Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1601: make a fortune

The Zhuang Dings had a strong will to defend the city, but once the Zhuang wall was broken and thieves entered the house, their other thoughts immediately prevailed.

Without anyone shouting or ignoring the shouts of the nurses, everyone ran to their house immediately!

You go to guard the wall, there is no one in your house, the thief comes in, what should you do if your wife and children are harmed?

No one cares if you live or die!

They are not soldiers after all.

In history, many rebels who brought their families and their families were defeated in this way.

The most unfortunate thing is, of course, Zheng Chenggong, who may have been thinking about even fighting and moving together, but he even took the soldiers' families on a boat.

The battle situation was already excellent, but as soon as the family members were attacked, the military was in chaos.

Anyone who is as strong as Zheng Chenggong will be defeated by this tactic, let alone this rural Zhuangzi?

Zhuang Ding ran home one after another.

The whole widow promptly sent people to occupy the gate of the village, as well as the high points of the wall.

With Zhao Han's reminder, she did not rush to send someone to attack the village.

Because that will only cause chaos, and even make Huang Guanjia and others in a hurry, set fire to the granary and escape.

She just occupies the top of the wall, forming an anti-encirclement situation.

The Zhuang Dings were both scared and fortunate that the thieves did not take advantage of the darkness to loot, but held up torches and shouted through bamboo trumpets:

"Only kill the first evil, don't ask the coercion!"

"Hand over Huang Youde and the grain depot, we will not harm the people!"

"Keep yourselves at home, don't come out to find trouble!"

Needless to say, the Zhuang Dings will only guard their small homes.

In fact, this is only psychological comfort, each guarding his own family, it is impossible to guard.

Butler Huang was so angry that he hurriedly sent someone to find the Songshan faction.

These uncles have long since jumped off the wall in the dark!

They eat well and train well, and they have no night blindness, and ordinary people can't catch up with them.

In fact, if they dared to counterattack, taking advantage of the dark night, they could cause a lot of damage to the entire family camp in the morning.

Again, they practiced martial arts hard for more than 20 years, and they wanted to be crushed and harmless, not to play one-for-ten with thousands of refugees.

What if the opponent is about to leave the army and use sorcery on the wall?

So it's safest to run.

Butler Huang knew it was over. He was raided in the middle of the night, broke the wall, and wanted to counterattack. Warriors who didn't take the lead simply couldn't do it.

He had no choice but to get some dry food, and under the protection of two well-fed nursing homes, he hurriedly searched for a section of the wall to escape.

It's just that someone has been staring at his movements for a long time.

This man is not a lame old man, nor a hunter, because they are all responding to the rebels.

It was Zhao Han who was staring at him.

Her anger towards this **** was stronger than anyone else's.


It was chaotic late at night, and it was impossible for the whole family camp to defend every wall, and in the end, Butler Huang was allowed to escape.

They fled from the early morning to the dawn, after walking more than 30 miles, they could finally catch their breath.

Butler Huang is only glad that he relies on his two legs to collect rent on weekdays. If it is replaced by Mr. Huang, he will definitely not be able to escape.

"Master Steward, are we going to the city?" the nurse said.

"Well, into the city." Butler Huang turned to look east.

The direction they escaped from was to the west, because he knew that the rebels were especially prepared for the direction of the county seat, so he did not choose the main road to the city.

You can now detour.

He rested for a while and ate some dry food in his arms.

They took a detour to the east.

Walking, walking, and suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves in front.

"Butler Huang, you're walking so slowly." Widow Quan sat on the horse, waving the whip condescendingly.

"Hey man, spare your life! I'm just a housekeeper, those things are all ordered by the master." Butler Huang fell to his knees with a "thump".

The two nursing homes are still going to fight hard, so let's kneel together.

"Hmph, **** away!" Widow Quan waved her hand.

Soon several spies on mules came up and **** the three.

Butler Huang gave birth to a glimmer of hope and did not kill him on the spot.

"I still have 6,000 taels of silver in the Datong ticket number in the county town. As long as you let me go, I will immediately write a letter and ask the person in the city to pick it up and hand it over to the hero, no, general." Butler Huang shouted.

"Oh, if I let you go, what will you do if you go back?" Widow Quan said as she walked.

How could you let this dog thing go?

This is the guy that Lady Xuannv had designated to be publicly sentenced in front of Zhuang Min and the Rebel Army.

