Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1358: take an exam

McCann, the cave where Garwayne used to be.

When Wen Rensheng entered the Silver Palace and found the clown, let the red ants continue to wait.

So Gawayne is back.

He didn't break his promise.

In the cave, it has been cleaned, and some beds have been built, with canvas as a barrier.

The old, the weak, the sick, and the sick were all arranged to rest on beds.

Strong man guarding with gun.

Everything is well organized.

"Prophet, you are finally back!" The mayor was very happy and gave him a thorough hug.

"Yeah, you really didn't abandon us." Everyone was happy.

"Did you catch that clown?" someone asked suddenly.

"Sorry, the clown is hiding too tightly, it will take some time, but he has already found his whereabouts, I believe he will not go unpunished." Gawan said apologetically.

"It's nothing, this is something that only big people can care about, as long as we can live." The mayor quickly comforted.

Although he also hated clowns very much, he knew better what to do now.

"Prophet, what should we do now?" someone asked earnestly.

In the days when Gawayne left, everyone really realized the power of each other.

Just the ant army left behind opened their eyes.

Reconnaissance, sneak attack, defense, omnipotent.

If the ants were not there, they would have been attacked by some bandits, women and children would have been robbed, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled would have been killed, and gold, silver, jewelry and guns would have been lost.

Although they all know the power of the superhuman, the gap between hearing about it and experiencing it in person is 108,000 miles away.

Hearing everyone's question, Gawayne closed his eyes, thought for a while, and then said, "Do more good deeds."

"Doing a good deed? I understand, the prophet wants us to unite. Only by unity can we survive in the wasteland." The mayor said to the crowd.

Gawayne smiled. He couldn't say it clearly. If he did, it wouldn't work.

"Do good things?"

Most people don't think so, thinking it's just a management technique.

But to fool them into doing things well.

Of course, these people won't deliberately make trouble, but they will never do good things, and they won't go on without benefits.

Now is the doomsday, and the guy who is only for others is the fastest to die.

There are only a few people who are usually very kind. Recently, they have suffered a lot because they are unwilling to fight, and they feel wronged in their hearts. After hearing what Gaveen said, they felt much calmer.

After all, the prophets have said so, the good things done in the past will definitely not be in vain.

Gavin looked at the cave, and the mayor arranged for him to rest in an empty bunk.

He took the red ant out of his head and stroked it again and again.

"What scary things have you seen?" he murmured.

He had already felt that there was someone behind the red ant.

But it didn't matter, he just knew it was his best friend.

He never regarded the red ants as his personal property.

The red ant showed him the scene of the clown sleeping.

"I really didn't expect that the one who destroyed the world turned out to be such a person. It's ridiculous. The people of Dongzhou are correct. The strong should not live with the weak."


The next day, five drones found the cave.

"We can provide the opportunity to migrate to a safe place, but you need to do a set of test papers first. Only those who pass the test can get the opportunity to migrate."

The drone was preaching to the crowd in Chinese.

"As human beings, you should have come to save us long ago, don't you have any humanitarian spirit?" Someone couldn't help shouting.

God knows how they spend these days?

Frightened, breathing air with radiation, many people began to lose hair, become inflamed, red and swollen, and could not see the sun...

"It's your own greed and indulgence, your own chaos and unhappiness, your own cruelty and harshness that destroy you, not us." The drone broadcast the truth that Wen Rensheng discovered.

The clown fires, the clown laughs wildly, the clown sleeps... the whole process.

After everyone watched, the man was silent, the woman was crying, and the child was ignorant.

"Damn, is this kind of waste? Destroyed our land?" Someone cried.

If he had a whole childhood, had a whole family, if the ghetto and the rich weren't so clearly demarcated, if there was a little more intervention...

In short, if there was a little difference, McCann would not have the fate he has today.

However, those ifs are completely useless.

Unless someone can reverse time and travel to the past.

The drone didn't give them much time to vent their emotions, and began to hand out test papers, as well as pencils and erasers.

It is the end of the day, and it has to be rolled up.

This is a constant theme of mankind.

After getting the test paper and browsing, everyone was stunned.

"I don't know Chinese, what should I do?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"I asked you to learn before. If you don't learn, who are you to blame?" Some people were disdainful.

"Damn, we are McCanns, why should we learn Chinese? It's not fair!"

"Be quiet, this is a migration, and you must pass the language barrier. It's not fair or unfair. When people from Nanzhou came to our McCann before, didn't they have to pass several language level exams?" The mayor came out to maintain order.

He came from an elite family, and he has been studying since he was a child, so he did not have any kind of happy education - he started learning Chinese at the age of three, and he went to various private schools along the way, and the control was extremely strict.

In the past, he still resented his parents, why couldn't he be as high as the blacks, but now, he has nothing but gratitude in his heart.

So he didn't panic at all, and he also wanted to prevent other people from making trouble.

In case of chaos, those drones leave, but there is no such opportunity.

Everyone knows that staying on is a dead end. At least it will take ten years before McCann can live normally.

For a time, the cave was filled with the writing sound of "Shasha".

Many people can't understand the question, so they talk to each other, or try to copy other people's answers.

And for this kind of behavior, those drones don't care, just occasionally emit red light, which seems to be a warning.

"When was the first time you were helpful? What did you do?"

"When was the first time you did something bad? What did you do?"

"When you are away from your parents and relatives alone, will you violate some bottom lines under the instigation of others? Such as blackmail, fights, fights..."

The mayor understood, this was a moral test.

Very little has to do with talent.

As long as you are a good person and have a rough command of Chinese, you can basically pass the test.

This is much easier than McCann's immigration test!

In contrast, McCann immigration requires not only language to a high standard, but also professional skills, or investment...

That's why a large number of illegal workers are smuggled every year.

If the threshold is not high, they do not need to smuggle.

However, this paper looks simple, but if you really want to meet the requirements, it is not so easy.

Abide by the regulations, repay gratitude, be cautious, and have no intention of harming others... If you meet these four points, you will be able to pass the test.

It seems But among the hundreds of people in the cave, I am afraid it is only one tenth of them who can fully satisfy.

The mayor thought to himself.

He looked at the drones that were scanning with red light, and he quickly thought that it would not take too long, and this cave that had just stabilized would fall into a new round of chaos.

But what does this have to do with me?

Wait, it's very relevant.

If he wants to move to Dongzhou, he must be a good person; but if he is a good person, as the mayor, it is impossible for him to ignore the chaos that will follow.

If you want to go, you can't be a good person; if you can't be a good person, you can't go.

This falls into a paradox.

For a while, the mayor's mind was confused...

Smart people tend to think too much.

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