Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1588: northwest

But that's fine, she finally didn't waste her investment.

Zhao Han thought bitterly.

However, the cunning rabbit three caves.

I have to make a few more nests myself.

The emperor is a nest, from top to bottom.

Li Haiyun is the second nest, from bottom to top.

Find another one, spread out from the middle.

Thoughts galloped in the chivalrous net, and finally came to the northwest land.

The bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster in a thousand miles.

The living will steal and rejoice, and the dead will be long gone.


Zhao Han never went to see the northwest, but he just heard a lot of rumors, what happened after years of drought, rebels everywhere, everyone eats each other, fifty cents a pound.

In her heart, she was a little evasive about it.

But now she goes to see it.

After all, this world will be where she fulfills the will of the planet.

She must not only appreciate the good, the beautiful, the happy... but also the ugly, miserable, and evil.

"Oh, vomit..."

Zhao Han woke up from her dream, because she saw a city of people.

Bloody, cruel, numb, grinning...

The ancestors fought hard for hundreds of thousands of years, all the way to the top of the food chain, and completely separated themselves from the traditional food chain.

However, the younger generation has included themselves in the food chain.

The teacher once asked me why I have to toss?

Now, I have the answer, which is that I don't want to see this kind of thing exist.

Wherever I have traveled and seen, I do not ask for the well-being of everyone, but I ask for no such existence.

When Zihuagou woke up, he barked "Wang Wang" at the blind boy sleeping on the bed.

Ever since she slept so hard at night that she was almost caught and eaten by a passing demon elder, she began to lie down in front of the blind boy's bed and slept.

The Holy Maiden traveled a lot and couldn't take care of it all the time.

Wen Rensheng opened his eyes and looked.

I saw a trace of long-lost fear in Zihuagou's eyes.

As soon as he thought about it, he could guess that Zhao Han should have seen something tragic in his dream.

After all, it is a period of time before the end of the dynasty, but because of the suppression of the martial arts faction, the rebels have not yet been everywhere, and order can be maintained in most places.

It frightens the child, and even being a dog can't sleep well.

He stretched out his hand and flicked, and a burst of infuriating energy appeared, knocking the purple dog unconscious.

"I called to tell you that I'm awake, what is it that you knocked me out?" Zhao Han thought with some dissatisfaction before fainting.

This twilight to dawn.

Zhao Han was reluctant to adapt to it, and he entered the Xiawang again, and his thoughts turned to the northwest.

This time, she avoided the city without looking, and finally found a suitable target.


Shi Baizhang is taking his brothers to fight the big family.

This is the largest Zhuangzi nearby, and the surviving wealthy households from the surrounding small Zhuangzi gather here.

Digging long trenches, building wooden ladders, hitting village gates... all these things can't help them.

The only thing that made them helpless were the five masters of internal qi in Zhuangzhong.

These masters were gathered by dozens of Zhuangzi nearby.

A single master has limited internal energy.

They spent dozens or hundreds of lives, plus the indiscriminate coverage of arrows and guns, they can always drive them away.

But five is not enough, two by two, one sweeping formation.

Whenever they were about to break the village, the other party appeared from somewhere, beheaded, and killed dozens of the bravest veterans in a row, and morale collapsed all at once.

Shi Baizhang can only be thankful that he has no logistical camp.

All the food is distributed to each team, and each team only has five days of food to eat.

The other party can't cut off his own food supply, nor can he burn his own food and grass.

Otherwise, if the regular army of several thousand people has been cut off by the other party's logistics, it will collapse completely.

Now they still have two days of food, and after two days, they will eat people.

The deceased have been cleaned up, they are careful, and they can eat for seven or eight days.

"Zhangpanzi, we can't go on like this! Those five masters are too difficult to deal with. We only have Zhangpanzi and the second master here, and the third master has the cultivation of the fifth layer of body tempering, so they are not their opponents at all." Beside Shi Baizhang, An old man in a long gown who was shaking his fan said while shaking his head.

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He was a fortune teller who was about to starve to death, but was picked up by Shi Baizhang and acted as a military adviser in the storyteller's mouth.

It takes a military advisor to pull the team, and if you don’t have a military advisor, you will win the game… Even if you have a military advisor, you will also be successful.

"Old Liutou, then what do you think we should do?" The second master said very dissatisfied, "The masters will not follow us to rebel, if we can't, they can still travel thousands of miles to go to the Central Plains to Jiangnan, just the three of us, lost. If you don’t go to the villagers, you’re here to hang out!”

"We can talk to them. These masters are also afraid of being injured. The old man has already seen it. Every time we cover it with arrows, even if they wear three layers of old cowhide armor, they will rush back." The fortune-teller said confidently.

"Talk, how to talk? There is only such a big Zhuangzi around. We need food, can they provide it?"

"Staying here, there is a dead end. As long as they give us food for two days, we will leave with the veterans and go to the southwest, where the weather is relatively good." The fortune teller thought for a while.

"In the southwest, there are mountains everywhere, and there are chieftain soldiers everywhere. It's easy to get in but hard to get out. What kind of dog-headed military officer are you?" The second master said disdainfully.

In the tent, there was a dead silence.

Shi Baizhang knew that his team was now facing a desperate situation.

Fight, can not beat; surrounded, no food.

When it starts to eat people, the team is not far from collapsing.

Why did the big guy follow him? It's not because he has food here and can find food.

If you want to eat people, why come to him and deliver meat to your door?

"Damn it, if there weren't those masters, Zhuangzi would have been broken long ago, and the villagers would have a way to live!" The third master, a black man couldn't help complaining.

To conquer the world, you must obtain the support of the martial arts faction, or you must be the martial arts great faction.

This is a statement that has never been on the table.

The Dayan Royal Family was once supported by several sects.

They first settled things in the martial arts, and then went to conquer the world, so the wind was smooth, and even if there was an assassination, it was blocked.

In the past, when his family was good, Shi Baizhang practiced martial arts in the county martial arts hall for three years. When listening to the gossip of the martial arts master, he talked about these But now, these martial arts masters have become his gifts to the villagers. An obstacle to earning a living.

In fact, with his five-layer body quenching cultivation, he can go to the county town to find something to do.

It really doesn't work, you can still go to Jiangnan with the caravan that sells people, and you can still live.

But he is a man of righteousness, and he can live, but do the people from his parents, family, and grandfather's relatives still want to live?

From the start of the army to the present, among his relatives, there are only five or six young men left, who follow him as personal soldiers.

His biological parents also died during several retreats, and none of his elderly relatives were spared.

He originally wanted to make a living for his family, but now he is almost dead.

But he didn't regret it.

Because he fed his family before they died, so he wouldn't be a starving ghost after going down.

I heard that starving ghosts go to hell, and they are also the most bullied.

Because of lack of food, lack of energy, and lack of energy to be bullied everywhere.

How to deal with the five masters of inner qi?

He pondered in his mind, trying his best to recall the weaknesses of the masters mentioned by the martial arts masters in the past.

In normal times, a master of internal qi can build a castle and dominate one side.

It's just that the northwest has suffered severe droughts year after year, and rivers and lakes have dried up.

Too many manors can survive two or three years, but there is no harvest for five or seven consecutive years.

Even masters of inner qi cannot fight against natural disasters.

Without Zhuangmin, the master is a tree without roots, and he can only choose to evacuate.

This big Zhuangzi can still persevere because there is a spring in the Zhuangzi, there is water in the ground, and the ground can be irrigated with water.

They are counting on being able to survive successive years of drought. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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