Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1325: gifts and prices

Wen Ren went home.

"Ah! Those monsters are so disgusting, I won't eat today." Zhao Han said in distress.

Her colorful parrot was polluted by those tentacles, mouthparts, and eyeballs just by looking at the battlefield.

Even with the filtering of alien species, the psychological disgust still lingers.

"Oh, what a pity, I also made a small octopus on the barbecue today, and the tentacles are very fragrant." Xiao Huan added fuel to the fire.

Although she didn't speak, she saw it from the beginning to the end, and she naturally knew why Zhao Han said such things.

"I..." Zhao Han thought of the appearance of the octopus, and his internal organs were churning, and he immediately ran to the bathroom.

"Hahaha, you're too weak, look at me, I'm going to eat a lot of grilled octopus today, all tentacles, eyes, mouthparts, all add to my luxurious lunch!" Xiao Huan laughed wildly on his hips, ran into the kitchen, After tossing, I brought out dozens of grilled octopus.

"Do you want to cook for such a young child?" Wu's mother was a guest in the living room. Seeing this scene, she was a little incredible.

"Children should be educated from an early age." Ouyang Ling was not surprised.

"Your education is really good." Mother Wu said sincerely.


After dozens of days of tossing, Sandro finally found 500 big demons.

The colorful parrot spread its wings, then the demons disappeared, and a dark red boot appeared on the spot, revealing nobility and luxury.

"Wait, the boots look fine, but the question is how come there is only one?" Sandro picked up the boots and asked in confusion.

"If you want another one, you have to find another 500 Archangel." The colorful parrot continued.

"Crack, snap, snap!"

Of course it couldn't be a colorful parrot, Sandro was hitting himself in the face.

He is a puppet army that has been raised up, how dare he fight colorful parrots?

"Teacher Shan, don't do this," Colorful Parrot hurriedly persuaded, "These are all rules."

The big cat just watched blankly, after all, Wen Rensheng had no time to be here every day.

After slapped himself more than a dozen times, Sandro stopped:

"My surname is not Shan, my full name is Sandro*..."

Of course he didn't say his real name.

"Oh,... teacher." The colorful parrot corrected immediately.

Sandro left angrily.

He doesn't hate this colorful parrot, he understands that there are gods' arrangements behind it.

As for why the gods arranged this, he only knew that the other party was taking pleasure in the name of tempered heroes, watching mortals struggle under their arrangements, and finally had to succumb to fate.

Just like in ancient times, the undead hero Tanan wanted to stop Gru, to avoid the encounter between the Doomsday Blade and the Ice Sword, and finally failed.

God **** it, you all deserve hell!

Even if I restore the glory of the ancient times, I will not let your **** position be restored!

He thought so hard.

Archangel is much harder to find than the big devil.

Fortunately, Erwin did something before, that is, after digging up the ultimate treasure, he built a miracle building, and then transformed a human village into a human castle.

Then the seeds of the blood of the gods were sown there.

He led his undead soldiers to capture the castle without hesitation, and put Erwin's heirs and wives and concubines into the necromancer, transforming them into ghosts and vampires.

Erwin went crazy.

Only then did he understand what the big cat once said when he was bored—

When fate gave you a super gift, it had already given the super gift and marked the price secretly.

His countless wives and concubines died before his eyes, leaving only countless children.

There was only one reason for his death. He was indulging in pleasure and did not accumulate funds and resources, and recruited all the necessary arms.

The number is not dominant, and it is naturally a complete defeat when facing the vampires and bone dragons of Tianke human beings.

His magic is not very useful, the undead eat very little magic, and are born with immunity from hypnosis, blindness, madness... these mental spells that can instantly change the situation of the battle.

"Bastard, don't you want 500 Archangel? I can give it to you, why don't you say, why do you want to directly break my castle?" He was locked in a cage and shouted frantically.

When Erwin learned the truth about the opponent's attack on his castle, he was completely furious.

"Why would I waste my time discussing with you when I can easily get it?" Sandro said in a high voice.

In fact, the most fundamental reason is that he believes that this fallen humanoid planter has lost the glory of a hero and insulted the word "hero".

He must destroy such people.

First from the spirit, and then from the body, expel the opponent from the hero team.

This will prevent people from adding contemptuous words when they mention heroes:

"Heroes are just like us, or even better than us in some ways."

Erwin's head was empty. He stood in the cage, not knowing what to say, much less what to do.

Regret, regret, like the most powerful snake, entangled in his heart.

Is there any chance he can get it back?

His beloved wives and concubines had all turned into ghosts and vampires, and those cold and evil eyes seemed to mock him.

He remembered the roar of the big cat before he left.

And his indifference, and the dozen or so hands that pulled him back.

deserve it.

This is retribution.

He forgot that in this world, if you want to survive, you always need to do your best!

If you relax and slack off, a demon will emerge from a corner and stomp you underfoot!

Destroy, oppress, insult, ridicule, use the most vicious, despicable, and most uncomfortable means to concoct you, harm you, and oppress you!

It's a pity that people's forgetfulness is too great. When the scar is healed, the pain is forgotten, and this kind of thing is repeated countless times.

He is one of them.

Thinking of this, he slapped his face fiercely.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Tears flowed, blood flowed, and finally the skin, the flesh...

On this day, Erwin died.

On this day, Erwin was alive again.

He became the lowest, ugliest, most humble skeleton.

Sandro seemed content with this state, and after imposing a soul contract, he happily took the lowly skeleton with him.

Because this is his honorary certificate.

He defeated the first hero to come back, and he was the first.

Over the years, only 500 archangels have been accumulated in the castle.

This is much harder than the big devil.

Sandro took his soldiers and horses and found the colorful parrot again.

He also carried the skeleton Erwin by his side, and despair and remorse still lingered in the other's bleak eye sockets.

"Well, this is another death boot." The colorful parrot said generously.

Then the second dark red boot appeared.

Sandro happily took his boots, then asked, "Where's the vampire cape?"

"You want to exchange 500 skull dragons, 500 giant beasts, 500 hydras, and 500 black dragons." The colorful parrot said.

" Sandro didn't get angry, just left peacefully.

The skeleton beside him walked a little slower.

Because it saw the big cat squatting at the feet of the colorful parrot.

The other party is watching all this coldly, as if he no longer remembers it.

That is the existence that gives it the gift of destiny, and the existence that sets the price for the gift of destiny.

With that in mind, the skeleton left.

It doesn't hold a grudge against the big cat because it doesn't qualify.

Everything is self-inflicted.

After all, there is still Erwin's kind side in its essence, and it can't do such a shameless thing as taking anger on people.

Although doing so will make its heart feel a little better.

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