Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1363: help

Just as Gawayne approached the giant pit, he saw four or five people approaching him.

Everyone was wearing a gas mask, wrapped in layers of plastic, and each carried a rifle, kind of like a bios in a movie.

Looking at the smoke and dust in the air and the dim sun, he realized that times had really changed.

And he himself, with the ants acting as filters and shields, didn't need these extra gear.

"Hey, where are you from? What do you want to do with us?" the leader shouted gruffly.

Several people's guns were dimly aimed at him.

"Hello, friends, I'm here to help you," he said sincerely.



Several people looked at each other and suddenly burst into laughter at the same time.

"Is the threshold for liars so low now?" said one of them.

"No, this is a clever screening strategy, using low-level words to screen out the most easily deceived people, and the others are eliminated, and then they can be specifically targeted." Another person said.

"Isn't this supposed to be done online and on the phone? I didn't expect that they would dare to do this at gunpoint!" The third person said angrily, seeming to think that Gawayne insulted their IQ.

Gawayne is not angry, he has seen this situation a lot.

I don't know when it started, people's attitude towards strangers has changed from being friendly to being vigilant. It's no wonder they, because those who don't do this will either die, or be tricked to death.

"Are you worried about clean food right now? Not far north of here, there is an underground grain depot, where the grain has not been contaminated. The location is..." Gawayne said calmly.

"He's not lying to us, right?" Although someone said this, they were still moved.

Without him, firstly, they lacked food. With the nuclear explosion, a large amount of radioactive dust spread everywhere. The food in supermarkets, kitchens, and canteens was basically contaminated with radioactive dust, and radiation would be emitted when they were eaten.

Some people have begun to get sick, gastrointestinal inflammation, oral ulcers, and the terrible radiation sickness, from books and TV, to reality.

"David, Romy, the two of you ride motorcycles to that place to see, we two watch this guy and contact us at any time." The leader thought about it and decided.

If it were a trap, it would kill two people, and if there was food, hundreds of people could be saved.

The two were a little reluctant, but then they thought, if they were really liars, they would have to give them some sweetness at the beginning, right?

Thinking like this, the two of them had the motivation to quickly get on the motorcycle and drive to the place that Gawayne said.

"Tell me, what do you want to do when you come to us? You want money, people? Or things?" The leader still didn't believe what Gawayne meant.

And he really guessed right, Gawayne came here to ask for something.

It's just that he didn't say it, just said: "I said it, I'm here to help you."

After he finished speaking, he found a clean stone to sit down at his leisure, turning a blind eye to those vigilant and hostile eyes.

Why does he run around to help others?

The reason is very simple. He enjoys this process and turns a group of people who were originally hostile to him into people who worship and revere him.

Although the process is tedious, it is really fascinating.

Although it will cause a lot of trouble.

But solving troubles, for him, was fun in itself.

These troubles, these hostility, can make him feel the truth of life and unforgettable.

These adoration, these awe, can make him feel that he is living in the real world, not a game character, a movie trick.

Someone likes to play games to do quests, and he likes more realistic quests.

It didn't take long, half an hour later, the roar of the motorcycle came hurriedly from a distance.

"Team leader, that's right, there is an underground warehouse there. All the food is stored in a well-sealed, vacuum-packed form! Chicken, duck, and fish are all cooked food!"

"There is still a lot of clean mineral water! Enough for us people to eat and drink for half a year!"

The two stopped the motorcycle and said excitedly.

From their bulging bellies, they must have eaten their fill first.

But as the leader of the team, they did not reprimand them. This is a benefit that the pioneers should have.

"Very well, it seems that you are here to help us, please come in." The team leader said to Gawayne.


Under the leadership of the four, Gavin walked into the giant pit village.

The giant pit is extremely deep, four or five hundred meters long, in a spiral shape.

"It's very inconvenient to live here, how could you think of living here?" he asked curiously.

The team leader didn't hide it: "I don't know either, it's all the above arrangement."

Gawayne understood that they belonged to an organization, a secret organization, and only such an organization would establish a base in places with inconvenient transportation in the wild.

There is basically no patrol force in the wild, so the possibility of being discovered is very small. Even if it is discovered, the incoming enemy can be seen in time, and there is enough time to transfer.

They walked all the way to the bottom of the giant pit and came to a concrete house in the middle.

Gawayne saw an old man.

The old man was smoking a cigarette and looked at him with displeased eyes.

"I didn't say, don't bring outsiders in casually."

"Head, this person gave us an underground granary." The team leader whispered.

"Oh, that's very good, what do you want?" the old man put down his cigarette and asked.

"I just want to help you," Gawayne repeated.

"Help? I haven't seen this word for many years. All I see are deceit and hypocrisy, use and cunning, and friendship on the surface is actually for profit. Humph, there is no mutual between people for a long time. Help." The old man sneered.

It seems that the old man has been stimulated a lot.

"Sir, if you use these words to refer to some people, it is correct, but if you refer to everyone, it is slander. I have helped many people."

"Why do you want to help us? I can see that you are an extraordinary person, why don't you use your strength to improve yourself?" The old man asked rhetorically.

"There is no need for a reason to help people, only people who harm people need motivation." Gawayne Conan went online.

The old man was silent, and he fell into memory.

In the past, he fought hard and fought desperately, but what he got in return was betrayal, and some of the aliens that he had won through hard work became the source of infighting.

The ideal dissipated, the hero turned into a dragon, the environment became more and more bad, and even today, it has even reached the doomsday stage.

Whose fault is this?

Is it their fault?

Is it that they are not suitable for this era? In this era, can only the weak be eaten by the strong, and can only socialism be in the lead?

Finally, the old man raised his head, stared at Gawayne and said word by word: "You don't have to pretend in front of me, it's okay to lie to others, but you can't lie to this old man. I think you must have obtained some so-called God's gaze, only good deeds can get power. Just like those giant statues, you can only get power by playing good sports, doing good games, and creating lively scenes."

"No, my strength comes from my friends and the favor of fate." Gawayne shook his head.

The old man snorted and then said: "You said it very well, then let me ask you, how can you help us if we want to survive?"

"I can help you find a place to live."

"There is radiation pollution everywhere now, can you help us through the fog wall?"

"Don't you know yet? Dongzhou is sending drones to pick up people, but they need to do the papers first."

"Make a paper?" The old man was stunned.

Dongzhou will send someone to rescue him. He is not surprised. After all, in such a big accident, as the most powerful force, he will always show a little mercy. In this way, it will help to win over those neutral forces.

But he really didn't know about the paperwork. After all, this place was very remote, and Dongzhou didn't send anyone to find it.

However, he still firmly believes in his own opinion, this inexplicable guy must have ulterior motives.

This time, he will never be fooled again.

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