Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1319: Lu Kuan's 1st Life

"Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. Man is bone, and bone is man."

Lu Kuan kept talking.

Ever since he received this reward, he has been fascinated.

Whether it is the description of the game simulator or his self-perception, it proves that this "Bone Bone Concept" is a practice method that can make him extremely powerful and surpass anyone else.

In the past, he naturally collected a lot of exercises secretly, but those exercises in the game simulator were all inferior or ordinary evaluations.

Only this one, it is said that it points directly to the road!

Naturally, he could not have imagined the hidden dangers and routines hidden in this exercise that even game simulators recognize.

Any method of cultivation has hidden dangers.

And this cultivation method leads to the avenue, which is the incarnation of bones, creating the way of ignorance and ruthlessness.

Heaven is ruthless and merciless.

But there is great affection and great benevolence.

When people from the Immortal Cultivation Realm came to Earth before, they said with ecstasy that the Tao of Heaven here has no consciousness and no restraints, which is a great blessing.

The laws of nature have no active consciousness and no active constraints. As long as you don't do it yourself, you can roam freely.

To the end of the practice of this exercise, just like the ancestor Hongjun in the myth of the prehistoric world, he incarnates the way of heaven, without personality and humanity, human emotional awareness, only the way of heaven operates.

Of course, it will not have the power of the opponent, and it is also very fast to cultivate.

But the effect is real.

How do humans compare to intelligent machines?

As soon as the Alpha dog came out, it swept directly, making countless Go players have to admit that even in pure wisdom, humans can't compete with the machines they made.

Therefore, the description of the game simulator is not adulterated.

This is indeed a practice that leads directly to the avenue.

And after reading all kinds of novels about the cultivation of the wild, he was even more fascinated by this kind of cultivation method.

He could not have imagined that those who wrote novels would basically not practice on their own, nor would they be obliged to manage any hidden dangers that might arise in the practice.

In order to practice quickly, he also deliberately got into the game of Go and used a thousand times the time to practice.

In fact, he still has a secret to tell.

Unlike others, his soul can be protected with points.

So his soul will not die of old age in the world of Go.

It can be said that the game simulator has opened him more than others imagined.

In the world of Go, he can theoretically replace his body indefinitely and practice various exercises indefinitely.

It’s just that cultivation is boring, ten or eight years of cultivation is okay, but a hundred years of cultivation is difficult.

That's why he plays Zeus trumpet.

That is so cool, it has huge power directly, and has everything, and can completely follow his temperament.


One hundred years have passed, two hundred years have passed.

In the third hundred years of cultivation, Lu Kuan discovered that something was wrong.

He's not a fool, but he can't get rid of low-level sensory tastes. He was caught for the first time because of this.

When he switched to Zeus trumpet, he found that he had no interest in those beautiful things.

Cupid's arrows didn't have much effect on him.

However, according to the introduction of the exercises and the instructions of the game simulator, this is another sign of correct cultivation.

Originally, cultivating white bones was to see beautiful women as pink and pink skeletons.

Everyone else can deceive themselves, but the game simulator's own cheat will not deceive itself.

He thought so.

So he continued to practice.

Five hundred years have passed, and a thousand years have passed.

"Haha, I'm finally in the world..."

Lu Kuan is out.

He started to look up to the sky and laughed, and then the smile faded in an instant, and the whole person became calm.

"What is invincible in the world, what is proud of the world, what is beautiful and money, compared with the avenue of the universe, it is all dust."

"Everything will eventually turn into bones, and everything will eventually die."

An irresistible thought came to my mind.

His personal consciousness became less and less, less and less, and finally disappeared.

Everyone in this world is not the protagonist.

If you encounter disaster, you will die if you can't escape.

There is no will of the world for you to hang up.

Game emulators aren't going away.

"It is detected that the host's consciousness has disappeared, and the automatic update is entered. Now a new map is opened and the game functions are updated."


"The game features are finally updated!"

"Hey, can you buy a soul nourishing pill? For 500 points, you can extend the lifespan of your soul for a hundred years!"

"Isn't this immortality? As long as you brush monsters and open up wasteland, you can do it! You can save 500 points in 80 years, and you can rest for 20 years. The price/performance ratio is still OK!"

"The gospel is finally here, thanks to the many points I have accumulated before, buy it!"

On the Internet, there is jubilation.

When Wen Rensheng saw this scene, he knew in his heart that everything was settled.

This kind of function was impossible for Lu Kuan before.

Quite simply, he will not allow other players to live as immortally as him.

This is because he has been severely beaten by the players before. He has been beaten and injured, and he almost lost his life.

How could he possibly give away such a big benefit?

When this happens, it means that Lu Kuan's soul is still there, but his consciousness and emotion have been lost. He forgets hatred, forgets everything, and is in harmony with Tao.

Lu Kuan is not unlucky, nor can he say that he has any obvious flaws. It is the capital of Chinese people, which is similar to most people.

Why it has come to this point is not surprising at all.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

How many people in history can't keep their huge family business?

When they got that family business, it was like a golden finger in life, but their ambitions also skyrocketed, and they ended up with nothing and even their lives.

In history, the most famous such person is naturally Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty.

As long as the ambition is smaller, do less things, and toss less, it is impossible to die in two lifetimes.

While sighing, the mysterious seed suddenly appeared with a prompt:

"You watched the rise and fall of the first host throughout the entire process. Your understanding of the game simulator has grown, and the upper limit of mystery has been increased by 500 points, from 11375 points to 11875 points."

"Uh... what is this called, Feilai Hengfu?" Wen Rensheng was a little helpless.

He was thinking, the house is also noisy.

"Old Wen, have you read the online news?" Xiao Huan hurried in, dragging her big belly.

"Look, isn't the game updated?" Wen Rensheng said flatly.

"That's immortality! I can't even do it, but it can! Lao Wen, can you help me get it?" Xiao Huan said greedily.

"Aren't you immortal yourself? Why do you still envy others?" Wen Rensheng asked in surprise.

"How is that possible? Alien species will also decline. If it dies, my sister and I will also die. In the end, it is not as good as this group of players."

"Xenogeneity is going to decline, that's the end of the universe, why are you thinking about it in the long run?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

"That's Xiao Huan was stunned at first, and then became unhappy. "But it's still better than me. My believers think that they can live forever if they believe in me, but in the end, it's better to play games. . "

"Is this kind of longevity really longevity? It's just storing one's own consciousness in someone else's database." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Longevity, who will be banned and data deleted at any time, is naturally excellent for ordinary people.

But to him, it doesn't make sense.

"I didn't understand. I always think that you pretended not to care because you couldn't do it. Many little boys in kindergarten are like this. It's too naive." Xiao Huan didn't give Wenren any respect.

"I always think you owe you another fight." Wen Rensheng slapped his hand, and Xiao Huan ran away with his tongue out.

To this day, only this guy dares to talk nonsense in front of him.

Why does he deliberately pretend he doesn't care? As a person who can live for tens of thousands of years, will he care about this?

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