Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1606: watermelon

Wen Rensheng was unparalleled in wisdom, and of course he knew that it would be very difficult to copy Wang Mang.

First of all, you have to copy a family of high-ranking officials.

Wang Mang's family has an empress dowager in the harem, and several high-ranking officials who held real power in the previous dynasty, which allowed him to rely on his great reputation and make peace.

When the officials are convinced, the army does not rebel.

Later rebellion, but also because his set can not solve the problems of the Western Han Dynasty.

Therefore, Wen Rensheng would only take the name of Wang Mang, but not the truth.

Just start with this holy religion under your feet.

The structure of the Holy Church is simple, consisting of eighteen halls, and the "Quan" clan has succeeded as the leader from generation to generation.

The contemporary leader is Quan Tianyi, who directly leads the ninth hall, which belongs to his pro-military and direct jurisdiction.

The tenth hall is controlled by his niece Quan Shayun, who is also a saint.

This is more than a tenth of the power of the entire Holy Religion.

Equivalent to a major shareholder in a shareholding system.

They have the hidden power of the gods and blood, accumulated from generation to generation, and there are congenital masters from generation to generation, which can suppress the holy religion.

With both supreme military power and the support of the middle and lower levels directly under the two halls, as long as you are not brain-dead, ruling the entire Holy Religion is naturally not difficult.

However, this Sacred Sect leader is just a brain-crazy... and a brain-crazy with extremely high martial arts.

His favorite thing to do every day is to sneak into other people's sleeping places in the middle of the night, knocking people's skulls like a watermelon, muttering "Is it cooked?"

Don't think that he is just scary like the one in the joke, since he took office, he has killed more than a dozen masters in the teaching - the method of death is a scoop.

Go down with a claw and directly lift the Tianling cover.

Then he yelled: "Bai-shen, I'm not familiar!"

On the other hand, he said something different once: "Red-fleshed, this is finally familiar! Haha, I have finally mastered the skill of knocking the skin and making a judgment!"

It turned out that it was an old man who was frightened by him to have a brain hemorrhage.

Without the support and suppression of the Holy Maiden, he would have been overthrown long ago.

Even so, the Holy Religion is panicking.

Otherwise, it would not have happened that the Dharma Protector Right Envoy of the dignified Twelve Halls was openly surrounded by righteous people.

Wen Rensheng has already set up a plan, selected a target, and started to execute it immediately.

He walked out of the Twelfth Hall slowly, and then walked towards the Ninth Hall.

Seeing this, Zihuagou, who was basking in the sun, was a little curious and quietly followed.

What is the teacher going to do?

Did you come up with something special again?

Zhao Han thought about it this way, put down his business and decided to peep one or two.

Anyway, she is a dog now, and no one can blame her for doing these things.


In the nine halls, a middle-aged man with messy hair was jumping up and down in the main hall.

And in the hall, there are groups of fearful disciples kneeling.

I saw middle-aged men on their heads, beating seriously, listening intently.

"This is not familiar."

"Neither this one."

Anyone who heard that his head was unfamiliar, heaved a sigh of relief and wiped his cold sweat.

And for those who haven't had their turn yet, their hearts are in their throats.

They are like a group of elementary school students being checked by the new irritable math teacher, and they haven't done it themselves.

"Hey, this is a bit of a problem, it seems familiar, but it doesn't seem familiar?" The middle-aged man suddenly stopped in front of a young man.

He put his ear carefully close to the other's head and knocked on the other's forehead again.

The young man was sweating profusely, so nervous that his whole body was shaking.

The voice sounded crisply on the forehead.

Sometimes long, sometimes short.

Three long and one short, listen to the shortest.

Three short and one long, listen the longest.

"I think it should be familiar, what do you think?" He turned to look at the congregation.

"Everything is judged by the sect master!" Everyone said in unison.

"No, no, when I went down the mountain last time, I met an old master. He said that the monarch should govern without saying a word, and leave everything to the cabinet. And doing things is easy to make mistakes, so the king should not do things, just change people. So you have to give me ideas..."

The middle-aged man spoke very seriously.

If Wen Rensheng hadn't been outside the hall and could clearly see what he was doing, he would have thought that he was engaging in the fashionable system of virtual monarchs on the Internet.

This is a saying that is popular in Shilin in the southeast of Dayan.

It is said that it was created by a certain Confucian surnamed Liu.

Understand that there are still a lot of people.

There is also real history.

It's a pity that no one dared to mention this statement once the Tartars came...

On the contrary, everyone shouted Shengming.

Zhao Han looked at it, but felt that what the middle-aged man said was quite right.

Can't make up your own mind, can't you brainstorm ideas?

She still hasn't figured out what's going on.

At this time, an elderly congregation summoned up the courage and said, "Sect Master, I think it should be unfamiliar, so you don't need to open it to see."

Because the young man was his only nephew, and he had no children, he dared to speak at the risk of death.

"Oh, Chen Zuo envoy, what basis do you have for saying that he is not familiar with him?" The middle-aged man turned to look at the old congregation.

"This, the sound is clear and not turbid, which means that the pulp inside is condensed into a ball and has not spread out. This is one of the characteristics of unfamiliarity. In addition..." The elderly congregation unexpectedly said one or two.

It can be seen that being persecuted by this sect leader is not a day or two, and he has become an expert in knocking watermelons.

The middle-aged man nodded while listening.

"Yes, yes, everyone should learn from Liu Zuo envoy." The middle-aged man praised.

"Then, this melon doesn't need to be opened, right? Sect Master." Chen Zuo Shi didn't care that the other party called his name wrong, he just asked.

"Well, I recently read the words of the sage, and practiced the truth. Your theory is excellent, but whether it's right or not, you still have to open it up." After speaking, the middle-aged man bent his fingers into claws and grabbed the young man's head. .

"Wang!" Zhao Han exclaimed.

She still looked confused, why did she suddenly want to kill?

The middle-aged man just slowed down for a moment, just a dog, and continued to dig down.


A voice appeared.

Everyone suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally someone came to stop the leader.

Then they all looked up to the outside of the hall.

They were then disappointed.

Because the visitor turned out to be an unknown person, but there was a very famous dog by his side-because the Holy Maiden often brought it with him, going in and out everywhere, and eating and drinking a lot.

They didn't doubt how the two got in, because even the concierge was concentrated in the hall.

The Nine Halls have no protection at all.

"Who are you?" The middle-aged man turned to look at Wen Rensheng.

"I'm your teacher." Wen Rensheng smiled.

"My teacher? My teacher?" The middle-aged man was confused and beat his head hard.

"Who is my teacher? Why don't I remember."

" Yes, he is your teacher. This Mr. Guo is your teacher." Chen Zuoshi quickly said to the side.

Otherwise, his nephew would be dead.

He often walks outside, and has already recognized Wen Rensheng, who is a new recruit from the Twelve Hall, and his kung fu is not bad.

"Yes, Mr. Guo is your long-lost teacher..." Someone followed.

If it wasn't for Wen Rensheng being too young, they would all say, this is your father.

Now everyone desperately needs a normal person who can control the leader...

The holy religion has become a demon religion, and most of those bad reputations are created by this leader.

No matter how many good deeds they have done, as long as the other party says a word: "You have a leader who loves to eat people's brains", they will be speechless.


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