In other words, this is to make her a magistrate master.

In ancient times, there were good wives, Hua Mulan, Wu Zetian, and today it's her turn.

"Don't worry, we won't go back, let's pay with one hand, and pay with the other hand." Butler Huang is very confident.

Six thousand taels of silver is definitely a large amount, even for the magistrate.

I heard that these rebels attacked the Songshan faction just because 300 shi of grain was taken away.

Now the price of rice is between 22 and 40 taels, and 6,000 taels can buy 2,000 stone of rice!

So he completely believed that the other party would be tempted.

Of course the whole widow was tempted.

This is 2,000 stone of good rice, and their whole family usually lives on grains mixed with bark and grass roots.

Even as a leader, she usually eats more gruel.

Only the young and strong who attack Zhuangzi can eat the pancakes.

However, when the steward Huang came to Huangjiazhuang, the oncoming gentleman said with a happy face: "Master, let's copy out 30,000 stone grains of rice! Six hundred pigs, thousands of chickens, ducks and geese..."

"Thirty thousand? That's impossible, right? There are so many for a country landlord?" Quan Widow couldn't believe it.

They opened tens of thousands of mouths and beat them to death for three hundred shi, but here, a Zhuangzi hoarded 30,000 shi!

"That's all prepared by the master for a few familiar sects. People who practice martial arts can eat ten kilograms of rice and three kilograms of meat a day, and need to refine their blood..." Butler Huang still knows a thing or two.

Only then did all the widows understand why their peers like to fight big households.

Really fat!

Get rich!

This will save them a lot of time for business and development.

But if there are too many fights, it will definitely usher in the repression of the government.

Just like that General Shi Tian, ​​who was chased and beaten by Supervisor Sun every day.

The bet that is often opened in Xiawang is when Shi Tian will be caught by Superintendent Sun.

However, General Shi Tian is now fighting more and more powerfully, and even the idle county town cannot resist his soldiers.

The opponent has 7,000 elites, and they threaten tens of thousands of people at every turn. In general, the county can gather thousands of young men at most.

"Okay, take this guy back and announce the crime in front of the people!"


On the drying field of Huangjiazhuang.

Butler Huang and a few doglegs who do evil on weekdays were **** with five flowers.

The lame old man was crying frantically: "You thief, you have today too!"

"Return my son's life! Return my daughter-in-law's life! Return my grandson's life!"

No need for the old man to say what happened, everyone in Huangjiazhuang knew it.

"That's all Master Huang's orders, it has nothing to do with me." Butler Huang pushed hard.

Most of the Zhuang households were hiding at home, and only a few of the inner courtiers and the daring idle strays in the Zhuang Li came out to see what happened to Butler Huang.

"You are talking nonsense, the surnamed Huang is not that stupid! He personally said that the rent owed by the villagers can be postponed for a few years and then wait until the years are better!" Orion suddenly stood up and spoke.

"The surnamed Huang is not kind, but he is smarter than you. He knows that there are rebellions all over the world, and he doesn't want to disperse Zhuangzi's heart! He also doesn't lack a few taels of silver."

"It's all you, the housekeeper, who deceives and deceives, and wants to put the rent in your pocket!"

Everyone suddenly realized that they hated this housekeeper Huang more and more.

"No, no, you have all been deceived by the master. The master sings a red face, and I sing a white face." Butler Huang called Qu Road.

"You want to deny it, but you fancy that the big elm tree of the old Sun family wants to make a coffin and force the four members of the old Sun family to die. You can't also say that it is Mr. Huang's fancy, right? The coffin that Mr. Huang uses is nanmu. !" The hunter yelled angrily.

Butler Huang was speechless.

He has done too many evil Many of them are not known to the master, because the master lives in the city, and since the thieves started to cause trouble, the master has not gone to the countryside.

"I want to eat his meat!" The lame old man just now took a bite.

Several other households responded, no longer talking nonsense, and also rushed up.

Zhao Han couldn't imagine that people's anger could reach this level.

Tooth digging...

Just half a moment later, Butler Huang was divided.

Even the Rebels, who were accustomed to tragic situations, were frightened.

Isn't this script by Xiaohuanong too cruel?

She doesn't know yet that the script is already out of Xiao Huan's control.

Xiao Huan just started, and the subsequent evolution has completely deviated from the script setting.

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