Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1614: rebel

At the same time, the earth, the fragmented world of Blood Island, and East Water City are located.

Tianxing Club Building.

A group of employees are taking a break from their busy schedule and gathering together to chat.

"The minister is not here recently?"

"I heard that you are recuperating at home."

"Uh, it's a pity. The deputy minister is even more strict when he comes. If you want to rest, you have to drill into the world of Go."

Several employees sighed.

Just as he was talking, suddenly a gust of wind blew through the window.

Several people shivered and looked at each other.

"Why is it so cold?"

"Is it a new supervision measure, go to work quickly."

"may be."

After talking, they returned to their workstations and got busy.

Anecdotes and strange things, rare treasures...analyzed, sorted out, researched and dealt with.

A white shadow walked past them without anyone noticing.

If you walk the road you have walked, is this a reunion?

Bai Ying thought in his heart.

She ended up in an office.

There are people cleaning here every day, but the computer has not been turned on for a long time.

On the sticky note, one weird incident after another was written.

Some have an X on them, and some have circles.

Sit down in position.

If sitting in the same seat, does that count as a hug?


In the script of Dayan.

Wen Rensheng, who was writing a book of "Tian Sheng Wu Jing", suddenly felt a chill down his back and sneezed several times.

"Hey, Lao Guo, haven't you already opened your veins, and the cold and heat don't invade, why are you still sneezing?" At his feet, a purple flower dog that was sleeping soundly was woken up and asked suspiciously.

It's getting worse and worse, it's time to consider cooking.

Wen Rensheng thought to himself, and said casually, "Maybe someone is thinking about me."

"Why didn't I fight? Did no one miss me? Sigh." Zhao Han sighed.

"Go to teach night classes, don't just think about sleeping all day long." Wen Ren raised his brows slightly and stood up.

"Do you still need 996 for being a dog?" Zhao Han got up resentfully, and went to sleep in another place.

She won't go to class.

Let those boys teach themselves.

It's a big night, just to sleep.

As for the fact that he just fell asleep at noon during the day.

Nap during the day.

Wen Rensheng didn't care about it, because he felt a familiar wave just now.

That was a change of the mysterious species.

It's just that the time is very short, and it disappears in an instant.

But even in such a short period of time, he felt an increase.

He is going to retreat.

Back to the retreat room in the temple, he ordered Xiaoquan to guard outside, and he began to retreat.

He was the first one to let the leader of the Demon Cult be the gatekeeper.

This retreat is January.

After coming out, it is innate.

Quan Tianyi was dumbfounded.

"This kung fu is so easy to practice? They used to say that I was a genius, but now it seems that they are all lying to me. Sure enough, there are too many deceptions in this world; you have to open the ladle and have a look." It's getting worse.

"Okay, the efficiency of opening the ladle is too low, I'd better find a pair of wise eyes for myself." Wen Rensheng persuaded.

"Huiyan? What the teacher said is true." The leader Quan suddenly turned his hands into claws, and forcibly dug out his own pair of tricks!

Two bloodstains flowed out from the two fresh black holes, and then stopped.

Wen Rensheng didn't stop him, but just left with a smile.

There was an exclamation from behind.

"It's over, the leader ate his own eyes!"

"What? Doesn't that mean that the leader is blind?"

"What, what should I do? Tell the saint immediately."

Everyone was in a hurry.

Wen Rensheng didn't say anything, these people didn't know:

Only madness can become a demon.

The highest level of Tiansha Blood Hidden Art is to practice by destroying one's own eyes and using one's mind to see the world.

His blind body unintentionally meets the conditions.

That's why it is possible to create the interconnection of heaven and earth, and the unity of all people.

And how could a normal full-surname direct descendant think of self-destructing his eyes and going to the highest level of cultivation?

After all, it is not explicitly mentioned in the exercises, it just says to be happy.


Just as Wen Rensheng walked out, he received a report from a congregation that there was a big disturbance in Wuguan County at the foot of the mountain.

"Oh, let's go then." Wen Rensheng looked at the man with a smile on his lips.

The congregation was a little flustered, and they all said that this blind teacher could read people's hearts.

I don't know if the other party sees through me?

However, it's okay to see through.

What I said is true.

The army did indeed attack.

Although only a few hundred people came.

When Wen Rensheng followed the other party, he had just walked to a certain trail in the mountains.

Suddenly, five people appeared in front, back, left, and right.

They are all the hall masters of the sect, and all of them are innate masters.

Only the saint is missing.

Are we going to fight again?

Wen Rensheng shook his head, this is the stubborn disease of the uprising.

Internal strife is inevitable, after all, it is creating a new path, that is, everyone has an idea.

"You demon master, bewitching the leader, destroying my holy religion, today we will do justice for the heavens!" The Seven Temples sternly said.

"Do you know that your behavior will destroy the foundation of our holy religion!" the master of the fifteenth hall said with grief.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, let's kill together!" The thirteenth hall master couldn't wait, killed the demon master, and then killed the leader, he will be able to take the position!

"Oh, I thought you would start it early, why wait until today?" Wen Rensheng laughed.

"Hmph, isn't it because you bewitched the leader and the leader is with you every day? We didn't do anything because we were afraid of hurting the leader!"

"Then do you think that the leader is not by my side now? Alas, your minds are indeed full of rigid thoughts, and you are already too familiar." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Everyone was shocked and looked around.

"What the teacher said is true! I'm going to open a ladle for you today!" The leader Quan, who had lost both eyes, suddenly appeared from the air.

"How is it possible? You are obviously blind, how can you still follow him?"

Everyone panicked.

"No breaking, no standing, no blindness, I have comprehended the highest level of Tian Tiansha's blood concealment skill!" Quan Jiaozhu said with a face full of enlightenment.

"You bragging! I don't believe it, you lost your eyes, but you still have the previous skills!" The Seventh Palace Master gritted his teeth, moved his body, and struck the air with a palm from a distance.

This is the power of innate masters.

If it is attached to stones and arrows, the lethality will be greatly increased.

It can only be said that these people's brains are still rigid, and if they use the method of sniping, they may be able to make Wen Rensheng move.

"Hmph, let go!" Quanjiao didn't take the initiative to move, just scolded.

That mighty air splitting palm, a symbol of a congenital master, just flew three feet away from him, but it was powerless and dissipated in an instant.

"Impossible, how can you be so strong?" The Seventh Palace Master immediately changed his color.

Others knelt down proficiently: "Master, we are wrong!"

"Hmph, where did you go wrong?"

"We shouldn't have done the wrong thing."

"No." Quan Jiaozhu said with his hands behind his back.

"We shouldn't rebel."

"Not right."

"Oh, it's because we have blind eyes and wronged the sages, so we dug them up!" After saying that, several palace masters were about to start.

The Seventh Palace Master was very angry. These guys were still intimidated by the leader.

Why can't you work hard like him?

"Wait a Wen Rensheng stopped everyone.

He didn't want to spread a rumor that he was blind and wanted to make everyone a fool.

"You are not blind, but too familiar."

"Too familiar?" The hall masters suddenly realized.

Then someone picked up a stone and threw it on his head.

"Uh, I'm not familiar now, I'm just a naughty boy." Someone said.

"Me too." The others followed suit.

"The idea is right, but the way of doing it is wrong." Wen Rensheng shook his head, then swayed his body, and slapped five people at the same time.

The five people's eyes turned white at first, and then appeared ignorant.

They lost their memory.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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