Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1624: Sweep the world

After returning, Wen Rensheng called everyone together and announced: "To prepare for the war, the troops will be divided into three routes, all the way to the south, all the way to the west, all the way to the north."

He has seen his opponent's cards clearly.

There is no need, nor can it be delayed any longer.

As for the previous agreement with the court not to interfere with each other for three years, can it be called a lie about the war?

That's called conspiracy.

Besides, Guo Blind lied, what does it have to do with Wen Rensheng?

He never came to this script and never admitted that it was himself.

"The soldiers are divided into three paths, isn't this a big taboo in the military?" The Fourth Hall Master questioned.

People always seek security when they are old. In his opinion, they should lay down a piece of territory first, instead of dividing their troops when they come up.

"Does the military have our advantages?" Wen Rensheng asked with a smile.

"It's...not really." The Fourth Hall Master shook his head.

"Well, there are 8,000 people on each route. First, establish a three-division structure and bring enough candidates. As for where to hit, we will hit until the candidates are arranged." Wen Rensheng continued.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at it this way, the Saint Master is very clear-headed, and he did not wantonly expand because he defeated the strongest Donghan people.

The current candidates, at best, are enough to cover ten counties and cover five million people.

But how could they possibly guess what Wen Rensheng was thinking?

Three way out.

The first road went east, and the county seat was located 60 miles away. As soon as the army arrived, the county magistrate opened the city and surrendered.

"Criminal Wu Zi'ang, welcome the Heavenly Army."

"The sinner welcomes the late arrival, and I hope that I will be forgiven."

The general leading the army, a little curious, asked: "It's very good that you are so wise. But why are you so simple?"

The county magistrate hurriedly said with sincerity and fear: "The imperial court has been defeated repeatedly in the face of the Donghan people, and the Heavenly Army has easily won the two battles. How can we resist?"

"Very good, very good." The general was overjoyed, and immediately understood why the Holy Master suddenly ordered everyone to go on an expedition.

This is because the surrounding fruits are fully ripe, and if they are not picked, they will rot.

But even so, the general still strictly followed the process of entering the city.

Enter Xiawang, check whether there is an ambush, and investigate the situation of the people.

After everything is done, enter the city, set up three divisions, count the population, and clean up the accumulated defects...

The county magistrate is very cooperative.

It is exactly the style of welcoming Master Wang.

The same goes for the other two.

It was not until the West Road attacked the third county town that it encountered firm resistance.

However, this resistance is too ridiculous.

A palace master, like Lei Zhenzi on the Conferred God List, flew directly to the top of the city, and the soldiers scattered.

Only the county magistrate resisted with a sword.

"Crazy ministers and thieves, the three hundred years of Dayan's supporters, Chen Mouxiao died today!"

With a swaying sword, the temple master stood three feet away, watching him play tricks.

After a while, the county magistrate was out of breath and asked with his sword: "Why are you rebelling? The people rebelled because they couldn't survive. This county can understand it, but you, everyone, eat well and live well, and no one dares to. Bullying you, how can you fight back?"

The hall master thought, you ask me, who should I ask?

I don't even want to oppose it, isn't this all forced?

However, there is still a standard answer.

"You ask them to go..." The hall master pointed to the idlers who were watching the excitement in the distance of the city wall.

Of course, more people are watching the excitement on the Internet.

"We invited the Tianjun! They pay 80 liters a day. We can't find work here, and we will be deducted if we find it!" An idle man said boldly.

"I can't live anymore! All day long, I can only be a beggar, and I will be bullied by your officials. I never care about our life or death, but I only know how to urge taxes and rent!"

"How good is it in Wuguan County? I think about everything. People who don't have a job should organize themselves and go to the construction site to fight their lives. They will give money every day, and never deduct it!"

"You, you, Lei Ting Yulu, are all gentlemen. If you don't work hard, how can you blame the imperial court? The imperial court is now in a troubled season. To suppress rebellions everywhere, you have to suffer for the people. Why don't you understand the imperial court?" Chen Xian Make a bitter mouth.

"Be considerate of the court, who will be considerate of us? We don't know how the court will be tomorrow, we won't be able to survive tomorrow!"

To be honest, compared to the north and northwest, south and southwest, there is a generation of Yan, and it will not starve to death.

But that is due to the warm climate and sufficient rain, which can be supplemented by wild vegetable shoots in the wild.

It wasn't a good day.

The county magistrate Chen is still persuading: "If you persist, you will naturally relax and rest with the people when the court calms down."

"Hahaha, use this to fool us? How can you reduce the distribution? You have more than 30 yamen servants in your yamen, more than 200 white bodies, as well as the office of the book, the master... a lot of people, they have to eat, they have to Guan Yu, where did the money come from, and isn't it from us?" The idle man said again.

"You invited the rebels, shouldn't these people be invited?"

"You can't use so many people. People entrust the money and grain to the bank to collect them. They never collect more, and the number of people is small. There are only a few dozen people in the three divisions."

"You have been deceived. There are less now, and more in the future!" The county magistrate said fiercely.

"At least you can live well now, who has the heart to care about the future!"

The county magistrate had nothing to say.

Of course, he knew that over the years, the government had been chasing after him more and more, and he directly asked the magistrates for questioning. He heard that some magistrates in poor counties were forced to hang themselves because of their inability to collect taxes.

In poor counties, the landlords really have no surplus food.

The magistrate is still like this, not to mention the common people?

"Take it away!" The hall master waved.

"Well, Magistrate Chen was fairly fair in the past, and on weekdays, he tried his best to let big households pay, adults, I hope to spare his life." Someone said boldly.

"You see, justice is in the heart, you have done good deeds, and naturally someone will remember you." The hall master pointed at the person and said to the county magistrate.

Magistrate Chen was ashamed, but his desire to seek death had faded.

After all, he really wanted to die, so he hanged himself directly, or jumped off the city wall, instead of waving his sword and waiting for someone to kill him.

This is just a small interlude.

The three-way army, within half a month, won the land of eight counties, exhausted its manpower, and then stopped.

There were few casualties, and only a few were killed and injured after entering the city.

Street fighting is inevitable.

There is always someone loyal to the Great Yan Dynasty.


"Old Guo, aren't you in a hurry? Why are you attacking in three ways now? I know that you are still willing to listen to my reasonable opinion." Zhao Han was lying on the ground and said proudly.

"What do I listen to you, I just move because of the times." Wen Rensheng sighed.

He can't imagine now, after returning to his original life, how will Zhao Han face this history of freeing himself?

Well, yes, I must learn from I don’t admit it, I don’t recall it, and I don’t mention it.

Sure enough, if there is a teacher, there must be an apprentice.

"It's because of the time, is the time now?"

"The time has come."

"Why can't I see it?"

"You can use the time you spend gnawing on the bones to observe the general trend of the world, and you can see it."

"Cut, I'm eating bones while watching the general trend of the world. It's still a few years away from complete chaos, right?"

"Then you should know that an evil force has entered the game."

"I know, those civilian armies are often crazy, and they often beat the official army they are recovering."

"Well, that evil force is our biggest opponent."

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