Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1345: District 9

The autumn wind is bleak.

Inside a dark mud house on the river bank.

Liu Xia, Chen Qiu, Xie Dong, and Mei Guangzhan landed "quack".

"I gave birth to four children at once, my mother, what can I do?"

"Rhubarb is too prolific, the family can't afford it, so let's give it to Lao Lang's house in the east of the village."

"No, they belong to the family of wolves. They only bite small ones, so they can't be given to them."

"Then give it to the old Hu family in the west of the village, their family is the fox."

"Foxes also eat puppies and send them to Laotu's house in the south of the village. Their family belongs to rabbits and can support them."

The four of them couldn't even open their eyes, and only vaguely heard some bizarre conversations.

After half a day, they realized their situation.

It turned out that they turned into puppies!

"Damn it, is it so ruthless when you come up?"

"Understood, this is to let us know that I am born as a human being, and I am very salty."

"Sister Liu is right."

"Is there any reason for these guys to raise dogs with carrots?"

"You can be content, it's fine if you don't let you eat grass."

Four people, no, four puppies, and lived a happy, carefree life.

That is of course impossible.

The boss of the Tu family drools every day looking at them.

"The storytellers often say that when the dog's meat rolls three times, even the gods can't stand firm. Is this true?"

"We belong to rabbits and can't eat meat." Tujia's father nags.

"I'll eat it secretly, so I don't let the land public find out."

"That can't be done, become a rabbit, and our family can pass it on."

The four of them were confused, but fortunately, they were all elites, and it didn't take too long to understand the current situation.

It turned out to be a place of cultivation.

After everyone comes out, they have to choose the genus of monsters and cultivate them into monsters. Before the age of 30, those who fail to cultivate into monsters will be eaten by King Dongshan.

So people here are all married at 12 and have children at 13.

Otherwise, it will not continue.

And the four suddenly found that they had a good chance.

In this state, they are born monsters!

More than a month later, four dog demons were born from this poor riverside village.

Together with the Rhubarb family who gave birth to them, and the Tu family, all of a sudden the chickens and dogs rose to the sky.

Both of them got the sign of "House of Good Demons" and hung it on the door. Every time King Dongshan came over, they would not eat their family.


"Damn, these guys are too shrewd. They were supposed to suffer, but they turned out to be a blessing. How can this work?" Xiao Huan said angrily.

The person she spoke to was not Wen Rensheng, but a little octopus.

The little octopus was watching McCann's new superhero movie and replied ignorantly, "Huanhuan, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Didn't you direct a lot of tragedies? Give me some material." Xiao Huan twisted his head and swayed.

"Stop shaking, you go to the hand I cut off, it knows a lot of things." The little octopus is not pure stupid.

Xiao Huan then got into Wen Rensheng's study and came to the fish tank in front of the windowsill.

The tentacle was languidly basking in the sun, almost peeling.

Hearing Xiao Huan's intention, he made a cartoon for her directly.

After reading the comic, Xiao Huan said, still Lao Ai can play.


within the next few days.

The four have endured a life of twists and turns.

All kinds of internal disputes, suppression, ravages, and fights with each other.

The four were exhausted.

They think it should be hard enough.

However, this is just the beginning.

The precious treasure left by Ahhandeb was not what they could have imagined.

From the body to the spirit, the four have undergone repeated grinding and tempering.

When he came out, he had completely changed.

After seeing the results, Wen Rensheng was greatly relieved: "Sure enough, even a piece of garbage can be used for land reclamation."

Akhanderb never imagined that the script it concocted was originally intended for fun, but in the end it was used to temper people's hearts.

Seeing that the effect was good, he shared those scripts with the Inspectorate for use.

This is the universally effective method. Although it cannot cure the root cause, it can free him.

Otherwise, he doesn't have to do anything in the future, he just needs to see a doctor.

Then let Li Chun experience it again.

Originally, he couldn't eat all kinds of living food, but now he eats food that is fragrant and can't scream, and he still doesn't eat...

"Old Wen, do you want to temper it as well?" Xiao Huan urged, "The effect is very good. After coming out, they all feel that their current life is paradise."

"I don't need it, you need to experience it." He retorted.

"I do not want it."


When Lao Liu got the script promoted by Wen Ren, he immediately felt very ashamed.

He thought that Wen Rensheng didn't want to treat the disease, but he didn't expect the other party to give a more general method, and he specially ordered:

Don't say that it was given by him, but to say that it was researched by the inspectorate himself.

A really good guy.

He naturally agreed, promising not to say that Wen Rensheng handed it over to them.

At the same time, he told Wen Rensheng another message.

"There was a meeting recently, and it was decided to establish a nine-star district, each planet is a district, and it is distributed according to the power level of the superhuman."

"Ordinary people will move to the ninth district first, and an absolute physical defense formation will be established above the ninth district. Ordinary people are our roots."

"Other superhumans move in sequence."

"Until everyone is relocated, only the strongest transcendents are left on the earth."

"Oh, the separation of humans and gods has finally begun to get to the point?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"Yes, ten years of wind and rain, ups and downs, you also said that Earth Pills, always plan ahead."

"Well, it's long overdue to do this," Wen Rensheng nodded. "However, how do people from other continents deal with it?"

"It's all voluntary. Those who are willing to board the ship will pay for the tickets, and those who are unwilling to come will not be forced."

"Then the process will be very long."

"Homeland is hard to leave, and sailors on voyages are always made up of the poorest."

The two chatted for a while and hung up the phone.

After more than a month, Lao Liu's villains have filled every inspector's home, bedroom, bathroom, balcony, attic...

However, he doesn't care.

After all, he is there for everyone's good.


Half a month later, somewhere in McCann.

"Have you heard? Dongzhou is going to start space immigration. Ordinary people will go to the ninth district. It is said that it is absolutely safe there."

"I'm not going to We now have so many superheroes in Captain McCann, enough to keep us safe."

"Cut, those superheroes are actually acting. They only save one-tenth of the time, and the rest are following the script."

"How did you know?"

"It's very simple, the real scene is very troublesome, how can the filming effect stand out? Superheroes who don't do this will not attract many fans, just like those honest guys, only a few hundred thousand. And those who film every day, but There are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, all of which have spread to Xizhou."

"Bad money drives out good money."

But there are still many people who buy tickets and board the ship, all of which are big companies and consortia.

They are acutely aware of where the business opportunities lie.

This is a big relocation. How much demand will be generated during the relocation process?

It's all money picked up for nothing, and Dongzhou always does what he says, and throws it there if he can't do half of it.

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