"Master, my friend, where are you now?" The fat boy also asked an urgent question.

"He is in the source realm. To be precise, his consciousness is lost in the source realm. Under the gaze of chaos and omniscience, he sleeps, dreams, and reincarnates until he finds his way home." Wen Rensheng explained.

"Can he come back?"

"Only he himself knows the answer."


As Wen Rensheng said, Gavin is currently in a mysterious place in the source world.

There is no way to describe it accurately in words: it is gray and white, with countless faint white threads hooking up with each other, forming one complex figure after another.

Gawayne is one of those threads.

He is looking back on his life just now.

From a kind and warm-blooded teenager, to complicit with the bully landlord, to become a person just like them.

He did not ridicule the vulgarity of the villagers, although he was somewhat happy in his heart.

But he knew that the villagers made the wrong move only because they had nowhere to educate.

They can't see their interests clearly, and they can't tell the difference between good and evil, and they cannot be said to be completely evil.

You can only hold on to the immediate benefits, because those who do not do so will starve to death.

Their accumulation is not enough for them to see what will happen after three days.

With his knowledge, it is enough to see through the true psychology of those villagers.

However, if he saves McCann himself, I am afraid that he will only get a hero's empty name, and there will be no more things.

Some people even consider themselves a big threat because they can control time.

They will mercilessly demand that they hand over this power, and even kill themselves.

Just like those villagers forcing their father to pay back the money.

They think that the monsters are gone, the heroes are useless, and salt and food are more important.

Yes, he thought that the father of the previous life was also his father, at least the other party did everything he could.

Are the villagers stupid?

Noble kings and nobles often do such things as killing their own heroes.

No, although there will be many doubts, what is positive is always positive, and the sun and the wind will always sweep away the stains and leave it white.

He still has to save his world.

God showed him the doomsday scene, but he misunderstood it. This is his unshirkable responsibility.

The time to wake up has passed again.

He was in a coma again.


"Hi, my dear friend, Detective Bobo, will see all the truth."

A certain dwarf to his friend, Gawayne said confidently.

The dwarf is only about 1.2 meters tall, only the height of a lower grade elementary school student.

In this reincarnation, Gawayne recovered most of the memories of his previous life, not only that, but also the environment.

Now he is in a well-established town of McCann, a few years ago.

If he didn't know for sure, that McCann had been destroyed by a nuclear explosion and that he had died, he would have thought that all the previous experiences were hallucinations.

Now he has a dwarf friend who came to the door, who is a private detective.

Specially handle some privacy for the rich and investigate some shady things.

For example, whether the wife cheated, whether the lover cheated, whether the daughter cheated...

It is absolutely impossible to find people in the government for these things.

Therefore, detectives can live very well in the money society.

He was sure he had never had such a friend.

After all, if anyone has such a friend with such a special appearance, he will definitely meet him once, and he will never forget it for the rest of his life.

He has a guess, perhaps this is the obsession in his heart - before saving McCann, he wants to find out the truth about the destruction of McCann.

Was it just a prank by the supervillain Joker?

It looks like this at present, but there is still a long distance between it and the truth.

He must determine what the truth is, because only in this way will there be no ridiculous scene——

He had just saved McCann, and the next moment it was destroyed for the same reason.

This is entirely possible.

Prophets often have such encounters: trying to prevent something from happening, but failing to find the key, seemingly preventing someone's misfortune, but it didn't take long for the result to be worse.

So he nodded: "Yes, my dear friend, you have never let me down. It is my secret call to bring you to my side. I want you to help me find out the truth of a case. ."

"Tell me, what's the case? Your fiancee has a new love, and you want to find out who it is? Or is it that your illegitimate daughter came to the door and wants to ask for property, and you want to prove her identity?" Bobo chattered.

Gawayne feels helpless, he has no fiancée, let alone illegitimate children.

"I want you to find out the truth about the destruction of the world."

"The destruction of the world, this is very good, this is an unprecedented case! All the case files add up, and it can't reach its toes." Bobo was excited.

"I will give you a very, very high remuneration. The sum of the remuneration from those rich people can't reach its toes." Gavin continued to promise.

Anyway, once the cycle is over, you are gone.

he thought teasingly.

Sometimes it's nice to have a black belly.

"Very good, but I need to see the scene before I can detect it. Where is the scene of the destruction of the world?" Bobo laughed.

"It's right here." Gawayne inserted his hand into his chest and pulled out a heart.

During the whole process, Bobo didn't have any horrified expression, as if he knew that the other party would do this for a long time.

The heart was crushed by Gawayne, and a new picture appeared in front of the two of them.

There are huge pits, ruins, broken roads, broken high-rise buildings, broken cars everywhere.

Human-shaped ashes, putrid corpses, whimpering cats and dogs.

The choking smoke and dust dispersed in the air, making it impossible to breathe.

"This is the worst crime scene I've ever seen." Bobo said sadly.

"Yes, there are too many dead."

"No, what I said is bad, there are too many clues, you know? There are two situations that are most terrifying at the crime scene. One is that there are no clues, and the other is that there are too many clues. The latter is even more terrifying than the former, because In the former case, you have reasons to hang up the case; in the latter case, you can only work hard to find out the truth, and others will say that you have a false reputation." Bobo chattered endlessly.

An arrogant, greedy and greedy detective who always wants to do the least work and get the most money.

Is this all my impression of those detectives?

"Actually..." Gawayne wanted to say something, but stopped again, and he turned, "I believe in your ability."

"Fine, you trust me, it's fine, friend," Bobo rubbed his hands excitedly. "You know, you know, I haven't had a lot of money lately, and the ladies I've dealt with are so warm."

You are too enthusiastic, a guy who has mastered a lot of relevant resources through investigation and derailment.

Gawayne could only draw out a check, and for a prophet, as long as it's not stupid, it can't be too short of money.

While the lottery can't be predicted, can't you see what the economy will look like in the next few years?

He wrote a number on the check, although he doubted it was any use.

"$3 million? Too little!" The dwarf's appetite was unexpectedly large.

"Add two 0s, do you want it?" Gawayne had a headache, and he wanted to rub the guy's head hard.

"Well, let's take it as a deposit first. I believe that after you save the world, the richest man in McCann is willing to share half of the property with you." The dwarf muttered.

Don't kill me~www.readwn.com~ I'm grateful to them.

Gawayne thought to himself.

Soon the gnomes got to work.

It was running around in the ruins.

Find survivors and question their feelings about when they saw the first nuclear bomb.

After asking, it went to find out where the first nuclear bomb was fired.

Finally, the location is set on a submarine.

The dwarf said: "Submarine launch, that's right, this shows that it is not a launch silo on land, and it also shows that it is not launched by ordinary people on land, because they will not destroy themselves."

"What's the point of finding this out? I feel like it's all nonsense." Gawayne said in distress.

"No, believe me, every detail leads to a small part of the truth, and together they are the truth itself." The dwarf laughed.

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