Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1591: brush face

Zhao Han watched what the emperor did for a while, and felt that the other party seemed to be able to stabilize the situation.

Having money and food, having good generals in front and worthy rulers behind, this is a typical characteristic of ZTE in feudal society.

But this is not good news for Shi Baizhang, who is rebelling, and Li Haiyun, who is about to rebel.

Thinking of these two people, Zhao Han felt that he had a bit of a split personality.

Invest not only in the emperor, but also in the leader of the rebels and the rebels in preparation.

What is this to yourself?

Well, a mature dog.

A mature dog will always choose several owners for himself in advance.

That's it.

Zhao Han complained to himself, and then went to see the other two with great interest.

No wonder Xiaohua likes to play script games, which are highly interactive and can experience the fun of the creator.


Outside Tonghui City, an important town in the northwest.

Sun and Moon Tonghui, an important town named "Tonghui", shows its significance to the Great Yan Dynasty.

If it is broken by bandits or Tartars, it can be said that the end of the dynasty is coming.

However, at this moment, no one thought that this important town would be breached.

In particular, the five major factions in the city standing on the top of the city: Tiger Gate, Storm Bear Club, Ferocious Pig Gang, Grey Wolf Gang, Wild Dog Gang.

At this time, on the city wall, there were a total of forty-nine masters of the pulse-passing realm alone!

There is still a congenital master sitting in the city!

With contemptuous eyes, they swept towards the scrawny ant people under the city.

"These untouchables are poor and poor. They are lazy and lazy on weekdays. They don't have any savings. When they encounter a disaster, they come to eat big households and become bandits. It's really bad!" A good-looking girl in her twenties , full of contemptuous eyes.

Judging from her tone and expression, she really thought so.

At her age, she has become a master of channeling, which shows her high aptitude and good family background.

You must know that Uncle Sun, who Wen Rensheng first met, was almost thirty years old, and he was still at the ninth level.

It's a whole two big realms.

"What the tiger girl said is that these poor and sour pariahs didn't farm well at home, but they ran out, which made our business difficult." Another older young man was busy agreeing.

He is also a master of channeling, but he is already twenty-six years old, and his aptitude is a lot worse than that of a young girl.

But he also has an advantage - he's male.

"Okay, Xiong San, Hu Niu P doesn't understand, don't you understand? In order to find a daughter-in-law, why are you so lowly?" A woman in purple next to him laughed.

The woman was in her thirties, with a charming and charming appearance, and she was more than a step ahead of the tiger girl who had not yet grown.

Xiong San glanced greedily, and hurriedly pretended to be a gentleman: "Mrs. Liu, Miss Tiger didn't say anything wrong, what are these pariahs doing here? They can't eat, it's all their fault that they don't work hard, and What's our relationship?"

Several old men nodded slightly.

Mrs. Liu snorted coldly, but said nothing.

After all, she didn't want to offend so many decent gentlemen who pretended to be deaf and dumb for the sake of unrelated people outside the city.

At this time, a middle-aged man in his forties said, "Okay, third child, please don't talk nonsense. Let's first listen to what Mr. Hu arranges?"

"It's easy to talk, Brother Xiong is polite. The old man is only a few years older, and there is no arrangement. It's all discussed with everyone. In short, we can't let these untouchables stay any longer." An old man in his sixties said solemnly. .

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"Yeah, they're almost done harming outside the city. It's time to drive them away."

"Well, the good land outside the city should be lost now... It's time for us to take action." Someone was more straightforward.

"Boss Pig, can you be more subtle?"

"What's the subtlety, there are no outsiders here."

"have kids."

"Oh, I'm sorry, the old pig is wrong. I mean, we should go down earlier to save the sages in Shiliba Village. After all, they usually don't show less filial piety to us."

"Yeah, yeah, it's not clear that these untouchables are causing harm to the village. I heard that the surrounding villagers have been eaten up by them."

"My in-laws from the countryside just ran into the city yesterday, saying that their house and land were gone, and the thieves gave them points! Even Xinna's seven-bedroom concubine was given points!"

"No reason!"

Dozens of masters are chatting like a wet market aunt.

There is no trace of the demeanor of an expert at all, and the three words in his mouth are inseparable from money, land, and women.

"Everyone be quiet," the old man said, "Since everyone thinks they can't stay any longer, then we will take action, four city gates, attack together tonight, each with his own disciples, according to the current station. Choose a city gate in the direction and go out. The old man's Tiger Gate will be swept away by everyone, and if it can't support it, he will send fireworks and ask for help."

"Anyway, the old man only said six words at the end:"

"More kills, big kills, special kills!"

"Do your best to get rid of thieves!"

"It's ten words, grandpa." Tiger girl muttered.

"Okay, you follow me, stay by my side, and rescue friends everywhere at any time." Elder Hu ordered.

Miss Hu said dissatisfiedly: "I also want to kill those pariahs!"

"This kind of dirty work will be done by the next generation. The tiger girl sits in the city and waits for the news." Xiong San quickly complimented.

"Dirty thing? Killing thieves to save the people, isn't it a chivalrous act?"

"Oh, it was my slip of the tongue."

Everyone laughed and looked down at the city at the same time.

In their eyes, the night will be the end of the city's ants.


At the same time, in Shi Baizhang's tent.

Now he has an old camp of 3,000 They are all elite daring warriors, all of whom have one to three levels of body quenching.

This is amazing.

The 100,000-strong army, of course, is known, but most of them are young and strong, qualified cannon fodder, able to run.

In fact, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled were the first to be eliminated from this refugee army.

Even Shi Baizhang's own mother and father couldn't make it, let alone others.

He had a feeling that tonight, those masters in the city should be dispatched.

This is the experience of marching to fight and losing many battles.

It can also be said to be intuitive.

In fact, there is nothing mysterious. Although he can't see how strong the enemy is, he can feel it, and he can see that the group of refugees under him have been besieging the city for many days, and their morale has reached a point of exhaustion.

He believes that the opponent can also see it, and the opponent will not miss this opportunity.

All he has to do now is one thing: run away.

Escape with the old camp, leaving 70,000 to 80,000 people to kill for those masters.

When they were tired of killing, they turned around and killed a few careless ones.

He knew that it was impossible to capture Tonghui City, so why did he gather so many people here?

Brushing the reputation, brushing the face, punching the card...

It is to announce to the world's major factions: In this world, among the characters who are fighting for the world, there is a character named Shi Baizhang.

Never underestimate the importance of reputation in troubled times.

With a reputation, even if there are only a dozen people left, as soon as they come out to say hello, thousands of people will immediately come to vote, go to a certain Dazhai, and they can sit first in the moment, and then they will stage a good show of anti-customer-oriented.

Without fame, there is no such benefit. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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