Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1380: die

One mushroom after another, exploded.

One mushroom after another, blooming.

In the bloom, a pair of icy eyes, hidden behind the blossoming mushroom cloud, glanced at the ground.

Snow-covered, cold winter.

The grass withered, and the birds and animals wailed.


"I'm a fool! I'm a fool! I'm a fool!"

"I clearly saw all this, obviously saw all this, it turns out that the culprit is myself!"

In a ward, the roar of a beast when it was injured!

"This patient is getting sicker and sicker."

"Yeah, the daily madness, getting closer and closer to the brink of self-destruction. Now it has begun to deny the meaning of self-existence."

Two doctors, standing at the door of Gawayne's ward, discussed his condition.

"However, it seems that it is about to mature."

"Yes, it can be used immediately."

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

The two doctors laughed wildly and walked away.

Behind them, Red Ant walked nearby with a little girl.

"Uh, his condition is very serious." The little girl said solemnly.

"I think so too. Before, he just said some crazy things, and now he seems to be taking some guilt on himself." The red ant worried.

"Let me take care of his past." The little girl stretched out her hand to draw.

Video clips of Gawayne's past, presented in front of the two.

"Mr. Harrington, please don't be impatient. We are investigators from the Joint Bureau of Special Affairs of the Western Continent. I'm Linna, he's Lore..."

"Of course I have seen it. It was an extremely desperate scene. Countless mushrooms erupted, trying to solve a monster that emerged from the ice and snow..."

Gawayne was speaking to a man and a woman.

This is exactly what happened when he first appeared.

"Oh, so that's the case," the little girl suddenly realized, "he is a prophet, but he misread his first and most powerful prophecy! He actually knew early on that McCann would explode with mushrooms, But I thought it was people who had to release it in order to solve the monster."

"The opposite is true!"

"That was released by monsters in order to solve humans."

"So it is. I said why he is so obsessed with reversing time. This is something that the master does not expect. It turns out that he has already realized his mistake subconsciously." The red ant also suddenly realized.

In fact, when the other party said this, it was listening at the scene.

"Uh, this is troublesome, madness is his way to save himself. If I cure him, when he remembers the truth found in madness, he will definitely commit suicide." The little girl said with a headache.

"Is there no other way?"

"Let me think about it, I heard old news about a guy named Chaos Omniscient, will he do anything?" The little girl rolled her eyes.

"Chaos is omniscient, where can I find it?"

"There's a spokesperson for it around here."

"What is your name?"

"Moon Shadow Field."


Yueyingtian is very strange. He is a detective who is going to catch the murderer, but someone came to ask him to save a patient.

If it's a victim, it doesn't matter, how can a detective see a doctor?

"Because he has a heart disease, the best detective is not to catch the murderer, but to find out the psychological problem that makes the murderer become the murderer." A young man with disheveled and cynical appearance said to him.

"You're right, I'll go take a look." Yueyingtian nodded.

The other party was right, the best detective must spy on the murderer's heart, and only then can the murderer be truly solved.

It's just that this man gave him an inexplicable feeling.

There is also a kind of innocence in the wild, seemingly mature words, but they seem to be endorsing.

After Yueyingtian left, the man disappeared and turned into a little girl.

"Sister, you have become the master's image to fool people, aren't you afraid of the master's anger?" Fat Baby worried.

"Che, he always says it's fair and fair, since he often uses me as a tool man, I also use him as a tool man, and besides, I haven't done bad things, I'm saving people and accumulating a good reputation for him, he has nothing to say Say." Xiao Huan said indifferently.

Wen Rensheng was really speechless.

However, the development of Gawayne to this stage is indeed very dangerous.

In the madness, the other party recalled the past and took all the blame on him.

Wen Rensheng naturally remembered what Gaveen said at first.

To be honest, the prophecy itself is ambiguous. The same picture has N explanations, which is normal.

It's normal for Gawayne to misread the meaning of the picture.

It just depends on how he gets rid of this shackle, does he fall down, or does he break free and turn it into an upward momentum?

The pieces have been assembled, and the answer will soon be revealed.


Four days later.

Gawayne is dead.

He crashed to death in a cramped ward that could not have been crashed to death.

"Death, only death can give me eternal peace."

"I'm sorry, Agger, I don't know if this is your real name. I can't walk with you any longer."

"I can excuse myself for countless reasons, but I'll never be able to, like some Virgins, lightly blame myself and go on living comfortably."

"I choose to end this with death."

After saying these words, he crashed to death in front of Red Ant and Moon Shadow Field.

"How could this be?" Yue Yingtian looked confused, "I just investigated his past and said a few words to him, and he died."

"What did you tell him?" the red ant asked.

"I just said that dreams are the opposite, so you don't need to be too **** yourself." Yue Yingtian said helplessly.

"Ah!" Xiao Huan jumped out, "You big idiot, he must have taken your words as a solution! Dreams are the opposite. As long as he is killed in a dream, he can wake up in reality."

"But in this hospital, it's completely real." Yue Yingtian accidentally leaked a sentence.

"He treats the hospital and the outside world as a dream." Xiao Huan said very frustrated.

"Ah, so, my friend is gone?" The red ants turned around anxiously.

It never expected that it would end like this.

It doesn't dare to complain about Xiao Huan, let alone let it go to Xiao Huan's owner.

Yueyingtian wanted to say something, but his lips only twitched a few times, but he didn't make a sound.

In fact, he found that the other party looked at him a little frantically before he died.

Just like those believers see their god.

He hated this look, so he didn't say it.

But he didn't say it, but Wen Rensheng saw it.

Madness, death, are the best ways to get rid of the Old Ones.

However, it is impossible to get rid of it. The more you try to get rid of it, the deeper the entanglement will be.

Likewise, the crazier you are, the closer you are to the Old Ones.

To die is to plunge directly into its embrace.

He had another respect for this Gawayne.

The other party is to use his own death to pursue a corner of the truth.

This is the price.

If you want to change the world, it is impossible without the sacrificial consciousness of death.

It's just that the other party has not thought about it, after death, how to pass back the information obtained after death?

His gaze finally fell on the red ant.

If there was information, it would definitely be on the fat doll.

The next morning.

The red ants turned green.

Another day.

Green ants turned Day 3.

The green ants turned blue.


Wen Rensheng could see that it was red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, and a color was randomly selected every day.

The combination of these colors should be a kind of password.

This is the spectral code.

The question is, how to decrypt?

It takes a lot of brainstorming and can't tell too many people to know.

Spectral decryption?

Wen Rensheng sent this set of color codes to the explorer department.

Great rewards.

Highly confidential.

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