Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1386: break away

Everything goes back to before.

Gawayne looked at the bustling city in front of him, still a little unbelievable.

He bit his finger a few times, it hurt.

He was definitely not delusional.

But in my mind, I always felt that something was forgotten.

However, after thinking about it carefully, thinking hard, thinking on his knees, and thinking about it 720 degrees, he still couldn't think of what he had forgotten.

Forget it, he thought so, and walked into the city.

He shopped, went shopping, and enjoyed the city life just like an ordinary person.

The only thing that's not beautiful is that he is still a single dog and doesn't know what to buy.

No, thinking of this, he felt a dull pain in his head again.

"Hello, sir, it seems that you are a little confused and a little lost, come to our future church, we are lamplighters, we will help you light the way forward." A gypsy girl, holding a lantern, appeared in front of him.

"Future Church?" Gavin suddenly thought of many things!

Yeah, where did the colossus go?

Where did the red ants go?

Where did I go to myself?

Back in time, will something be reversed?

Or, all of this is just another reincarnation?

Gaveen, who had two reincarnation experiences, was already enlightened at this time.

If it is reincarnation, this time is too real.

How to get out of the cycle?

The first time seems to be natural aging.

The second time seems to use the power of red ants to come back to life and return to the so-called real world.

The question is, he is back, where have the red ants gone?

The key is here.

Gawayne, I kind of got it.

It is very likely that he was halfway back to reality and was pulled from the ant seat by some existence.

That's what led to it appearing here.

Thinking of this, he thought of his two companions again.

After reversing the time, where are the old Maple and Milia now?

Or are those two just an illusion?

While thinking, he did not realize that he had been taken into a tent by the girl.

Gavin was ignorant when he suddenly saw the girl transform into a river fairy C on the Rhine.

"My brave husband, you are in a trance and I want to wake you up, but my two cruel sisters stop me from doing so."

"You forgot them, they're coming to kill you. The gnome's curse is being fulfilled, you have to run away immediately."

"Only the future can shelter you."

Fairy C said so, and then turned into a ball of river water.

Gawayne picked up the puddle of water, and it didn't dissipate, like a puddle of gel.

He hurriedly ran out of the tent and went to find the future meeting.

He had heard of the other's reputation.

Presumably it is to assert that God can only be born in the future.

Anyone who claims that God has appeared is a liar, a thief, a parasite, a coward, a bony...

God is an existence imagined by man to solve spiritual problems.

He also had to be created by man's own hands.

In this process of creation, there are contributors who will be able to enter heaven.

The greater the contribution, the higher the seat.

The sinners, the laggards, the liars... must not even see the threshold.

To be honest, their set is quite logical and self-consistent.

Of course, Gawayne knew they weren't scientific either, because they couldn't be falsified either.

It can only be said that, compared to other statements full of loopholes, this statement is relatively logical.

Thinking about it carefully, as a prophet, it seems that he should join such an organization?

Because they are all looking at the future.

Where to find them?

He went to the Internet to search.

"Rezhou has entered a rare period of calm because a new organization has emerged locally."

"Future will be a truly future-oriented organization that will change the world."

"Killing and destroying are all wrong. They advocate that all actions should be determined by whether they are helpful to the future. If they are not helpful, they should be restricted, and those ordinary people should not be accommodated."

"Because ordinary people are like babies, they only know how to eat, drink and sleep. They need a parent."

"Human civilization is a baby, and it needs parents. They have to take on the responsibilities of parents."

"Who would hire someone to be a father? Unless you give money, there will be a lot of money in the future, so many people in Rezhou recognize their father."

Seeing this, Gawayne understood.

He came to Rezhou overnight.

Then he saw Papa Maple.

"What reverses time and saves the world? I have always been here to educate the natives."

"They're stupid, lazy, and irresponsible, but not everyone is like that."

Papa Maple looked at a **** man with relief.

He was burning charcoal hard.

"Look at him, he has six children and two wives. He gets up at 6 a.m. every morning to chop down trees and burn charcoal."

"It takes five to seven days to burn one time, and then push the bicycle and sell it at the market more than 30 miles away. It can only sell for 200 yuan, and it can only earn 800 yuan a month."

"In the eyes of you McCanns, this kind of income is simply trash among trash. But for him, it's enough to support his family."

"The only thing he worries about is that there are fewer and fewer trees. I taught him how to plant fast-growing forests, how to organize people to improve technology, and how to change production patterns."

"He is also willing to learn."

"In any group, even if 90% of them are garbage, lazy, trash, and idiots, there will still be 10% or even fewer people who are willing to move forward, because without such people, this group would not survive today."

Gawayne listened patiently.

He also worked in Rezhou, and really didn't like the indigenous people.

Wages are paid monthly, then weekly, then daily, and finally hourly.

The reason is very simple. If the month ends, there will be no one on the construction site next month.

The same goes for the week. The same is true at the end of the day, and the construction site is empty the next day.

Going to eat, drink and have fun when you have money is completely the mentality of a primary school student.

Only when the hour ends, and one hour for one hour of work, can there be a steady stream of people.

From the old maple tree, he learned that there are also several diamonds in these mud piles.

However, he was confused.

"Why are you looking for diamonds in the dirt instead of going to a diamond mine?"

"Isn't this nonsense? The diamond mines are all occupied." Father Maple said with contempt.

"Oh, that's right." Gawayne was confused.

How can such a weak organization protect itself?


Meanwhile, in the real world.

The red ants turned around in a hurry, and Xiao Huan was eating pears mindlessly.

"Master, why can't my partner wake up?"

Wen Rensheng shook his head: "He got lost, lost in a source realm dream."

"Little Fatty, hurry up and change your partner, this guy can't do it." Xiao Huan gloated.

"I won't change it, and another one won't be as real as him." Red Ant refused.

"Isn't he so easy to deceive? If he can't come out for a lifetime, will you wait a lifetime?" Xiao Huan said with contempt.

"He will definitely wake up. What he promised me has not been done yet." The red ant held up a pile of shredded paper.

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