Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1388: birth

After Ouyang Tian and Shaye finished playing badminton, they drove home.

It's just that when they walked into their villa, they saw an old nun sitting at the door with her eyes closed.

"Brave boy, I see your future path."

"Oh, I see," Ouyang Tianchong greeted at home, "Housekeeper, come out and get some food."

He is almost an uncle-level figure, still a teenager?

But it sounds quite comfortable.

Who is not a child yet?

A housekeeper came out, took out a lunch box, and handed it to the old nun.

Uh, how is this different from the script.

The old nun thought to herself.

Sure enough, it still has to follow the old script.

"Well, don't you want to know where your lover's house is?" the old nun continued.

Ouyang Tian said affectionately, "I know, her home is here, and where I am is her home."

I vomit, dog lovers should be killed!

"I mean her mother's family, aren't you curious? Don't you want to go see her during the Chinese New Year? Even her mother, her father, and her brother don't care, how dare you say you love her? "Ouyang Tian couldn't resist the old nun's three consecutive critical strikes.

"This, I respect my wife's opinion." Of course, Ouyang Tian asked Shaye if she wanted to go back to her house.

She said that her home was long gone.

"Sorry, old lady, my home is no longer here," Sayawin said.

She used to have only a cold heart, but now, it has been warmed.

In this strange city and cold world, it has found another heart to rely on.

For that heart, it would rather give up its original recipes and choose those unpalatable things.

"Your home hasn't disappeared, it's hidden in your heart, if your heart is still there, it's still there, don't you want to take your lover to see your original place?"

"If he really loves you, he will tolerate your origin and everything about you."

I have to say that the old nun's words touched Sayemin's heart, and the girl couldn't resist.

Yes, would he still love himself like he did if he saw where he was born?

Does he love his appearance, or his whole being?

"Of course I will tolerate everything about you." Ouyang Tian said firmly.

Hee hee hee……

Xiao Huan hid in the old nun's body and gave out a ghostly laughter.

She couldn't wait to see Ouyang Tian's expression when he found out his wife's house...

By the way, as the old news said, happiness must be shared.

At that time, she will bring Xiaozhang, Xiaotouch, Xiaopang, Lao Zhao, Lao Wang and a large group of people to watch.

Hmph, let you not play with me, only play with monsters.

Xiaohuan thought with schadenfreude.


"The reason why people are human is that although we are despicable, we have an infinitely high upper limit to pursue. This is the greatest significance of our human inheritance to the present."

"The corners of the earth, the sea of ​​stars and the sea, although we only have the lifespan of a borer, our civilization, our knowledge, will be passed down from generation to generation."

"Perhaps you will think, I worked hard and created civilization, but didn't it all turn out to be cheaper for future generations? I'm so old, why can't I enjoy it?"

"This kind of thinking is normal and should not be blamed."

"However, the first people thought the same way, and the later people thought the same way."

"The **** of the future will be born in the future. All your hard work, all your progress, will be rewarded, and you will ascend to heaven."

"We should be thankful that we were born early enough, because we still have many, many opportunities to contribute, and we still have many, many places to move forward."

"Descendants may be able to enjoy more things, but there is less and less room for them to move forward, and it is more and more difficult for them to develop things."

"Time is the fairest, it doesn't differentiate between high and low."

"People's life should be spent in this way. When you look back on the past, you find that you have done something that is good for the future and good for mankind. In this way, before you die, you can think with relief: the future God, will raise me up and lift me high into heaven with his unselfish and broad hands."

"Because, I am a useful person, and I am a person who has had positive feedback on civilization."

In front of a tribe, Gavin was speaking to a group of natives.

Even he himself believed it now.

After all, human beings are really a fragile soul... so fragile that as long as they stay in an absolutely quiet place, many people will not need too long before they will have a mental breakdown.

Therefore, to live requires faith and hope.

Pure materialism cannot solve the fear after death, so there are countless scams.

The eyes of the natives glowed one by one, and they understood.

But there are still people who doubt: "Prophet, there were many people holding various books in the past, telling us how to do it, and then we can go to heaven. However, in the end our grandfathers went to heaven, and our grandfather's land and mines belonged to those people. "

"Uh, I'll show you a picture of the future," Gawayne said patiently.

Saying that, he waved his hand.

A picture of the future gradually appeared in front of these people.

In the endless fog, a figure appeared.

He was imposing, and his eyes were full of wisdom.

He is taking out the souls one by one from the fog, and then sending them into a tall building.

"Look, that's the **** of the future," Gawayne affirmed, "he's sending those who contribute to heaven."

"What's in heaven?"

"Heaven is like a video game you've played, and it's a game with GM permissions. You can create whatever you want. As long as it's a reasonable request, it will satisfy you."

"It can delight you immensely, it can keep you out of harm's way, it can give you everything you need."

The natives understood that video games had spread to them long ago.

Cell phones are not a rarity either.

The children of the tribe often play with their mobile phones.

"When will the **** of the future be born?" a child said with hope.

"It's coming, it's coming." Gawayne lowered his head to comfort him.

The boy's words reminded him.

The Future Society cannot shelter him, but the God of the Future can!

As long as he finds a way to let the other party be born, then he will succeed!

Wait, no, no.

He suddenly realized an extremely terrifying problem!

The **** of the future can never be born!

The reason is simple, once it is born, it is no longer the future, but the present and the past.

So it may exist, but it will always exist in the future...

The logic is flawed.

Gawayne sighed.

This is not as good as McCann's superhero, as long as the traffic is high enough, any dog ​​can be.

It's just that the weakness of superheroes is that they are still human, with human nature, joys and sorrows, degenerate, and perverted.

Once you have strong power, once you become a clown, the nuclear explosion scene will reappear yesterday.

Need to improve, need to find a way to make him come across time and from the future.

He should be able to help himself out of samsara.

After appeasing the and watching them go to work, he found Father Maple and discussed this logical paradox.

"Of course we know the logical paradox you mentioned," Father Maple said disapprovingly, "For the future, we will talk about it in the future."

"No, without resolving this paradox, the God of the future cannot be born." Gawayne shook his head.

"Uh, do you really believe that it can be born?" Father Maple said in surprise, "We used to worship the Colossus, and we were busy with it because it gave us power, but we didn't trust it. We spread the **** of the future, It's because it's a myth of our own creation, not a monster, but we don't believe it can actually be born."

"Why don't you believe it? I understand, you just use it as a tool to unite people's hearts, but you are wrong, this is a miracle world, as long as everyone believes in Him, He will be born, and He will never be like McCann's super Like a hero, he can never fall. Because his setting from the very beginning is absolutely positive." Gawayne firmly said.

"Okay, then you let me see him."


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