Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1626: food

Zero County.

It is located in a dangerous place in the southwest of Dayan.

But if this risk is for ordinary soldiers, in front of martial arts masters, it is only a higher hillside.

Kaesong is still unharmed.

And in its corresponding Xiawang, a group of talented scholars who came from Jiangnan are visiting.

Among the literati, there are quite a few people who have traveled thousands of miles, and this group of people is.

"Looking at this day, after the Holy Army opened the city, there would be no slaughter of the city, no rape, no adultery, this is very different from what Li Wencai said. In his words, it must be slaughtered, killing ten rooms and nine empty spaces. Solve the contradiction between man and land." An old man wondered.

"The Holy Army is just a group of people in the demon sect. If you don't read the book of sages, you can't see the truth." Another scholar sighed.

"Hmph, on the contrary, they read too many sages' books. They are all deceived by the benevolence, righteousness and morality that the sages said, thinking that the one who wins the hearts and minds of the people wins the world, but they don't even know how to solve the most difficult thing in this world. It is precisely the opposite of benevolence, righteousness and morality: kill kill kill kill kill!" Another scholar gritted his teeth.

His tone was full of anger that he had been deceived.

He thought that he could help the king and rejuvenate the Great Yan by learning the Book of Sages, the Four Books, the Five Classics, the Book of Songs, the Spring and Autumn Annals, and the Book of Documents, and if he cultivated virtue, benevolence, righteousness and love for the people, he would be able to help the king and rejuvenate the Great Flame... In fact, it was all fake, all Incorrect!

What can really solve the problem is the knife in the hands of the barbarian he most despises!

After killing people, the land is freed up, hey, all these problems are gone!

This world is at peace again, and it has been a century of prosperity again!

"Everything in the past and present is killing people."

"Killing one is a crime, killing all is a virtue!"

"Kill 10,000 in 10,000, and here comes the Taiping Year!"

The scholar groaned sadly and indignantly.

"This, this, Brother Liu, you're crazy, don't die, dare to say this?" Another scholar hurriedly grabbed his hand.

"What are you afraid of, this is Xiawang, I'm wearing a mask."

"You wear a mask, but beware of the villains around you."


The grief-stricken Liu Xiucai immediately persuaded, fully showing the demeanor of a keyboard knight, and walked to the side in a sullen manner, pretending to be looking at groceries, as if the poet was not him.

The group continued to walk in the city.

They quickly saw the difference.

Several old women who looked like matchmakers were walking from house to house with baskets in hand.

"What's in your basket?" Liu Xiucai asked.

The old woman didn't answer as if she didn't see them.

"Hey, Brother Liu, why are you still unfamiliar with this Divine Net? These old people seem to be working in reality. They are not idlers who have dreamed of the Divine Net. Of course, it is impossible to answer you." Someone laughed.

"No, no, there is also a way, that is, the masters who are proficient in the divine net can pass the words into their ears in reality through the divine net, and they will be able to answer." Another humane said.

"So that's the case, it's my little brother who is ignorant." Liu Xiucai sneered, not at all cynical.

At this time, an idle man came over: "Hey, gentlemen, do you want to know what's in this place?"

"Think, this brother, you know?" Liu Xiucai hurriedly asked.

Ordinary idlers don't dare to rashly provoke a team of talented people. This person is definitely not ordinary.

"It's easy to want to know, but you have to answer my five questions. Of course, it must be within the scope of your knowledge, and it will not embarrass you. If you are embarrassed, you don't have to say it."

"Yes." Liu Xiucai replied directly.

Then the idler asked them five questions, all about the information about their place.

The latest prices, the number of household registrations, whether there are riots, etc...

"Then I'll tell you, there's goat intestines made of nitrate, hehe." The idle man showed a wretched smile.

"So it is." The old man suddenly said.

Others were also thoughtful.

Only Liu Xiucai is still ignorant: "What do you all understand?"

"That's a good thing." Lao Juren sighed, "There's no good explanation, sheep intestines have the same effect as those abortion pills, but it's hard for poor families to get them."

"But the more children, the more blessings, the more labor and the more labor, how could they take the initiative to avoid the fetus?" Liu Xiucai said puzzled.

"You are wrong. The poor also know that there are too many children to support, and many of them will drown when they are born. Since they know they will drown, why should they be born? It's not because of ignorance and greed, but I don't know how to avoid it. Tire?" Lao Juren shook his head.

"So that's the case. It seems that there are capable people in the Holy Army today. As expected, they are merciful. If they can't afford it, they don't have to. Do what you can." Liu Xiucai nodded.

"Actually, the imperial court also knew that at the beginning of the country, it encouraged childbirth and widows to remarry; when it was prosperous, it was not mentioned, and advocating for widows to observe festivals was nothing more than reducing the population. Only with the power of the imperial court, how could the people be controlled?" Lao Juren sighed. road.

Everyone nodded.

Wen Rensheng has noticed this strange group of visitors.

After listening to a few words, he couldn't help but applaud slightly.

After all, they are the most shrewd group of people, who can kill from thousands of troops and horses, and have the courage to travel thousands of miles. Naturally, one point makes sense to many social principles.

In fact, the ancients also realized the contradiction between population and land, and tried to reduce population growth. It is indeed an attempt to advocate widows to observe festivals.

But with the executive power of feudal society, it is absolutely impossible to control the population growth.

"Only this thing is probably not enough. What should those landless people do?" Liu Xiucai asked again.

"Go forward and look."

Soon everyone saw a large number of recruitment notices posted on the notice board of the government yamen.

"Relief for work? This is a good idea, but is there so much food?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, the land is fixed, and the food is fixed, and there is simply not enough for everyone to eat. Could they create magic out of nothing?"

"They don't have big households either. How much can they buy just by buying grain? I know that big households rarely sell too much grain in a good year, and they all wait for the money to be sold in a disaster year."

"Yeah, the imperial court has also done a way to close the position, buy at a fair price in good years, and sell at a fair price in years of disaster; it sounds pretty good, right? But they have never done any personnel work. Sold at a high price!"

"Where do they get their food from?"

The crowd suddenly became curious.

These people all understand that the core of the core, the key to the key, lies in food!

There is enough food to solve all problems. If there is a shortage of food, no matter how benevolent, righteous, and wise the Holy Army is, it will eventually collapse.

They soon discovered that the food was transported from several warehouses in the mountains of the Demon Sect.

"Oh, it turns out to be eating the old money, it's not good!"

"Yeah, the ten counties can still be maintained. Dayan has one hundred and fifty counties. How long can they last?"

"In the end, we still have to kill, kill and kill!"

"I If you take refuge early, you can become knives. They use their own savings to feed the knives, and then take these knives to kill the people behind!" Liu Xiucai suddenly said.

"Oh, so it is, shrewd, this is the way of the Tartars. The Tartars' knives are the savages they caught from the deep mountains and old forests, and the targets of their slashing and robbing of food are our Dayan. "

"The world is as black as crows, and all the heroes in the world are fierce." Liu Xiucai let out a long breath.

Wen Rensheng laughed.

These people are really clear.

Indeed, food is the key.

Talents can make do. In the past, although they had many disadvantages, they could always make do. Food was not.

If one tenth of the food is lacking, half of the people will die in the end, because the one-tenth of the people will not starve to death, but will harm more people, and in the end, the order will be chaotic, and everyone will not be able to farm and harvest food. starve to death together.

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