here." The clown laughed wildly.

Then he got into the cage the next moment and grabbed Lieutenant General Lola.

The gunshots were loud.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and both of them disappeared into the ripples.

"Damn! Damn it! Asshole!" The lieutenant general's son fired frantically, causing bullets to jump.

The people around were so frightened that they hurriedly avoided.

After the bullets were fired, the lieutenant general's son calmed down and said to the researchers:

"We can't go on like this!"

"You can't let others come in and out at will!"

At this time, the old researcher got out from behind a pillar.

"There is only one way, and that is to concentrate the power of faith and train a super powerful hero."

"How to concentrate?"

"Exploding the population. Exploding 10 billion, the hero's strength can reach 30 times the previous strength, and bursting a trillion population, the strength can reach 3,000 times the previous strength. Such a powerful force is close to that the earth can accommodate. The upper limit of the mysterious power."

"One trillion? It's impossible to smash the earth."

"Dr. Stein previously developed a technique for intubation at the back of the brain. It takes too much to reproduce the population normally, and needs to take care of food, clothing, housing, transportation, and entertainment needs. If we follow the example of The Matrix, now we have enough space and resources to feed one person. Thousands of people. At the same time, we can also vigorously develop other planets that are easy to live in, just to solve the problem of the transmission of belief power across galaxies." The old researcher suggested.

"Well, yes, you reminded me that I should have done this long ago. The previous guys were too conservative!" The lieutenant general's son was ecstatic when he heard the words.

"But this matter can only be decided after discussion by the Eagle Fort Committee."

"No need, that backward and inefficient decision-making model should have been eliminated long ago! Now it should be the Caesar model!" The son of the lieutenant general said without hesitation.

The old researcher was taken aback for a moment.

Although McCann also has a tradition of family power for generations, there are really few people who blatantly say that they want to be Caesar.

"Caesar! Our Caesar!" the soldiers shouted frantically.

They seem to adore the son of the lieutenant general who has not been seen much before.

"Well, my name is Caesar today, and you all start to study the model of the Matrix!" Caesar ordered without hesitation.

The old researcher thinks the other party is a fool?

Did he think that the huge Eagle Fort and its complicated operating mechanism could be mastered with just two slogans?

Where are the funds allocated from?

Where do the staff come from?

How should the process go?

How to get others to trust you?

These things are nothing.

"Sorry, I'm not Doraemon, I can only make suggestions, it's impossible to give anything you want." The old researcher spread his hands.

"what do you need?"

"Funding, manpower, team, and formal process documents..." the old researcher said one by one.

"These are not problems," Caesar said, and took out a USB flash drive from his arms, "This is the account password and related permissions that my father used to order, I can now assign what you want on the management platform. ."

The old researcher was stunned, only then did he realize that the other party was ready.

I am afraid that things like fingerprints and iris have already been prepared.

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