Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1378: prove

In the classroom, Yue Yingtian closed his eyes and slept in the back row, the teacher was indifferent.

This is his prerogative.

Because of his unique experience background, he has long discovered the truth of the chaos of time.

But why is he willing to do this?

Quite simply, time chaos means he can live longer.

If time is not chaotic and goes with reality, after a few decades, he will die of old age.

However, it is not.

The body of the real layer has only experienced a short period of time, but he in the dream layer has passed hundreds of years.

He has carefully measured it, and it is roughly equivalent to a ratio of 1:100, which means that he can live in the dream layer for thousands of years.

This is enough for him.

Of course, due to the fact that time often jumps back, the technology has developed until recently, and there has been no deduction and progress, and it has always maintained a modern level.

He won't let anyone break this dream.

Absolutely not.

Whoever wants to break is crazy.

And he is not alone, there is a large group of people helping him, both overtly and secretly.

He represents the strongest corrective force, not those who discover the truth.

"This is reality, and the other layer is madness. Those who try to break reality are all lunatics and the remnants of evil gods!"

Even when he was sleeping, he was giving himself hints.

He didn't know that there was a foreigner watching him a short distance away.

Gawayne heard whispers in his dreams.

[Poor child, even knowing the truth, he has to keep hypnotizing himself, this is fake. He is really crazy. 】

Gavin thought to himself, and some understood why Moon Shadow Field was chosen.

This is a very useful tool.

The kind that can repair themselves.

While thinking, I heard another scream.

A figure of a student fell from the window, and his frightened face appeared behind the glass, making people extremely frightened.

Gavin used the red ant subconsciously to hold the student.

Immediately, he thought that he had committed a taboo!

Without permission, he cannot have any interaction with the locals, including saving people.

But it's impossible for him to let go, as if he didn't see anything.

He hurriedly made amends and asked the red ants to put the other party on the outside of the air conditioner.

It seemed that the other party was lucky enough to be caught by the outdoor unit of the air conditioner.

Impossible to escape the detective's eyes, but it can fool most laypeople.

"Ah!" The student fainted from fright.

"what's the situation?"

"That seems to be Komatsu-senpai from Class B of the third year?"

"Why did he double jump off the building again?"

"Strange, I seem to remember that he jumped to his death?"

"You're wrong, that's another Komatsu."

Well, that's still a badass.

Hearing the students' discussion, Gavin was speechless.

Immediately, the course was suspended and began to save people and solve cases...

Gawayne was a little embarrassed.

This is a big school. Could it be that the little ants can eat cleanly in the classroom in broad daylight?

Hopefully this time only a few key pieces of evidence will be ingested.

Two hours later, Yueyingtian, surrounded by the crowd, told everyone:

"Senior Komatsu didn't jump on his own initiative, but was designed to fall. He was drunk and placed on the edge of the roof. His mobile phone was hung under the roof. When he woke up, he subconsciously will turn over..."

The crowd burst into applause.

"And the murderer is..." He pointed suddenly in Gawayne's direction.

For a moment, Gawayne thought that the protagonist had found himself, and was a little surprised.

"My grandson teacher!"

"You, what are you talking about, why do I want to harm my own students?" A middle-aged man in his thirties waving his hands repeatedly standing behind Gawayne.

"The reason is very simple. You and Komatsu both fell in love with the same person. As a result, the latter only loved Senior Komatsu, and you decided to kill your student because of love and hatred." Yueyingtian said confidently.

What a grandson.

Gawayne sighed involuntarily.

There are such people, Dongdao is really dangerous.

"Where is the evidence? You have no evidence, but I want to sue you for damaging the teacher's reputation!" My grandson teacher glared at him.

This energy is obviously stronger than that of the old butler.

"The evidence is in your pocket. You actually took the victim's mobile phone back to yourself, but didn't throw it away. I really don't know why." .

"Of course it's because...there is her original video..." My grandson teacher fell to her knees.

Gawayne was struck too hard.

This man must be admitted to Castle Peak Hospital.

"Crazy, there's no help, carry it away." Yue Yingtian shook his head, pressing the button three times in a row, and came to a conclusion for this grandson.

This kind of dog licking, licking even the evidence of the murder case, is a typical example of not good death.

Of course, from the moment he chose to kill, it was already a good death.

Afterwards, the security guard tied the man with a restraint garment, put him in an ambulance, and sent him all the way to Qingshan Hospital.

Gawayne looked at the "finished" ambulance, thoughtfully.

Most of the criminals in Yueyingtian's hands ended up in this hospital.

It seems that I need to go to this hospital to take a good look.


"Hello, entering our hospital requires a mental test first, please cooperate with our work."

"Test it, I will cooperate fully."

"Well, it looks like you're in good spirits. I'll give you a simple question: there's a bathtub full of water, with a spoon beside it, and a bucket. Now to drain the water, you Would you use a bucket or a spoon?"

"When the water is abundant, I use the bucket first, and when the water is low, I use the spoon."

"Oh, carry away, carry away, ward 808."

"Let go of me! Why carry me away, what's wrong with my logic?"

"A normal person would first look at the bottom of the bathtub to see if there is a plug."


Gavin wanted to cry without tears, but four big men blocked him in the middle.

If you want to escape, you have to double the number of men on top of each other.

He never imagined the pitfalls of this hospital.

As soon as he entered, the doctor discovered his real body and asked for a mental test. The concealment state was ineffective for them.

No ordinary people here.

Doctors, nurses, security guards, nurses are all extraordinary.

Mage, aliens, players, all crowded in this hospital...

A man and a woman, two high school students, looked at Gawayne who was being carried away, and whispered.

"There is another one who has been pitted..." The girl sympathized. UU reading

"As long as you watch more brain teasers, you won't get caught," the boy gloated. "This guy is too stupid, and the difficulty is already very low. When I came, I was called a cheater."

"Tell your story." The girl asked curiously.

"Then the doctor asked me, today is Tuesday, what day is it tomorrow?"

"Sure enough, before tomorrow comes, only the natives know what day of the week it is."

"More than that, he asked me to write a paper and let me prove myself to be a normal person."

"Did you write it?"

"Written. After identification, I have schizophrenia, multiple personalities, extreme narcissism, severe cognitive dissonance, fear of heights, fear of giants, insecurity... In short, I need treatment."

"So you've stayed until now."

"Yeah, I just figured out now that they are looking for free workers."

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