Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1596: prohibit

Sun Changcun's reaction was fast enough, and his soldiers were brave enough.

With one rush to kill, the Chinese soldiers rescued the forward who was entangled with the civilian army.

It's just that the civilian army in the distance started to go crazy. They changed from standing still at first to taking the initiative to charge the official army.

Looking at the faces that were not afraid of death, the officers and soldiers began to panic.

They are human, how can they be the opponents of evil things?

Finally, someone started not to follow orders and took the time to retreat on their own.

Even if the supervising team on horseback stepped forward to slash and kill, it would not work.

Because the supervising team is still human, but those civilian troops are lunatics, monsters!

Sun Changcun found out that he had made a mistake, he should not have sent the Chinese army.

Now he is equivalent to putting both the forward and the central army into it.

The two are hard to disengage.

Now Mingjin withdraws his troops, and the soldiers are in a panic, turning around and fleeing, only to collide and trample each other.

Even if the lower-level officers commanded properly and retreated in an orderly turn, that would not work.

Under normal circumstances, the defender will burst out in a wave, knocking the enemy back, and then taking the opportunity to withdraw.

Then the next wave of men acted as defenders, bursting out again, and so on, to deter the enemy and disengage.

Not now, because the enemy is a lunatic.

They would haunt the soldiers at the rear and would not be deterred.

"Mingjin withdraws troops, we can only see how many people they can bring out." Sun Changcun sighed, and then ordered the rear army to move to the front team and prepare to retreat.

In this kind of scuffle, any detailed orders cannot be carried out, and only the quality of the lower-level officers on the front line can be relied on.

He only hoped that after half a year of training, the leader, the general... could bring some more helpers out.

A rout happened.

"we won!"


"The official army is defeated!"

Among the civilian army, although there is no military quality, it can be seen who enters and who returns.

Standing in the phalanx at a higher place behind, seeing the official army retreat, he immediately cheered.

After half an hour.

The two sides broke out of full contact.

Thousands of civilians were killed and hundreds of civilians were killed and wounded.

Most of the 2,000 people trapped on the front line broke through with their well-trained and well-equipped armor.

They have good physique and adequate nutrition. The civilian army is full of morale, but not full of physical strength and has no weapons.

Only the officers and soldiers who were completely surrounded were killed by them, and the others still ran out.

The militiamen started cheering, and then they found themselves able to move, no longer a puppet.

And those who fought were exhausted.

The crowd began to sweep the battlefield.

One by one, they began to scramble for the armor, knives and guns of the dead officers and soldiers, which are all treasures.

No one cares about the wounded and dead, except for their loved ones who are looking for them.


At the same time, one person and one dog watching the battle in Xiawang are talking.

"They actually won, Lao Guo, you are amazing." Zhao Han shouted "Wang Wang" to express his surprise.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand, all I know is that it's too early to say they won." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Really? Officers and soldiers dare to come again?" Zhao Han said in disbelief.

"Of course I dare to come." Wen Rensheng nodded.

Before he finished speaking, the officers and soldiers in the distance approached again.

But this time, it was not a large group, only three hundred people.

They wear light or no armor, carry bows and arrows, and carry five quivers.

They trotted quickly, approaching the rebels who were robbing their armor.

The rebels hurried again.

Only this time, there is no inexplicable force driving them together.

Arrows rained down, and wolves ran wild.

A mess.

The people in the front want to dodge the arrows, and the people in the back want to see the situation.


Now that they have brains, they are far worse than when they had no brains just now.

The rout happened easily.

They don't know how to form a team, don't know how to arrange an army formation, and they won't madly die with the enemy.

They only know one thing: run!

run wildly.

Even wives, children and children give up and run!

At this time, the officers and soldiers in the distance came together from three sides, but they walked cautiously, and the leading officer kept an eye on the movements of those people.

"How could this happen? Why do the officers and soldiers dare to come again?" Zhao Han said incredulously.

"They can also see Xiawang." Wen Rensheng replied.

"But aren't they worried about those people going crazy again?" Zhao Han asked.

"Of course I'm worried. The leading general should be gambling. Maybe he has seen a similar situation before, and he has some confidence in his heart, so he dares to gamble." Wen Rensheng explained.

"It turned out to be so." Zhao Han was stunned.

Of course she knew about war, and she never said that she was 100% sure.

"However, this Sun Changcun does seem to be loyal to the Dayan Dynasty. If he has any selfish thoughts, he will not gamble, but let others try it." Wen Rensheng continued.

Zhao Han was silent, and then said again: "Old Guo, can you save them?"

Master Zhao has a good heart and cannot see such a **** killing scene.

Wen Rensheng has long realized that Zhao Han is not suitable to be the will of this planet.

Although she is very motivated.

It's just the family, no one wants to be except Xiao Huan.

Only to catch the duck on the shelves.

As for choosing a candidate from outside, Wen Rensheng knew very well how volatile people are.

No matter how good it was before, it will change later.

Wen Rensheng then said: "Since you are soft-hearted, disconnect from the Internet and just ignore it."

"Isn't there a way to do both?" Zhao Han blinked his two watery dog ​​eyes, raised his head and begged there.

Uh, after this turned into a dog, there is a place where it has grown a lot.

The skin is much thicker than before.

But since it has asked for it like this, as a teacher, it can't help but respond.

Wen Rensheng thought about it for a while, and then through Xiawang, he gave an order to the infected mental imprints in the minds of the officers and soldiers Ban! "

An inexplicable voice emerged from the body, and the officers and soldiers of the three sides of the Rebel Army stopped subconsciously.

"Don't stop, keep attacking!" The officers reacted immediately and scolded immediately.

But the soldiers panicked.

They had just escaped, and they were able to come back to fight at this time. It was entirely due to the instigation of Master Sun, and the strictness of the military law.

Now that this happened again, and it happened to them, how could they not panic?

Most people looked around, and only a few were still advancing.

In this case, most of the rebels fled.

Only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, hard to move, just to die.

In fact, in this chaotic world, once they encounter bandits, they will not be able to live for long.

"Old Guo, you still have this skill. You actually opened a back door for yourself. It's so unfair. Hurry up and teach me."

"What do you want?"

"I've learned, I'm going to fight by myself! They make me so angry!" Zhao Han said angrily.

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Watching people play football, I always feel that I am a football king. After I came off the court, I realized that even the service staff watching the water dispenser was inferior.

However, Zhao Han is a dog now, so he opened the dog's mouth and bit his trousers without letting up.

A posture of not letting you go if you don't promise me.

"Well, I can teach you, but you have to know that cheating can only make a profit for a while. If you really want to change this era, you have to work hard."

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

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