Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1323: reality

Just after checking it, the pendant suddenly shattered, and it seemed that some kind of seal had been added.

"Tell me, what are you doing here?"

"It is to corrupt your heroes, make you degenerate, and finally destroy your world. Just like when Gru collided with the blade of doom and the sword of ice in Kilgor's hand, and finally destroyed the whole world. ." The little devil said his purpose very honestly.

"It's really your devilish style." Wen Rensheng made a phone call and asked the inspector to take it away.

"No, great master, I can rely on you, please don't give me to those people." The little devil begged.

"No, you demons have no loyalty, I don't need you."

"I can swear to the abyss, using my real name, I will give you my real name, in this case, I will never betray you." The little devil continued.

Wen Rensheng's heart moved, and then said: "Okay, but I'm going to send you back to your world to help me complete the task."

"Yes, great master, your greatness surpasses the most powerful demon king." The little demon flattered without hesitation.

Wen Rensheng was indifferent to this, who would be moved by a truth?

He told the inspectors not to come, saying that he had other arrangements.

The little devil handed over his real name.

Wen Rensheng tested it and found that it was indeed effective, so he asked the other party to return to the demon world to find the big cat.

After doing this, he continued to prepare for the resurrection work.

After three days, everything was done.

Regarding the resurrection, he did not do it himself, but handed it over to the senior experts of the Inspection Division.

He handed over Mother Wu's soul.

Professional matters are left to professional people to solve.

He just provided some secondary support.

The process went smoothly without any setbacks.

If there are more twists and turns in this matter, it can only be that there are people behind the scenes.

Nine days later, greet, meet, hug and cry.

A classic plot of a TV show.

"Ten years of life and death are boundless, without thinking about it, I will never forget it. There is nowhere to speak in a lonely grave for thousands of miles. Even if we meet each other, we should not know, but our face is full of dust, and the temples are like frost."

"When the night comes, You Meng suddenly returns to the hometown. Xiaoxuan window is dressing up. There is nothing to say to each other, only tears.

Wen Rende recited deeply on the side.

"Don't slander me, I'm very young, how can I have white hair?" Wu Liansong glared at him, and then said to his wife, "Xiao Bai, let me introduce you, these are..."

A mild-mannered young woman in her thirties greeted Wen Rensheng's family separately, thanking them for taking care of her husband and daughter.

This is his wife.

She was the same age when she died, but she was indeed older.

Wu Liansong thought to himself, and at the same time felt ashamed that he had been bewitched by the devil before.

"I'll serve tea to Auntie." Xiao Huan came out and brought a cup of tea with a flattering face.

"You should be called grandma." Ouyang Ling pointed.

"Uh, grandma should be very old, aunt is very young?" Xiao Huan scratched his head and scratched his cheeks.

"Are you saying I'm very old?" Ouyang Ling patted her head.

The family laughed and the atmosphere was very warm.

Wen Rensheng let out a long sigh of relief and finally made up for the last regret at home.

Now you can focus your energy outside.


Nanzhou, United City, exclusive conference hall.

"The abyss demon has contacted us. Where do we go in the future? Everyone talks." The elder looked at his men and said.

Before, they had helped Huoyan to find the King of Kings. Although they didn't find it later, Huoyan didn't blame them, but instead rewarded them.

"The devil just wants to stir up civil unrest in us, it's not credible at all," the fourth elder said.

"But other forces are developing space, but we are limited to this small dwelling place. In the future, their resources will be trillions of times ours. History has long proven that a cramped place will not end well." Sixth Elder shook his head. road.

"Yeah, the devil promised us that he would give us the technology to traverse the void, so that we can also open up space. We must have this technology." The second elder said heavy news.

The elders suddenly became hot.

Dongzhou is attacking other worlds, they all know this.

It's a pity that they can only be greedy, and at most send a few insiders to sneak in, but it is also easy to expose.

After all, the identity of the players can be verified one by one.

Those insiders don't survive long.

"Do demons really have this kind of technology? If so, how many worlds have they occupied?" the fourth elder doubted.

"They didn't say that." The second elder shook his head.

"If you want us to cooperate, we must first take out the technology, or at least let us find a way back." The fourth elder replied.

"Well, we have already asked for it. They promised to give us a one-time use technology, let us try it first." The second elder nodded.

"That's good, I'll talk about it later." The elders said one after another.

"We have a question now, which direction should we choose, to space or to another world?" the elder asked.

"Of course it's going to another world. As long as the coordinates are hidden, no one will be able to find it."

"No, we still go to space. Only space is our future. Other worlds are all junk, far from being comparable to our universe."

"How are you sure of this? Don't be arrogant."

"Why can't I be sure, I deliberately collected the worlds that the Inspectorate has explored, and those worlds always give me a false feeling, as if everyone is dreaming, the places they dream about, the laws are incomplete, the world is not solid, and it is always easy to collapse. Isn't this just a dream?" It was the ten elders who said this.

"It turned out to be like this? So the other worlds are all dreams?"

The elders were talking a lot, and they turned pale in shock, and looked at the ten elders in unison.

"You just feel, is there any real evidence?" The elder also asked.

"Of course there is, if not, I wouldn't dare to say it to everyone rashly." The ten elders were very serious.

"This is not right. If you can find it, why didn't the inspector find it?" The elder shook his head.

"A wise man thinks a thousand times, and he will lose something; a fool thinks a thousand times, but he will gain something. I am that fool." The ten elders believed to themselves.

"Tell me about your evidence." The Great Elder glanced around and asked.

"My alien species, no one has ever known its true ability. Today I will tell you that its true ability is its true vision. Within its scanning range, all falsehoods can be seen through." The ten elders were somewhat contented. said.

"True vision? Isn't this the ability of the mysterious eagle eye?" Someone wondered.

"It's much stronger than that. It can see through the essence, but Eagle Eye can only see the details clearly." The ten elders said with some disdain.

"That is to say, you have seen through the essence of those worlds?" The elder said seriously.

"Yes, they are all worlds built on illusion, so their people come to us, and their power will drop sharply, because they are originally things in illusion." The ten elders replied.

"That's not right. If you say what you said, then why is Battlestar obviously just a battleship in animation, but in reality, it can cross the galaxy and transport countless items. This ability is a bit against the sky!" The second elder objected.

"Yeah, this doesn't look like something that a fake world can produce. The technology in our world doesn't know how many thousands of years it will take to have similar technology." Someone followed.

" I've seen it too, do you know what its essence is?" the ten elders sneered.

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief.

"It is a data converter, which means that it is not an entity, but a void based on quantum principles. I don't know how it was formed. In short, it is similar to a black hole, and it is mysterious enough. Cosmic phenomenon." The ten elders also had a headache.

His alien species can see through the truth, but some truths, if his host can't understand, the alien species will not give him the answer.

He saw the working process of Battlestar, and only then did he know that it was a data converter, turning matter into data, and then turning data back into matter.

This kind of ability seems to be against the sky, but with the current technology of human beings, 3D printing can be achieved. Through a series of data, combined with 3D printing materials, physical substances can be printed.

The technology of Battlestar is not built on the beach, but mirrored in reality.

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