Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1348: Undead Prophet

However, Walter is not an impulsive boy after all, and the modern world has enough information.

He didn't act rashly.

Instead, search the Internet through the auxiliary software mounted on the game panel.

It is not enough to save a person, only by changing the society she lives in can truly save her destiny.

But how to save a rigid feudal society?

The answer will come soon.

The rigidity must be overthrown.

Such as feudal emperors, feudal production factors.

And here, it is naturally the source of the overthrow of rigidity, the "Heavenly Chess Players" in the thirty-third layer of the sky, and the "Rules of Go".

Unless these two are overthrown, the world will never be able to become free and civilized and reach the level of Earth civilization.

But how to overturn these two?

He was lost in thought.

It's too difficult.

He is just a player with a plug-in and is weak.

He needs help.

Who is the best helper?

He thought of one object - the game panel itself.

He said directly in his heart:

"You want to conquer this world, right? We have a common goal, let's defeat the ruler of this world."

There was no reply for a long time.

He feels that he is very naive. To trigger a game mission, he must find key NPCs or key items. How can game players trigger it by saying a few words to themselves?

Wait, there is also, that is, the player himself is the protagonist.

A dream of the protagonist can trigger the qualifying.

And he is obviously not the protagonist, there is no such treatment.

At this moment, a game prompt suddenly appeared in his mind:

"Mission: The Road to Truth (1)."

"Find out the truth of this world, and then how to do it, choose with your own heart."

"Reward: 10,000 points, five soul-raising pills, five player registration places..."

"Failure Penalty: Permanently ban the game qualification."

Walter was surprised, delighted, and frightened.

The surprise is that he didn't expect to actually trigger the relevant task.

The fear is that the punishment is so severe.

After thinking about it carefully, he realized:

Given such a severe punishment, it is naturally to prevent players from relying on their immortality, tossing around, and not doing their tasks properly.

The consequences of the failure of the mission will lead to a counterattack from the behind-the-scenes forces, causing the game simulator to suffer losses.

This kind of thing is very common. When doing missions in a game world that is free enough, many players finally kill all the mission NPCs, and the mission scenes are all blown up.

He then asked: "Give me a hint, I will do it with my heart."

"Mission hint: Find the undead prophet of this world, and he will tell you how to do it."

"You can find his news through the Tsing Yi Building."


Tsing Yi Building.

Lan Gu looked at the blond and blue-eyed Fannu, and said impatiently, "What prophet? We are here for happy business, not a place to talk."

Walter did not get angry, but silently drained twenty big money.

Only then did Lan Gu put it away with a smile: "The prophet doesn't know, but the blind fortune-teller knows a few. What kind of golden bodhisattva, evil stone Buddha, rotten Taoist... Which do you want to know?"

The quest prompt is the undead prophet. Listening to the names of these people, it seems that only the stone Buddha is the most like.

Wait, the more similar it is, the more traps there are.

Walter did the opposite: "I choose bad people."

"That's good, the rotten Taoist lives in Shiqiao Village, Daxing Prefecture. He is good at deducing the timing of playing chess. He can judge when to play chess, and after winning, the reward is the most and the cost is the least. For this reason, he has rotted a leg, a A hand, an ear, an eye, half a face..."

"Why didn't he choose to refuse when he rotted a leg?"

"He wants to refuse, can he refuse?" Lan Gu shook her head and said, seeing the other party's generosity, she said a few more words, "He wants to escape, but if a chess player watches, he can escape to Where to go? He's not very good at chess, and it's easy for others to find him."

Really dark place.

Water once again understands that no matter how bad the modern society is, it is a hundred times stronger than the feudal era.

He became more and more determined to transform the world of Go.

What's more, there is still such a big task reward waiting for him.

Then he took a carriage and rushed all the way to Shiqiao Village, Daxing Prefecture.

After coming here, I found that it is very poor and the fields are barren.

The fields are dry, and some wheat seedlings are sparsely planted, which are not growing well.

It seems that there are no good chess players here.

The threshold of playing chess is not lower than that of various scientific knowledge, or even much higher.

After all, this thing eats more talent.

Unlike the latter, as long as you are willing to learn, you can always learn a skill to eat.

"We must change the world."

He thought to himself, walked into the village and asked the villagers.

"You said the disabled old man, he lives in the west of the village, and only lives with an adopted granddaughter." The villagers, lured by money, quickly told the news.

In front of a mud house in the west of the village, Walter knocked on the firewood door.

Half an hour later, he was sitting in the courtyard with an old and a young couple.

"You want to overthrow the Heavenly Chess players, so do you know their origins?" asked the rotten Taoist.

"do not know."

"You are just an outsider, and you are living a comfortable life. Why do you want to help us? Is it pity, or is it to satisfy your sudden kindness?"

"It's human nature."

"Humanity? Humph, Xiaohua, whip him ten whips and see if he is still willing to help us?" The granddaughter next to Daoist Xiang Xiang, a sturdy nine-year-old girl, weighed more than 100 pounds.

"Got it, grandpa."

With a smile, Xiaohua untied a long whip from her waist and slapped it off her head.

Walter was still angry at first, and then suddenly realized:

When the opponent hits someone, he doesn't even need to play chess!

There is indeed a doorway.

This means that the other party has found a loophole in the rules of the world. No wonder the quest prompt says that the undead prophet must be found first.

But this whip is so painful to hit the body!

Who would have thought that a nine-year-old girl could be so strong!

He didn't need ten whips, but only six whips, and he was knocked unconscious.

It was another half an hour before I woke up from the pain.

"Now, do you still want to help us?" The rotten Taoist asked coldly.

"I think more, you don't know what the normal world is like, you are blinded in this rotten hell." Walter said firmly.

"Incomprehensible, you are clearly living a good life, yet you come to help us. There really are such good people? I don't believe it, there must be a conspiracy behind you." The rotten Taoist sneered.

"I'm an independent, free man, with no backside and no conspiracy." Walter said sincerely.

He knew it was hard to understand what he was doing.

However, those criminals, those who walk on the edge of the law, also have a hard time understanding those who follow the rules all their lives and dare not break the law.

He just stands higher, and what he pursues is more precious.

The rotten Taoist fell He took out five black and white chess pieces and threw them on the ground.

After a while, one of his hair rotted and fell from his head.

Five pieces form a circle.

He looked at the circle for a long time.

Walter didn't know what the other party was doing, so he could only take this opportunity to wrap himself with a bandage from the game backpack.

Xiaohua came over to help with a smile. When she beat him hard enough, when she treated him, she was also very dedicated.

This kid is stupid.

"This jar of honey is for you, native honey, without any additives." He said, took out a can of bamboo and handed it to Xiao Hua.

Players can't develop high-tech, but simply combining existing technologies can surprise the natives.

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