Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1353: destroy


Major Lola and his team of four were in the middle of a meeting when a sudden, earth-shattering roar came from overhead.

Immediately afterwards, the solid concrete ceiling collapsed and slammed down on the five people.

Among the five, only Major Lola is a xenogeneic.

He fled the meeting room immediately.

The four think tanks shouted at the same time: "Enter the game!"

The next moment, their shells turned into a mass of meat sauce.

The entire Eagle Fort was shaking.

Except for the people who were killed in the first place, the other survivors were passing through solid escape routes and scattered around.

In the escape passage, the survivors looked panic and talked a lot.

"Is it a nuclear explosion?" Someone asked while fleeing.

"This is 300 meters underground, and the defense is designed to resist a nuclear bomb with a yield of hundreds of millions of tons!"

"Either cut corners or the attack was too powerful."

At this moment, a terrifying laughter sounded in their ears.

"Haha, hahaha!"

"Have you tasted the wonderful taste of destruction?"

"Look at this smoke, look at this fire, ah, only in this extreme destruction can you feel the truth of living!"

It was the voice of the clown.

"Damn it, what are you doing?" Major Lola, who was fleeing in the first row, was furious.

As soon as his plan was launched, it was completely disrupted.

But the reality is that, who will honestly wait for your plan to complete?

Others have other people's plans.

"Destruction, I just want to see Destruction, are you stupid? Didn't you hear what I just said?" The clown's voice continued to sound.

Then, there was another loud noise, and the escape channel collapsed inch by inch.

"Damn, the source shock has not disappeared, we can't teleport out!"

"We're done!" someone exclaimed.

"These explosions are not ordinary explosions! They can actually hurt us..."

One after another, panic sounds rang out.

"Haha, die, scream, hurt, only these can make me feel the reality of this world!"

The Joker roared like a crazy psychopath.

Major Lola couldn't stop cursing in his heart at this time.

He aimed at the Go world in Dongzhou, but he did not expect that someone else aimed at his Eagle Fort.

It should be thought, after all, the clown has been here last time.

With the joker's laughter, the crowd fled to the ground.

However, they are faced with greater despair!

I saw mushroom clouds rising into the sky everywhere on the ground.

One after another shock wave, one after another hot wind and dazzling glare, rushed towards the face.

Makes people unable to stand.

"How could this be?" Someone said in pain.

"Haha, what a wonderful scene! You have saved so many fireworks, and you spend the day after day on the maintenance of the giant purple. What a waste, thank you for your hard work. What a spectacular and beautiful sight!"

A man wearing a clown mask, floating above their heads, wrapped his arms around his arms, seemed to be enjoying the majestic scene in front of him.

"You devil!"

"You inhuman bastard!"

The survivors shouted angrily.

"Incompetent rage, boredom, a bunch of guys who don't know how to appreciate true beauty."

"Idiots, the most beautiful scene is destruction, just like the most beautiful thing in literature, it's always tragic." The clown sneered.

No one shot.

Because everyone can see that this guy who screams destruction is the beauty, and what remains in the air is just an illusion.


The reason why he dared to launch the destruction was because he himself was in a safe place.

"What should we do now? Our home is gone." A female survivor hugged her head and cried.

"Go to space." Someone suddenly said.

"Just go to space."

"Joker, why did you bomb our place?" Someone else asked unwillingly.

"Because other places are not easy to blow up." The clown said with his hands spread.

Someone regrets it.

"Sure enough, there shouldn't be any superheroes. Superheroes can save a few people, but destroyers are more destructive."

"Damn, the Joker is one of them."

"He's a guy who likes to explode, just didn't expect him to end up targeting us!"

The crowd scolds and hurts.

Major Laura has calmed down.

There have always been various plans for the destructive power of the extraordinary.

However, the development of reality still made them unexpected.

The tragic explosion appeared suddenly in front of me.

In fact, it is not abrupt. Whether it is a fog wall at sea or a demon invasion, it is a big scene.

It's just that people from Dongzhou have blocked it before.

And now no one can stop them.

Only then did they realize the seriousness of the consequences.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the explosion still hasn't stopped, and it's still coming and going, like an endless fireworks show.

The consequences it causes are destined to be long-term and unpredictable.


Wen Ren went home.

Xiao Huan was the first to learn about the mushroom explosion.

"Oops, it's not good, my game field was bombed!" She was in a hurry in the living room, not knowing what to do.

Wen Rensheng fell asleep again.

"If it blows up, just repair it again." Wang Wenwen said amusingly.

She thought it was Xiao Huan making a fuss again.

"No, a large piece was blown up." Xiao Huan tried his best to describe the scene.

"What was blown up? Describe it with illusion."

Everyone asked.

Xiao Huan woke up with a start, and hurriedly used the illusion technique to show what was happening in McCann.

When everyone saw it, they were immediately stunned.

"Fortunately, we entered the fragmented world early..." Wen Rende said with a look of fear.

Yes, such a large-scale nuclear bombardment, even if it only happened in McCann, was enough to cause various global disasters, and then spread to Eastern Continent.

No wonder the son had them all relocated in early.

Otherwise, under this unexpected attack, there will inevitably be heavy casualties.

"Hmph, they finally got to this point." Wu Shanshan said lightly.

She looked unexpected.

"Oh, Lao Wen is sleeping, all my toys are gone!" Xiao Huan said anxiously, "Hurry up and think of a way for me."

She lay on the ground, rolling back and forth.

Everyone just felt a strange feeling in their hearts, but they didn't expect it to happen, and the person who cared most about the McCanns turned out to be a little girl, a guy who regarded them as toys.

"Don't you still have a few space passages? Open one and let them pass through." Zhao Han was the most sympathetic person, and quickly suggested.

"Yeah, let them go to the flame world to hide first."


Meanwhile, the Land of the Colossus.

The priests were terrified and prayed to the colossus.

One ceremony after another is taking place.

Only the big sacrifice is still somewhat calm.

Countless people gathered in the Colossus Square, looking for a safe haven.

When the mushroom exploded for the first time, the priests had already resisted a wave with divine power.

However, this was an explosion mixed with tainted power, not an ordinary physical attack.

Therefore, their consumption is very large.

And the mushrooms kept exploding, and they would soon be unable to resist.

At that time, everyone here will be like the people outside, and they will become blue smoke in the heat wave.

In the end, most people did not die in the hands of demons and disasters, but in the hands of weapons made by themselves.

"See if you don't see it, this is what happens if you don't sincerely pray!" The great priest took the opportunity to scold.

"You all only take this place as a and never sincerely worship the Colossus God!"

"As soon as the environment improves, you run out and want to be at ease. Now it's alright, there is a mushroom war outside, and you want to run back. How can we have so much divine power to protect you!"

The crowd was speechless.

Can only bite the bullet and listen to the reprimand.

"Save us, at least the child is innocent."

"Yeah, we must pray with our hearts in the future, have fun, and definitely don't think about things while playing."

"Yeah, I must practice well."

The great sacrifice was only slightly satisfied: "Okay, the Lord has opened a temporary settlement for you, all line up!"

After that, a fiery red portal appeared between the two giant statues.

Then everyone relaxed a little, and under the arrangement of the priests, they quickly passed through the portal one by one.

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